Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 152: 152. Ungrateful Brat.

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After Jessie informed the maid about Katherine's alcohol she walked over to ballroom. She probably shouldn't have given Katherine more alcohol but she wanted payback for the smack on her head. The guests were already leaving, she sighted Patricia and Jason by the door. Saying the final goodbyes. 

A small smile touched her lips as she remembered her conversation with Patricia. But it was gone as soon as it came, she was scowling the moment Jason leaned down to listen to something Patricia was whispering in his ears. What were they saying?

Deciding aganist her spying, she concluded it wouldn't do her any good to get jealous she turned around and walked to Jason's study. She would talk to him there. But before that, she had to say goodbye to Jonathan and Krystal, ah that was right she hadn't even met Krystal. Where was she?


Jason wore a tight smile as his guests walked out, he swore he couldn't remember anyone. Their names and faces blended into his subconscious mind, because the only thing that filled his head were Jessie words.

'I don't even know what to do with his feelings?'

He felt suffocated, he didn't really know why but he couldn't breathe. He always thought regardless Jessie liked him, she did right? But then again he also believed she was mad with him for almost a week. Was she that good an actress? Was she just patronising him?

"Jason?" Patricia called pulling him from his thoughts.

Jason looked down at her, after overhearing their conversation it shocked him how he still let her touch him. He looked up following her gaze and saw George Lee standing before him.

"Wonderful party, but did you really have to steal my beautiful dancing partner?" George Lee asked his tone teasing but his eyes holding the sincerity he felt.

Jason frowned. "She wasn't your dancing partner. And how did you know she was beautiful, if I recall correctly she was in a mask." He stated looking down at Patricia as he did. Did she already tattle? 

George honestly did not know Jessie real identity as Patricia hadn't spoken to him yet, but still he realized the clear trap Jason set for him with his meticulous question. Too bad he couldn't care less, the trap would only work for someone that seeked to please him, or the woman beside him. Lucky for him he didn't need to please any of them.

"I wasn't talking about her face." He replied smoothly. Jason's brow rose accusingly but he said nothing. 

"Well it's too bad you couldn't get to know each other better." Jason stated. 

George nodded and buttoned his jacket grabbing his coat from the butler by the door, "it's getting late, you should go as well." Jason informed Patricia. 

She wanted to protest but thought aganist it, George was one of the few guests still remaining so she agreed. "I hope this doesn't mean I don't get to see you for a while again. It's about time we start planning our wedding." She said.

Jason's eyes narrowed at the word and he decided to remain silent. Walking her to her car, she left. 

He walked past the staff that already out cleaning up, walking to his study. He needed a drink. 

"You're here." Jessie said as she saw Jason approach. 

'I don't even know what to do with his feelings.' 

"Why are you standing here like that?" Jason asked firmly.

"Well, I didn't think I should go in without you. It is your work space." She said cautiously, why was he looking at her like that? 

"Hmph, the first thing you're doing right." He stated walking past her and pushing the door open. He walked straight to his liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of bourbon and a glass.

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"Can you not drink right now?" Jessie asked with a disapproving glare, Katherine was the maximum number of drunk people she would put up with this evening. 

Jason stared straight into her eyes, his gaze unwavering as he poured the liquor into his glass. Jessie lips parted and she scoffed.

"Alright then." She said pulling out a sit, she plopped on top of it.

He pulled out a file from inside his desk and placed threw it across the table to Jessie and he sipped his bourbon from the other side.

"What is this?" She asked as she picked up the file. Pulling out the papers her eyes widened as she saw the content. This was what she spent the whole week looking for, Jamie Anderson. There were even pictures of him, leaving stores and gas stations. Along with the address of his residence. 

"How?" Was the only word she managed.

"It's me." He said curtly. "How many times have I told you to just trust me? If you had come to me instead you wouldn't have had to attend this party you didn't even want to attend in the first place instead you'd be in that city looking for the detective." He said struggled to keep the tone of his voice even, how desperately he wanted to yell but he restrained himself. 

"At what cost? Wouldn't you have shackled at least five guards with me?" Jessie asked. 

Jason laughed. "You ungrateful brat!" He yelled.

Jessie jaw dropped, "what did you just say? Brat? Why are you yelling?" Jessie asked utterly confused.

Jason gulped down the rest of the glass and slammed the glass on his desk, making her flinch. "All I do is for your benefit, if I send guards with you then you must know it's because I need you to be safe. Yet, you go behind my back to my brother for help? You make me believe I committed this grave sin and I had to atone for it all week! I could hardly think of anything else but how to make up for that fight yet you were....!" He yelled angrily.

Jessie bit her lip and shut her eyes, he had every right to be angry but still...

"Do you even know how much harder and more expensive it was to move the party here?! Yet you even chose to wear the maids uniform meaning you chose to leave. Leave the party I basically threw for you!" 

"And yet here I am." She said.

"Yeah, here you are. I'm curious what made you change your mind? Cause I know damm well it wasn't me." He said as shed of his tuxedo and unbuttoned his sleeves. Folding them up slightly he leaned on the table.

Jessie was taken aback, "I don't understand." She muttered. She was so confused with his behaviour right now she was speechless. 

Anger was normal emotion for Jason, but he right now he wasn't angry. His eyes didn't look angry, it was a cover what he was really feeling.

But what was he really feeling?

Preview 153: Comeback.

"Alright fine, I'll get straight to the point. Do you remember the woman in the silver dress, with legs all the way to heaven." He smiled. "I want her number, ask Jason for it. You two seem to be getting along."

Patricia began to laugh hysterically, Goerge frowned as he stared at her. After a while she finally calmed down, wiping tears from her eyes she looked at him.

"That woman, was Jessie Marin." She stated bluntly.

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