Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 204: 204. Traumatic Experience.

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"Jason! Please you have to understand Hmm? I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean what mom? To cheat on dad?" The annoyed teenager yelled throwing his arms into the air. "I never believed you would be so despicable and disgusting!" 

"Jason! I'm your mother."

"And I wish you weren't." He spat viciously. Running out of the building, despite his mother's calls for him not too.

Running out into the streets too blinded by rage and a sense of betrayal to care about the passing traffic he ran through the first lane of speeding cars.

His mother a beautiful brunette screaming for him at the top of her lungs as she struggled to stop her son from killing himself.

How she managed to run past all the cars was a wonder but never underestimate a mother terrified for her child's safety. But as she grabbed Jason's arm and pulled him onto the walk way in the middle of flying cars, the still blind child shoved his mother's hand away.

"Get off me!!!" He screamed. 

Unconsciously or maybe he meant to? His mother fell off the walkway she intended for herself and that was it.

Jason's eyes flew opened, his breathing coming out in short quick puffs. Cold breeze stinging his wet skin that currently held his clothes closer to his body than normal. He sat up, running his hands through his hair, and calming his breathing. 

"What was that dream? Is that what happened?" He murmured, pushing of the covers he stepped down from his bed. This was the routine these days, he would dread going to sleep and put it off as long as he could but eventually fall asleep. Then, he would be plagued by different scenarios with which he would have killed his mother. After that he would head into the kitchen for a drink, he switched between coffee and water or sometimes even a juice. The last time he took a soda he had way too much gas. Lesson learnt.

Picking up his phone he dialed the prison, the only time he was able to fall asleep after his nightmares when Jessie held him. Slowly without realising he had, he was reliant on her. Her soft gazes and comforting caresses he needed her. But she did not love him, a wicked voice reminded him.

"It does not matter right now" he murmured. "No matter what, by hook or by crook. I'm never going to let her go, ever."


"You have to leave with the girls Kara." Tony said abruptly as he walked into the living room, after he tucked the girls in.

"What? What the hell are you saying?" His wife frowned.

"It's no longer safe for you here, don't you know? It's not safe for the girls, look at what just happened we didn't even have an idea at the time." He stated. "And it's not the first time our girls are being targeted."

"I thought you said Jason threat was harmless." Kara said rising to her feet.

"It was, it is but that's not the point. The point is that we are easy targets. I don't want the girls in any danger ever again." He insisted. 

Kara sighed walking over to him. "I completely understand what you mean Tony and I want to agree with you but..."


"Our lives are here, we can't just leave. Your job is here, are just going to abandon Jessie?" She asked.

"Of course not, how could I ever. I'm not leaving with you Kara, I'm involved in this fight does not mean I'm going to drag my family into it as well." Kara sighed and he continued. "You are innocent, our girls are innocent. I won't, I can't let you get hurt." 

"And what about you? I'm I supposed to be okay with you getting hurt? Tony this people are dangerous and powerful, it's not worth risking you life over." She said desperately cupping his face.

Tony brow rose "weren't you the one just saying I shouldn't abandon Jessie?"

"Yes... but-"

"But what Kara?" 

"I love Jessie, we all do but... I can't have you getting hurt because you think you must fight for her." 

"But I must."

"Why? Because Harish asked you to?"

"No because Jessie deserves my loyalty. You and I both know she's done more than enough to warrant it." He looked pointedly at his wife. 

"Still... Tony promise me you won't do anything reckless. I know your hurt and angry that she's in prison now but for the sake of our little girls for my sake. Please don't let your emotions cloud you judgement. Okay?" 



"On one condition, you take the girls and go to your parents." 

"Tony they don't even live in the country."



Slowly very slowly noises and sounds began to lull Jessie out of her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open ever slightly and a whole wave of light flooded her eyes, forcing her to shut them again.

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"Hello?... Jessie, can you hear me?" 

She tried to speak but so could not recognize her own voice. When she was finally able to open her eyes her head was already being held up and a glass pressed unto her lips. Grateful for the cool liquid she gulped it up hungrily. Gaining enough strength to sit up she looked around the room.

There was an uncomfortable feeling in her left arm, owning to the needle there. She was connected to an IV. There were three women there with her two of which she recognised. Her cold roommate and the chatty officer. 

"Jessie? How do you feel?" The only woman she didn't know currently asked. 

"Weak." She said as her memories came back, even the one she wished she couldn't forget but knew she never would.

The doctor nodded, removing a small flashlight from her labcoat. Opening her eyes she shone the light in her eyes, took her blood pressure and listened to her pulse.

"You generally fine, but you would be weak. That was a traumatic experience, but don't worry nothing too serious happened. In na came in time." 

"What do you mean by nothing happened!" Jessie said abruptly. "Look at me." 

The three women shared sympathetic looks with each other. "What I meant was... she didn't succeed in raping you."

"And you think I don't know that why? Why do you feel the need to repeat it? I was there I know what happened to me." She stated firmly. 

The three women looked at each other again but no one said anything, her reaction was perfectly normal.

"Sure you do, I'm sure you would've preferred to see someone you are close with right now. Yo boyfriend is one his way." The officer said, patting her shoulder. 

Jessie eyes widened. "Why the fuck would you call him?!" She screamed startling the women.

"I didn't he called to speak to you an-"

"And you told him I was almost raped." She huffed.

"No... that's not something you say over the phone." In na said, helping out the confused officer. 

"So what did you tell him?" She asked violently. 

"Well he asked to speak to ya, you weren't available so I told him you was hurt and in the clinic." She said with a slight crease on her forehead and a frown on her lips.

After hearing that she calmed down a bit. "I can't see him, I can't see him right now." 

"But Jessie you have to tell him." In na said.

"Why do I have to tell him?"

"He's yo boyfriend!" The officer said.

"No he's not."

"Then why the hell is driving goodness knows how many miles in a frenzy because your hurt?" In na asked. "I don't understand what the problem is?"

"I'm just don't want to! Stop butting in, it none you're business!" She screamed. 

"Jessie talk to us, so we can help you. He is already on his way." The doctor said soothingly. 

"I don't want to see him please. I can't right now, I've not even wrapped my mind around what happened I can't begin to receive pitiful looks or angry outbursts of retribution." She pleaded. 

All of them sighed nodding slightly, they understood that what she was going through couldn't have been easy.


"What do you mean by I can't see her?" Jason asked through gritted teeth.

The doctor sighed, seeing his disheveled state and tried eyes that only portrayed fear. Her heart broke for him, but she promised Jessie so he had to be heartbroken.

"She not conscious at the moment." 

"Still, why does that stop me from seeing her? I need to know she's fine." Jason insisted. 

'Should I just tell him she doesn't want to see him?' The doctor wondered.

"What the hell happened that she's even unconscious? She hasn't woken up since they called me a while ago?" He huffed. 

"She was in a fight with another inmate, it's nothing too serious." 

"Stop playing this type of games with me, doctor. If it isn't serious why can't I see her? Look I'm barely holding myself together right now for Jessie's sake. I advise you to respectfully get the hell out of my way!" 

"I'm sorry but you ca- oof!" The doctor gasped as he shoved her out of his way. Stomping into the clinic he pushed the door open, his eyes widening as he saw her.


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