Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 174: 174. Pointless Nepotism.

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"Stay here, stay hidden. I'll go find out if Devon is in the hospital, I'm sure we can lay low I'm his apartment for a bit." Katherine said as she assured Jessie. Jessie nodded and stood near the edges, she didn't have a choice either way.

Katherine walked past the police cars surrounding the hospital and went in, a few cops kept looking at her in a strange way. It freaked Jessie out but she convinced herself she was being paranoid. But then she wasn't. 


"What do we do about the doctor?" 

"Don't take her identity to the press, tell every cop to be on the look out though. If she's alerted she'll go into hiding as well." Patricia informed the chief. "If you see her, if she is seen she should be arrested immediately. If we find that woman we will find Jessie Marin." 

"Understood ma'am, I will inform the cops." 

"Cheol Jong, remember if we lose her again then you'll take responsibility. I have more than enough to take you down." She warned.



"Hey! You there stop." A cop called out to Katherine stopping her.

Katherine turned around and faced him with a confused look on her face. "Can I help you Officer?" She asked.

"Yes, can I see ID?" He asked.

Katherine stepped back and looked at the other cops that had begun to turn to their direction. "Why?" 

"Standard procedure, you see we are looking for a dangerous criminal so just to be safe." He insisted. 

"What criminal? What is the name of this criminal?" She asked. "I don't understand what my ID has to do with this."

"Ma'am if you continue to resist we will have to use force, please cooperate." 

Katherine looked at the cops them slowly pulled out her ID and handed it to the officer before her. 

"Katherine Park." He said as soon as Katherine saw him reach for his cuffs behind him she turned around and began to run, as fast as she could. 

"Hey! Hey! Get her!" He yelled as they began to chase after her into the hospital. 

Katherine ran towards the elevator having a small head start she pushed the button as quickly as she could. She kept pressing it as the cops headed towards her, just as they were about to reach the police from earlier stretched his arms to stop the doors from shutting. 

She gasped as his fingers came closer but the door closed, breathing out a sigh of relief she pulled out her phone to try Paul again. No signal? She pressed another button, deciding to go to Adonis instead. 

"Katherine?" Adonis asked as he saw her head peeking in his office door.

"Adonis I need your help." She said as she walked into the office and shut the door. 

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Can I borrow your phone? I don't understand why mine isn't working, there's no signal here." She explained. 

"Of course not, I can't have anything disturbing my radiology department. You know this is the biggest cancer research facility in the world." He stated. "Besides I deserve a reasonable explanation as to why you and Paul have come to disturb my peace today." 

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"Paul was here?" Katherine said, hope flooding into her eyes again.

"Yeah... he was looking for you even. Is something the matter?" He asked.

"Well..." she trailed off, 'should I tell him?' She wondered. 'No, if I tell him the cops are after me I'll have to tell him why. And goodness knows what he would do with information that his brother is connected to Jessie.' "So how do you talk to other people? I mean there's no signal."

"There's signal in the obs and gynecology department, from that building all the way to pediatrics. I'm closer to radiology so there's no signal here." He informed her.

"Great thanks." She said heading to the door. She stopped as she grabbed the handle, "there are cops all over the first floor of your hospital. Harassing you patients. They asked for my ID and when I refused they tried to arrest me, perhaps you should do something about that." She informed him, before exiting the room and heading to the other side of this massive hospital. 


Francine Kim was beyond enraged, how dare he talk to them like that. All the board members were older and had more power than he did yet he had the guts to speak to them like they were his employees. 

She headed into Reginald Choi office, pushing the door open with so much force the lamp sitting beside shook.

"Francine, have pity on my poor lamp." Reginald said as she walked into the office not bothering to shut the door.

"Until when do we have to put up that cheeky child?" She spat. "What right does he think he has to speak to us in that manner?" 

"He is the president, Francine. Calm down, besides nothing he said was wrong." Reginald informed her.

"Nothing he said was wrong." Francine repeated. "You always do this, and why? Because of the blind love you had for his mother a woman that never even felt the same!" She yelled.

"Control yourself Francine!" He ordered. 

"Don't speak to me like that, I am the first Lady of this country for crying out loud." 

"And don't you forget that it was Paradise that got you into that position, Jason's mother to be specific. Celeste got you and your husband into that position so show some respect." He reprimanded her.

Francine scoffed. "Alright I agree Celeste Kang got me into that position, and I respected her as a leader. But now I have to put of with this pointless nepotism? I mean we are under the very same child that killed his mother!" 

"She was in an accident Francine! Don't say rubbish." He stated firmly. 

"Oh please, save that crap for Jason. We all know how she died, and we all know Jason is responsible." She said. "Why should we listen to a man that doesn't even have the strength to deal with his mistakes, and rather decides to forget them. Hmm?" 

"Francine!" Reginald slammed his hands on his table.

"Yell all you want, but this is the popular opinion. How will you deal with it?" She asked before she left the office.

Jason leaned back turning to face the other way as she left. His face hardening to cover the thousands of emotions he felt. He killed his mother?

Preview 175: Memories can never lie.

Devon was startled of course by her reaction but he could feel her trembling so he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered into her ears. "It's okay, it's okay. You're safe." 

He felt warm tears wet his shirt were she leaned her head and he rubbed her back slowly. Giving the passers by hostile looks preventing them from prying. After a while after she calmed down and as he was about to ask what was wrong he was interrupted. 

"What is going on here? Katherine?"

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