Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 175: 175. Memories Can Never Lie.

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Jason walked into Reginald office with a grim look on his face.

"Jason!" Reginald said with slight startle, silently praying that he hadn't overheard his conversation. But his statement confirmed he infact did.

"What the did she mean by I killed my mother?" He asked.

"Jason she was just ranting, don't you remember it clearly? What happened that day? Your memories can never lie." Reginald assured him.

Jason stared intently at the man before him and shook his head. Nobody rants like that, the truth mostly comes out when one is either drunk or emotional. "Then why didn't you correct her when she said my mother didn't love you back?" He asked. "If I remember correctly, I was mad at my mother that day because she wanted to leave my father for you. Why didn't you correct her." 

Jason tried to remain calm and collected but he could feel his resolve cracking. He was already dealing with a lot already, now this? He killed his mother? He already blamed him for her death and it took him fourteen years to forgive himself, now to hear he was directly involved it shook him to his core.

"I simply didn't feel the need to, there's no need arguing with people like Francine." Reginald replied. He got up and walked around his desk and placed his hand on Jason's shoulders. Looking up into his eyes he assured him once more.

"Jason, your mother died in an accident. You know that, I know that. Don't let anyone consciously distract you from what is important, what is real and true." He said firmly. "Okay?" 

Jason looked into his eyes to gauge the truth in the words he spoke but he could see nothing. "Okay." He said, if he couldn't find out the truth from Reginald then he'd gave to ask someone else. 

Reginald nodded and walked back to his desk. "I'm assuming you came here for this. For the moment it would be better to keep Jessie at arms length. The public can not find out she has been with you." He said.

Jason picked up the file and flipped through. "The safe houses?" 

"Yes. You will remain in your manor while she stays the these houses. Rotating every 48 hours so they don't pin down her location." 

"Twelve houses? Isn't that a bit much?" Jason asked.

"It's all for precaution, it's surprising how easily they managed to pinpoint the location of your manor despite your efforts to keep it secret. Our enemy is indeed formidable. Well they are the Lee's after all." Reginald sighed.

Jason looked through the houses and he bit his lips as he pondered on the situation. Reginald understanding his dilemma decided to help him out.

"You can see her, but not as often as you would want." 

Jason looked up at him and nodded. "It should be time for the next meeting." He said looking at his Rolex.

"After you."


"Why is Katherine in my hospital looking for you? What kind of games are you two playing?" Adonis frowned as he looked up at his office's window. 

"Katherine is in the hospital? Wait, how are you calling me if you're also there?" 

"I'm standing outside the building, trying to get the police away from my entrance." He stated. 

"I'll be right there." 


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Katherine walked around the paediatrics ward and she still couldn't get any bars. So she was currently in an elevator heading back to Adonis. She needed to get out here, Jessie had been alone too long but she was trapped. How could she escape the cops? 

"Katherine?" She heard as she stepped out of the elevator she looked up and she met gazes with Devon. Almost crying out of relief she ran to him and snaked her arms past his labcoat wrapping them around his torso. 

Devon was startled of course by her reaction but he could feel her trembling so he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered into her ears. "It's okay, it's okay. You're safe." 

He felt warm tears wet his shirt were she leaned her head and he rubbed her back slowly. Giving the passers by hostile looks preventing them from prying. After a while after she calmed down and as he was about to ask what was wrong he was interrupted. 

"What is going on here? Katherine?" Katherine head perked up at the familiarity of the voice. She turned around and saw Paul staring daggers at Devon but she couldn't bother about that right now. 

"Paul!" She cried out. 

Paul who felt like a fuse had been lit when he saw how intimately Devon held Katherine and how she clung to him forced a small smile to reassure her.

"Where is Jessie? Did you-"

He grabbed her trembling hands and smiled, for real this time. "She's fine, I saw her hiding outside the hospital. She in a safe place right now... waiting for you." He added bitterly. 

Katherine sighed, placing her hand on her chest. "And the police?"

"Adonis took care of them for now. They'll be back but it's safe for now." He said. 

Devon scrunched his face in confusion "police? Katherine what's going on?" 

She turned to face him "it's a long story... I-"

Paul pulled her closer to him and sent a hostile glare towards Devon. "We must get going. As she said it's a long story, we don't have the time for it." 

Katherine looked helpless between Devon and Paul, why did they look at each other with such hostility? "I'm sorry Devon but Paul is right, I have to go." She stated and Paul face immediately broke into a smug grin.

"But I promise to explain everything later. I'll call you." She said as Paul began to pull her away. 

"Katherine!" Devon called out and she stopped and turned to face him. "Please be safe, Jessie too." 

Katherine smiled tearfully at him and nodded. "I..we will, thank you Devon." 

Paul scoffed as the walked into elevator. "Katherine? Devon? Since when did you guys refer to yourselves so casually?" He asked. 

Katherine glanced up at him and huffed. "This is not the time to talk about this. We need to get Jessie out of here." 

"Way ahead of you."

Preview 176: Beyond repair. 

"What I meant to say was, even if she wanted it would be impossible for her to act in this country again." She continued. "Reputation matters a whole lot and hers has been destroyed beyond repair."

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