Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 137: 137. Hellish Schedule.

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Five days ago.

Jessie ran as fast as she could straight to her room, she was so angry. Tears fell from her eyes and she fell to sat on the floor her back to the door. 

"Oh yeah? So I shouldn't have bought you that day, probably.  Left you at the mercy of some deranged sicko, who you'd probably be sucking off right now like some whore!" 

Jason's voice, his vulgar statement kept replaying in her head, she slammed her hands against the sides of her head to block out the sound that came from within. It didn't stop until she couldn't take it anymore, she got up and pulled off the covers of the bed and threw them on the floor. 

Walking to the vanity she pushed her hands across it forcefully pushing everything down along with her. She grabbed a scissors from the floor and began ripping the wall papers. 

'That's right, you were this close to actually becoming a worthless slave. How lucky you are!' She thought to herself. 'I was the biggest, okay maybe one of the biggest celebrities in this country and now? I'm... I'm so pitiful!' She cried. 

Why did this have to happen to her? How bitter could a person really be to do this without remorse? Patricia could have killed her, but she didn't. Meaning she hoped she would actually be someone's plaything. Their relationship was bad, no doubt but to actually want to torture her? To hate her so much that even death seemed like a kinder option? 

After she was done with the wall she pulled the carpet as hard as she could but the bed was resting on it, so as she yanked hard she lost her grip and fell hitting her head aganist the night stand she tossed so carelessly in the middle of the room. She passed out in an instant. 

Jessie groaned, she felt heavy and painful. Rubbing her head as she looked around. She was in her room, huh? It seemed like her old room, but it could be Jason's house. She pushed off the covers and ran to the wardrobe, it was hers! Her own room with her own clothes. She even saw the small compartment that she kept clothes that she took as keep sakes from each set. 

"Hey, Jessie what are you still doing like this? You have a shoot in thirty minutes." She heard a voice say from behind her.

"Tony!" She yelled running to her grumpy manager she wrapped her arms around him.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked stiffened at her sudden attitude. 

"Tony I can't believe you here right now, is.. is this real? Are you really here? Do I really have a shoot today?" Jessie asked Tony with tears pooling in her eyes. 

"Ofcourse, did you take your sleeping pills again? You're acting strange." He stated, cupping her face and touching her head to feel if she was hot.

"I'm fine, absolutely. I'll be ready quickly." She sniffled, running into the bathroom. She was out faster than usual, that Tony even had to compliment. 

"Wow Jess, you're very willing today. You normally make a fuss about waking up so early." Lana said as she saw her come out of her house.

"Why would I complain, I love this."Jessie gushed.

Lana gave an awkward look to Jessie then a questioning look to Tony. Tony shook his head and shrugged, he was also confused as to why she was acting this way. 

"You can get a nap if you want, we're early and the studio is still very far." Lana informed her in the van.

"There's no need, I'm fine." Jessie smiled.

"Okay then." Lana replied leaning back into her seat. "I'll take it then."

"Wow! That's great Jessie, now give me something cute and innocent but a little sensual." The photographer said. "That's it, that's it." He praised. They shot for another hour, changing about 12 outfits. 

Tony thought she would definitely be exhausted this time, but Jessie was smiling and bubbly as they drove to the set of her project. 

"Oh my goodness, is that a coffee truck for me?" She smiled. "From my foreign fans, that's so nice! Wow!" 

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"Stand in front let's take a photo of you in front of it." Tony said.

"No let's do something different today, let's make a video." She said. 

"Really? You've been doing that the whole day." Lana frowned. "That's right you've been acting strange through out today. You weren't grumpy, you never complained once about you hellish schedule." She complained. "Are you sure you okay?"

"Why would I complain? I love this job, why would I be grumpy? The stress is the least I could do for everything else that comes as a benefit." She pouted.

"Alright alright, I hope you don't work too hard and end up alone at the end of the day." Lana retorted.

"Hey! Leave her alone, she will always have us." Tony said.

"That's right! Now shoot the video." Jessie said.

"That's a wrap, everyone!" The director yelled. "Good job, good job!" 

"Good job Jessie, see you tomorrow." Her co-star bid her farewell. 

"Good bye Philip." She waved him, yawning as she walked back to her van. "I'm so tired" she groaned.

"Well go rest, you have a 4am appointment." Tony informed her.

"4am?" Lana gasped.

"Yes her fitting for the fashion show." Tony said.

"Fine, fine. I need sleep anyway." Jessie said, getting into the van. Immediately she leaned backwards she fell asleep. 

Jessie heard distant voices, and an annoying banging. What happened to Tony's key? Why was he knocking? Disturbing her sleep! She opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the state of her room. What happened here? 

"Did bulls fight in here?" She groaned. "Why did I sleep on the floor? Ugh! Why does my head hurt so much!" 

She stood up slowly and walked to door, pulling it open she met with the concerned and curious eyes of Butler Choi. Wait a minute? How was she? 

'You've got to be fucking kidding me!'

Preview 138: It's safe to assume you're a fan right?

"Agnes" she called the maid. 

"Yes miss?" 

"You know who I am don't you." Jessie stated bluntly. 

Agnes looked up at her once again and gave her a tight but reassuring smile. "That isn't much off a secret."

"So it safe to assume you're a fan right?"

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