Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 156: 156. Emotions.

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"Ugh!" Katherine groaned. "My head is killing me!" 

Jessie turned around to look at the woman lying dejected on her bed and she smiled. "I did warn you, I think this would be a perfect opportunity for an 'I told you so' don't you think?" Jessie asked.

"Shhhhh not so loud, I can't take this." Katherine said.

"Here drink this, water helps. I'll go tell the staff to prepare something for your hangover." She said pouring some water into a cup and placing it on her bedstead. 

She pulled up her hoody and walked out of her room. As much as she hated to see Jason there was something she had to ask him. Because of the tension yesterday she forgot completely. How ever did he find out about her plans? He even found out about Jonathan's phone call and his plan. Wait a minute, she stopped in her tracks. There was only one person that knew... the person Jonathan spoke to, Agnes.

Jessie gasped, she was a spy for Jason?! Of course it's not too farfetched, she did work for him. But she seemed so sincere when she said she was her fan was that not true?

"Miss Jessie?" 

Jessie turned around, think of the devil. "Agnes, just the person I was looking for." She said. 

Agnes bowed "breakfast is ready, everyone is waiting for you." 

"Everyone? Who is everyone?"

"Well Chairman Kang, Director Song and Doctor Park." She replied. 

"Jason, Katherine and Paul? Paul is still here?" She asked.


"Might I ask what the hell you're doing in my manor?" Jason frowned when he sighted Katherine using the wall as her walking support. 

"Shhhhhhhhh!" She placed her index finger on her lips and frowned at him. "Not so loud, please my head is about to explode." She said. 

Jason gave her a pointed look and asked again, this time raising his voice.

"Hey! Why are you so heartless? Can't you just sympathise with me? I'm in so much pain right now, both physically and emotionally shouldn't you understand?" She yelled at him. 

Jason brow rose in question and features softened a little. "What happened yesterday? Wasn't it a good birthday?" He asked.

"Birthday? Ahh yesterday was my birthday, some birthday." She said mumbling the last part. 

"You look like crap, you should eat something first though, before washing up." He said as he noticed she was barefeet still in her last nights gown. If he didn't know more it would look like she was walking the walk of shame.

"Right." She agreed, "Jessie said she was going to get me food but she didn't. Let's go." 

As they exited the elevator Jason sighed, another unwanted guest? 

"I don't understand when my manor became a cheap hotel,what are you doing here?" Jason asked the dishealved man groaning on his dinning table. 

"How is this manor so exquisite but the furniture so uncomfortable and hard?" Paul asked and he rubbed the back of his neck and shot a accusing glare at Jason.

"I don't know maybe because you're not welcome." Jason spat back.

"Haha, like I willingly stayed over. I can barely remember what happened after you ran away." He said looking at Katherine who was effectively hiding behind Jason.

Jason turned and looked at her. "Did you guys fight again?" He asked.

"No. We just civily ended our relationship." She sneered folding her arms across her chest as she sent Paul a glare.

"You have to be Kidding, are you still drunk?" Paul asked.

"On the contrary, I'm all sobered up and I am not regretful of any decision I made yesterday." She huffed.

"So you're really going to quit your job? After everything you've done to get to where you are right now." He asked.

"What does it concern you? Isn't it my hardwork?" She asked him.

"Fine, quit I'm not going to stop you." He huffed.

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"You couldn't even if you tried." She huffed as well.

Jason looked between the two people, what the hell happened last night? Ugh... it seemed that useless ball did a lot more harm than good. 

The staff entered with the food and arranged it delicately since they were serving under the watchful eye of their boss. 

Jason walked to the table and took his seat, with Katherine following behind. 

"What about Jessie?" Paul asked and Jason sent him a glare which he gladly ignored.

"Right here." She said as she walked into the dinning room. There were many other empty seats but the only one with a plate setting was right beside Jason. She didn't want to seat beside him but she would be mature about it.

The maid pulled the chair out and she sat down. She could feel Jason's eyes on her but she refused to look at him.

"How is your hangover?" She asked Katherine. 

Katherine was glaring at Paul as she answered. "How can I think about a mere headache right now? I am currently being reminded of a bigger discomfort and pain." She said curtly, her eyes still on Paul.

Paul looked up at her and shook his head. "Are you talking about me?" He asked with a scoff.

"Same here" Jason said. 

Jessie looked at him and sighed. "How childish."

"Childish? Childish is dismissing someone feelings as if they don't have the right to feel them." Katherine answered her, her eyes still on Paul.

"Who is stopping form feeling your feelings?" Paul retorted. 

"Exactly, it's not as if a person can control emotions." Jessie said.

"Really are you sure? You seem to possess a hell of a talent then." Jason huffed. 

Jessie scoffed.

"Talent? What Nonsense are you spouting this early morning!" She asked.

"I know right?" Paul agreed. "All I want is a peaceful meal can't I even have that? Did I stop you from feeling?" 

"So no one else can express themself?" Jason asked. 

"Of course not, it's suddenly nonsense." Katherine added.

"Well it is when you're blowing up a simple case out if proportion." Jessie said. 

"Tell me about it." Paul agreed. 

"Out of proportion!" Jason and Katherine exclaimed at the same time.

"Katherine I don't think I can eat with such heartless and unfeeling people. Do you want to go and at least look at the scenery? It might just be trees but I'm sure they'll offer more comfort than this statues." Jason said. 

"With pleasure, please lead the way!" Katherine said, as the both grabbed their plates dismissing the maids that reached out to help them.

"I'll take this. You don't deserve any juice." Jason huffed and grabbed the large jug of orange juice and walked away with it. 

Jessie and Paul stared at the two of them with disbelief. 

"Yet you say you're not being childish!" Jessie yelled at them.

"I know right?" Paul agreed, loudly as well. 

"I can't believe this." They said simultaneously.

Preview 157: I love him. 

"Don't change the subject this is about you constantly hurting the man that has only opened up his heart to one person all his life. I get that your life is pretty messed up right now but that gives you no justification to hurt someone like that."

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