Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 191: 191. Watch Me Throw The Last.

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Jessie frowned, what was going on? Why won't this open? She kept tapping her screen before long the article disappeared. "What the hell? Was the article taken down?" She wondered. It was possible, the front picture was her and Jason dancing. "Krystal might know what's going on." 

"Jessie! Hi! Are you okay?!" Krystal gasped as she answered the phone, she did not expect this call.

"Should I not be? Did something happen?" Jessie asked.

Krystal looked to Jonathan and he shook his head. She pursed her lips in displeasure, why did Jessie always just have to call when she was with Jonathan? She covered the speaker and whispered to him.

"I should tell her " she whisper-yelled.

Jonathan shook his head vehemently. "She's already been through enough already. Besides the article has already been taken down. There is no need to bother her." He stated bluntly. 

"Well I don't think that choice is yours to make." Krystal retorted. 

"Hello? Hello? Krystal I wanted to ask you about an article?" Jessie spoke through the speaker.

Krystal rose her brow at Jonathan giving him an I told you so look. "Do you know what it's about? I couldn't read it I think Jason already took it down." 

Jonathan returned the look. "Hello? Krystal? Why are you being so quiet? Was it that bad?" She asked her voice full of emotion yet Jonathan still shook his head.

"Krystal please you have to tell me, I wouldn't be able to sleep or rest otherwise. I know Jason won't say a word so will you please save me?" Jessie begged and Krystal turned off the speaker button and walked out of Jonathan's office ignoring his angry arguments. 

Jessie hand was covering her mouth by the time Krystal narrated what it was that she read. "Hello? Jessie? I'm sorry to ask this again but are you okay?" 

"Yeah!" She said immediately. And Krystal knew she was lying. "It's fine, I'm fine. I'll talk to you later bye."


Patricia turned around in her rage and she met gazes with Lenora. Lenora looked up at her with a smug look etched on her features adding fuel to Patricia's already raging fire. Patricia walked towards her and the moment her hand connected with Lenora's cheeks the entire office went quiet. 

"You dead bitch!" She screamed. 

Lenora pushed the hair that fell down her face as her head was tilted an awkward angle by the slap and smiled.

"Move, I have to go meet my boss. I don't have time for..." she looked Patricia up and down "the likes of you." 

Patricia eyes widened and she began to laugh manically. "It seems you have a death wish, I must say your very brave." She spat.

Lenora's eyes widened and she looked around the room. "Are threatening to kill me? In front of all this people? You must have a lot of confidence and perhaps immunity." Lenora stated bluntly. 

And Patricia looked around at all the eyes, it wouldn't be wise to do this right now, especially not in a room full to the brim with eager reporters. 

"This isn't over Lenora Han. You threw the first punch just watch me throw the last." 

Lenore crossed her hands over her chest and sighed. "Ofcourse it isn't, I'm eager to see what you do next. If that's all goodbye." She said walking around Patricia and headed straight for the executive manager's office. Not once turning around.


Patricia stared at the text on her phone as she struggled to breathe properly. She was so mad she felt suffocated. 

You are reading story Sold? Oh Please. at

Jessie Marin is not in the manor. 

She picked up her phone and called a number. "Grab her, now." 


Katherine drove into the garage in her building, sitting a bit in her car as she stared at the address in hand. Her phone vibrated in her bag and she pulled it out to to read the text. 

How was it? Did you find out about your father?

She smiled softly and replied. 

No, just another stop plus the fact that I might have been conceived in a brothel.

No way!

Yes way, apparently my mother was running away from some sort of pimp in the orphanage. She came with a baby, that baby was me.

Are you absolutely sure about that?

No not really. I don't know.

Don't always assume the worst Katherine, I'm sure there is more to the story, okay? I have to go now call you later.

Sure, bye Jessie.

She pushed her door open and stepped out of the car. Shrugging of her shoes as she walked into her apartment. Immediately she turned on the light she gasped. Spinning around she tried to run back out but as she opened the door another strange man smiled at her.

"What do you want?! Money? Haven't you already found it?" She stumbled backwards as the man kept stalking towards her. "I mean if you're already inside the apartment shouldn't you have taken what you wanted and gone? Is someone paying you? My mother is dead if that what you're after, I promise to stop looking for my father!" She rambled. She always rambled when she was nervous a bad habit she could not get rid off. 

"Here! Take my phone, take my car it's right down stairs you can even take me- wait that's not right. You can't take me, I'm not on the offer please spare me! I don't want to die, I've been very ungrateful please." She begged.

The man that was walking towards halted and looked behind her at the other guy in confusion. "Did you understand any of that?" He asked.

"Not a word" the other guy shook his head.

"Just knock her out and take her I can't deal with all that rambling."

"Wait no! Please!" That was all Katherine said before a sharp pain stung the back of her head and everything became black.

Preview 192: 24 hours.

"It's a pity such a pretty face would be ruined." 

Katherine glared at him and spat on his face. The man was first stunned by her action before his expression contorted in that of rage and before she knew it she was thrown to the floor a cry leaving her lips, her broken lips.

"Hey! Did I tell you to touch her?"

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