Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 190: 189. Results Of Her Wickedness.

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"Sir you have a visitor." Matt informed Jason as he peeped into his office.

Jason looked up in question. "Who is that important that you couldn't tell me over the phone? I didn't realise I had an appointment."

"You don't sir, it's Goerge Lee." Matt informed him.

'Goerge Lee? What was wrong with the Lee's that they decided today was the day to torture me?' He thought ruefully. "Well send him in already, it's not like I can turn him away." 

Matt nodded bowing before he left the room. Almost immediately the imposing man walked in, in a tailored suit that hugged his frame perfectly. George was a handsome man no mistake, and slightly more built than Jason was. But while he was more muscular Jason was taller, but it didn't deter his intimidating presence, he was a Lee after all. But while everyone seeked to please the Lee's the Kangs were immune to that authority. Although the Lee's held the power, the Kangs weren't under their authority. Which brings them to the reason why he was engaged to Patricia in the first place, the so called truce. 

"Hello Jason." George said curtly. 

"It's surprising to see you here George, please take a seat." Jason gestured for him.

George eyed the bodyguards in Jason office with an amused glint in his eyes before he took Jason's offer and walked to the seat. Jason noticed his reaction with slight surprise, most people infact everyone else missed the bodyguards but he wasn't shocked that George noticed them.

"So what do I owe this... pleasure?" Jason asked dismissing the awkward silence after they were both seated.

George looked back at the bodyguards once before turning to face Jason. "This." He said pulling out an envelope from inside his jacket. He placed it gently on the desk and pushed it to Jason.

Jason reached over and tore open the envelope revealing it's content, a single paper. He already knew what was written in it before he opened it.

"I already have this, why are you giving it to me again?" He asked with a cocked brow.

George smirked slightly before speaking "yet you refuse to sign it, I thought I should bring you another since you've taken so long." 

"I was hoping the delay would lead you to realise that I'm not signing this papers." Jason stated matter of factly and George frowned. 

"I don't you think you understand Jason, you don't have a choice in the matter." George replied. "I've been lenient because you are about to be my nephew in law, but don't push you luck." He warned.

Jason laughed "Is that how you oppress Patricia? With that title? I don't think you should refer to your elder in such diminishing ways." Jason cautioned him and it was George's turn to laugh.

"Why, aren't you getting married to my neice? I'm only stating facts? It pointless that such trivial things bother you. And as much as I would love to chit chat I'm here for business, sign the contract and I'll be on my way." 

"Why should I? I spent twenty million on a woman that seems to only bring trouble. I thought you personally vetted the women you sold, how did you make such a mistake? How could an uncle let his neice walk all over him?" Jason asked spitting back his earlier insults. 

George's eyes darkened considerably "so you're saying you are aware of Patricia's deeds?" 

"I live with the results of her wickedness how can I not?" Jason replied bluntly. 

George crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Jason with curiosity. "If you are aware why are you still engaged to her? I don't see anymore shackles tying you to her."

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Jason smiled "this is a truce between the families, I'm doing it for the benefit of both families."

George scoffed at his statement. "You don't actually expect me to believe that do you?" 

"Why wouldn't you believe it? Why? Do you not want me to be engaged to Patricia?" He asked.

George shook his head, "not like this. What exactly are you after Jason Kang? I know you are after something, you wouldn't be in this situation either way."

Jason pouted. "And it seems you are after your nieces' heart break." 

George brow tilted in disbelief. "Ahh she hasn't informed you? Maybe she hasn't told the chairman either, your sweet neice is head over heels in love with me." Jason said unable to stop the laughing in his tone.

"So what? What the hell does love have to with anything? Do you fancy her as well?" 

Jason gave him a mysterious smile but did not answer. 

George sighed out of frustration. "You do realise even if your bodyguards follow you when you take a shit, you wouldn't be able to escape me right?" 

Jason brow quirked and he smiled. "Oh my, did my dear uncle in law just threaten me?" Jason said in mock shock. "Don't be so serious." He waved away the bodyguards that already began to approach. 

"Tell me if you were in my situation would you sign? First of all you sold me a woman the whole world knows and is after, secondly I come to know that my fiancee is the person who is responsible for the entire situation. Thirdly, the police have the audacity to come search house and threaten my staff." Jason leaned forward. "Would sign if you were me?" 

"You have no proof that Patricia is behind any of it? Except the testimony of a... whore." George said his voice low and demanding. 

Jason fist tightened at the word, whore. But he quickly willed himself to calm down. Getting angry would only give him leverage.

"It's not rocket science George. It's quite obvious who is at fault, or are you admitting to the horribly poor job you did or rather do with your auction house?" Jason asked trapping him in his own scheme.

"I thought so, if that would be all leave. I'm not signing the contract you might as well just give up." He stated bluntly. 

"This isn't over, Jason Kang." George spar out mercilessly. 

"Ofcourse it isn't, uncle in law" he drawled out in a mocking tone.

Preview 190: Irreparable. 

"It's time to bring Jessie out, it's time for her to give herself to the cops."

Jason slammed his hand on the desk causing a few people to flinch. "I thought I was clear the last time?" He said in a dangerously steady voice.

The chief justice pursed his lips in frustration. "It's either she forgets about everything on the outside and remain in hiding for the rest of his life, or she goes under the knife and changes her entire face to live under a different identity. Which will still he hiding. Or she just does the brave thing and come out, that way we can even catch the Lee's."

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