Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 189: 190. Irreparable.

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Lenora walked out of her office with a silent achievement. In a few hours she might no longer have a job, and would have to be on the run but right now she would enjoy the satisfaction of ruining Patricia and let her know the pain of seeing the person you love in such a sorry state. 

In just few minutes the entire country was in an uproar as a picture of Jessie and Jason dancing under the moonlight graced the screens of millions of people. 


Krystal phone would not stop buzzing with her fellow fans and faithful followers of her fan page bugged her with questions. She groaned in frustration, she didn't have the time to even turn the phone off, ever since the news got out Jonathan's been in a peculiar mood. Although she had to admit it was sure shocking to see them looking like a happily married couple so in love. 

She dropped the box she was currently hauling and quickly pulled out her phone. She clicked on the article to get her facts straight on more time before she calmed raging fans. But the article didn't open, she frowned. "What is going on?" 

She tried to click on it on another website but it didn't open again soon enough the articles disappeared. "Incredible, it hasn't even been up to two hours and it's already gone?" She mused. "I wonder if it was Jason or Patricia who took it down." 

The article although speaking about Jessie and Jason focused on Patricia, making her seem pitiful and desperate. 


Patricia stormed into the station's building ready to kill, with every click of her heel people fled from her line of sight. She walked straight to the executive managers office, even his secretary was too scared to stop her. "Where the hell is that bitch?!" She thundered. 


"What the were you thinking! Where you even thinking?!" Her superior yelled at her as she bowed her head and stared at her shoes.

"Not going to answer me? Do you know that the story has been taken down?" Her eyes shot up to his. "It wasn't even up to two hours but it's vanished, doesn't that send chills up your spine?! What now? What are you going to do?"

"Well it's not as if you can force me to take it down anymore" she said, clenching her fists. 'She's taken it down? Already? Tch... how annoying!'

"You're not even regretful are you? Come with me, let's go the executive manager wants you in his office." Her superior informed her walking to the door. Lenora took one last look at the scenery, she loved this roof top, but now it was time to fight the real battle.


"It took a while to take off the article, the reporter guarded the site with a top notch fire wall. So the damage has already been done." 

Everyone around the table held grim expressions on their faces.

"Who is this reporter?" Jason asked.

The man head of the technological department(Paradise) pushed the window that contained the article and swiped up another containing Lenora picture appeared floating off of the computer in the midst of all the members.

Jason looked down at the screen that covered the entire table, "who- wait a minute I know this woman." He stated slowly. 

"Ofcourse sir, she a pretty popular reporter. Lenora Han, heiress to Han chemicals. She is rebellious and strong willed, which is why instead of studying chemistry in preparation to inherit her family business. She has a degree in cyber crime security." 

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"But she's a reporter?" The attorney general asked.

"Yes, we believe she created the firewall even out best hackers could not break through immediately." He stated. 

"So she's working for Patricia." Jason said. 

"It is true that she has been sighted with Patricia Lee many times, but I fail to understand how this article is beneficial for Patricia." The man said honestly and Jason nodded that was true. Nobody was safe when in that article.

They made Jessie seems like the murderous killer that was hiding away tucked just right under everyone's noses. Patricia was the pathetic and hateful woman that revealed her fiance secret because she was jealous of Jessie, a woman that her fiance chose over her regardless of her explosive situation. And him, he got the brunt of it. He was the accomplice that hid a dangerous killer and the lewd man cheating on his Fiancee. 

"Then we found this." He swiped again and photos, blurry photos of Lenora and Jamie in his cop cars and in front of cafes came to view. "These are images we got from security cameras, the man in question is detective Anderson. The person arrested for covering up and aiding Jessie Marin." He informed. "If this confirms speculations, we believe Lenora was romantically involved with this man and is taking revenge on Patricia Lee for framing him." 

"So why didn't she attack Patricia Lee individually? Why come after Jason as well?" Someone else asked.

"She's angry and does not have enough evidence aganist Patricia?" Another suggested.

"It is still unclear what her specific motive was but this is all we could gather right now." 

Jason looked at her picture with disdain written all of his face. "So because of a squabble between two annoying bitches, my stocks are dropping on an exponential level? Find me this woman I must speak to her." He spat.

"That's not what is important right now Jason. Getting you out of this is." Reginald said firmly.

"It's time to bring Jessie out, it's time for her to give herself to the cops."

Jason slammed his hand on the desk causing a few people to flinch. "I thought I was clear the last time?" He said in a dangerously steady voice.

The chief justice pursed his lips in frustration. "It's either she forgets about everything on the outside and remain in hiding for the rest of his life, or she goes under the knife and changes her entire face to live under a different identity. Which will still he hiding. Or she just does the brave thing and come out, that way we can even catch the Lee's." He said and they were murmured around the table of people agreeing with him.

"She's innocent Jason and there is insufficient evidence she won't go to jail." Reginald assured Jason.

"But her reputation with be irreparable." He said softly but Reginald still heard it.

"Her reputation is already irreparable." 

"So what's it going to be Mr. President?"

Preview 190: Watch me throw the last.

Patricia turned around in her rage and she met gazes with Lenora. Lenora looked up at her with a smug look etched on her features adding fuel to Patricia's already raging fire. Patricia walked towards her and the moment her hand connected with Lenora's cheeks the entire office went quiet. 

"You dead bitch!" She screamed.

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