Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 151: 151. Dead On The Inside.

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"Katherine?" Jessie gasped as she walked into her room and saw Katherine laying curled up in her bed.

"Pardon my intrusion, I needed to rest my head somewhere, it just seems too heavy right now" she groaned. 

"Of course, are you okay?" Jessie asked as she shed off her heels and went over to sit beside Katherine on the bed.

Katherine sat up and pulled her hair into a messy bun at the top of her head. The action making Jessie slightly jealous she didn't have long hair anymore. "How can I be? I got slapped, learned I don't know who my real father is, and I'm currently unemployed." She groaned. 

Jessie sniffed. "Are you drunk?" 

"Not drunk enough. That Paul's useless Fiancee ruined my sweet breakdown. The two faced bitch!" She cursed. 

Jessie shook her head, "I don't understand, Paul is engaged? Since when?" 

"Even I don't know that all I know is that bitch walked in showing of a big diamond saying I should stay away from her 'fiance'." Katherine frowned. 

"Wow... some people really don't have any shame. And he was acting so concerned? Why don't his action and words go in line? If he was already engaged to another woman why would act like that?" Jessie harrumphed.

"Right? Why does he always come running when I'm in danger? Why does he treat me so well with that sincere look in his eyes? Who the hell does he think he is to play with my emotions like that?" Katherine agreed. "Everything that happened this night was his fault. Infact everything that happened from day one was his fault, why was he so nice to me when we were kids?" She huffed. "I wouldn't have fallen in love with him then, his mom wouldn't have it out for me and it wouldn't hurt so much right now!"

"Ahhh your definitely drunk." Jessie surmised. 

"I said I'm not!" She yelled.

Jessie, starled by her sudden attitude rose her hands in surrender. "That jerk sobered me up, what did he think he was doing? Scolding me in front that bitch?" She scoffed.

"You need to sleep it off" Jessie shook her head. "I don't understand a single thing you're saying."

"No, I'm not going to sleep, I'm not going to sleep until I'm so drunk that I can't even remember my name!" Katherine said with so much conviction.

"Really? You'll regret that in the morning." Jessie warned.

"Live like there's no tomorrow! That's my new motto, I'm not going to care anymore, it's not as if I have any work to go to tomorrow. So get me a drink!" She yelled smacking the back of Jessie head.

"Ah!" Jessie exclaimed as she rubbed the back of her head. She quickly got off the bed before she would be forced to fight a drunk woman.

"Why are you still standing there? Hey! You punk, don't you know you should respect your elder? I'm..." she slapped her chest. "I'm older than you, especially today! So get me some booze!!" She screamed. 

"Hey! Wow... alright, drink until you pass out. Tomorrow I'll get my revenge." Jessie shook her head in shock. "Tch... and she acts so elegant." She mumbled as she walked out of the room to Ordering the maids to get some more alcohol for her. 


"How was it my fault?!" Paul exclaimed. "I go out of my way, always go against my mother to protect her and yet?" He sighed, gulping down the alcohol in his glass in one shot.

Krystal nodded and sighed, and she thought she was lucky running into him. He just keeps talking about the same woman over and over, who is this Katherine?

"I mean I get that she's hurt but wow, did she have to quit? Isn't that going to far? I mean... I just... it's... ohhh I don't even know what to say anymore!" 

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"Don't you think it's unfair?" He asked her.

"Ofcourse!" She replied cheekily. 

"But come to think about you seem really familiar, have we met before?" He slurred.

Krystal eyed the less than half bottle of whiskey and nodded. He snapped his fingers as he just remembered. "You're the one at Jonathan's house, his secretary right?" He asked. 

Krystal smiled, "you remember me?" She asked.

"Of course, I helped you get the first aid box that time. It was so cute, you reminded me of a younger sister." He said bluntly. 

The sweet and romantic scene Krystal had begun to dream up simply shattered like glass and she frowned deeply. "Younger sister?" She huffed. As if to prove his point, he ruffled her hair and smiled at her sweetly.

Krystal pushed his hand away and glared at him, drunk and disoriented Paul leaned backwards and pouted. "You don't want me to touch your hair? Alright fine, just keep acting like Katherine!" 

"Katherine, Katherine Katherine! Is that all you think about!" Krystal yelled back, losing her cool. "Do you love her or what?" She asked.

"Ahhhh! Why does everyone keep asking me that? I don't love her, she's my best friend, that's all we are best friends." He whined.

"Really? Then who do you love?" Krystal asked, honestly curious.

"I don't do that, I don't fall in love. Love is trouble, you see I have this friend in love... he has become a total psycho." Paul said whispering as if he was telling her valuable secret.

"You he was normally this indifferent and cold person. Totally cool, he was so mean but still popular with the ladies, well girls tend to like guys that act dead on the inside. Anyways, he met a girl and all of a sudden he was this ball of emotion. He was even more prickly that a girl on her period. Ohhh... it ruined his personality." He said.

"Now he can't go through a moment without worrying or fussing." He shook his head. "I can't do that."

Krystal frowned "but you already do that, for Katherine." 

"Hey! I told she's my best friend, it's different." He cautioned her in his drunkenness. 

"Alright then, if you insist." She shrugged. Leaning closer she pointed her finger at him. "But you must remain this way, do ever fall in love with anyone." She warned. 

"Eyyye I won't" he laughed softly. 

Preview 152: Ungrateful brat.

He said struggled to keep the tone of his voice even, how desperately he wanted to yell but he restrained himself. 

"At what cost? Wouldn't you have shackled at least five guards with me?" Jessie asked. 

Jason laughed. "You ungrateful brat!" He yelled.

Jessie jaw dropped, "what did you just say?

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