Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 205: 205. Before The Sun Comes Up.

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"Jessie!" Jason gasped running into the room to the unconscious woman laying on the bed. He was so impatient to get to her but when he wanted to touch her he treated her like a diety. A single tear slipping down his cheek as he took in her bruises. "What the fuck happened to her?" He asked, the threat evident in his dark eyes as he glared the women down.

"I told you she got into a fight." The doctor said through gritted teeth picking out grass strands from her hair.

"I'm not stupid, I know what a hickey looks like. I'm going to ask one more time, doctor, what the hell happened to Jessie?" He asked with cold rage. A simmering, seething anger that they saw evidently boiling. But only his eyes could tell, the rest of him seemed tense but who wouldn't be under the normal circumstance.

The three women stepped back, even the doctor whose annoyance fueled her fear of the man before her. She looked at the 'unconscious' Jessie, surely she could hear them right? She wasn't really unconscious right?

"Some bitch tried to take advantage of her right?" Jason asked again, more calmly than he thought was even capable of him entirely. 

Instead of a verbal answer the women took another step back and he took his to match theirs. "Answer me, don't make me ask again. It's in none of your benefits that I'd ask this question again. Trust me." 

Jessie eyes opened and she saw the look of trepidation on the faces of the women. Throughly impressed by the look of determination that was also there, she knew they wouldn't give her up. But she couldn't understand Jason's reaction. It was obvious he was angry but how wasn't he throwing things around right now? She felt angry enough to do so, why did even she feel scared but his composure? It was never good when someone meant to be a rampaging beast was acting calm everyone knew it was like a coiled snake positioned to attack but waiting for the most lethal moment. 

"Jason" she said softly. Deciding it was best he directed his anger at the person responsible not the women that were risking their lives to protect her.

Jason spun around and pulled her into a hug. Burying his face in to her hair. The action so surprising that she didn't even know what to do, so her arms just sat limp by her sides.

Jason urged her slightly. "Hold me please." He whispered gently in her ears. That was the moment the fled the room pulling the nosy officer along with them. 

Jessie slipped her arms inside his jacket and leaned aganist his head. Tears slipping free as she began to shake with sobs. As uncomfortable as it was to stand crotched like that, Jason stayed there and held her and she cried her heart out. 

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Jessie. It's all my fault, it's all my fault." He continued to recite as he held her.

Clutching fistfuls of his head she buried herself deeper in his embrace, holding on to him for dear life.

"You're okay, you're okay. I'm getting you out of here, I promise. And whoever did this to you is going to pay." He stated firmly but gently. 

When she was finally ready to pull away he sat by the edge of the bed and waited for her to collect herself. 

"You don't have to tell me anything Jessie, I don't have to know anything. If you're not ready then neither am I." He held her shoulder when he saw her struggle to form the words.

Jessie looked up at him, "are you sure?" He nodded.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just glad I get to hold you like this." He stated.

"Me too. Thank you." She whispered. 

"You should get some sleep, you look tired." He said and she shook her head. "I... I can't. It just, it's just I go back there whenever I close my eyes." She said tearfully.

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And he nodded, if they was anything he completely understood, it was that. 

"Just hold me, I want that. Please." She said and he nodded. Laying beside her as he held her in his arms. Just like that, both of them found comfort in each other's arms.

"Yet she says he isn't her boyfriend." The officer shook her head at the sight before them.

"Ugh... it's so unfair what kind of pairing is this? I can only imagine the beautiful babies they would make. This looks surreal." The doctor commented.

In na sighed. "I know I'm the inmate here but isn't it aganist the rules to sleep here with her?" 

"Don't be such a sour puss In na, look at how peaceful they both look." The officer said. "We'll just keep this a secret and wake him up before the sun comes up."


Jessie frowned in her sleep as she felt around her empty bed for Jason. Opening her eyes to confirm as though her skin lied to her about the position of the man that consumed her heart with such fiery passion.

He wasn't there, was it a dream? She was pretty sure he was here last night, wasn't he?

"Goodmorning sunshine." A familiar voice greeted her from the door.

"Oh hello, Goodmorning. " Jessie smiled at the officer. 

"Wow... your in a such a good mood today. Did it have anything to do with a certain prince charming?" The doctor teased her as she walked in after the officer.

"So he was here, where is he?" 

"For someone that was so vehement that he wasn't your boyfriend you're pretty clingy." In na said bluntly. 

Jessie pursed her lips and shot her a weak glare. "He really isn't my boyfriend, we aren't together."

"Why the hell not?" The officer frowned.

"It's complicated." Jessie dismissed the topic, as grateful as she was to these three women she wasn't so free as to share her love life complications with them. Besides there were other things to talk about.

"I wanted to apologise for yesterday, I was a brat. You guys are amazing, especially you In na. I don't know what I would've have done if you hadn't walked in at that time." She said.

"You don't have to do that." In na said. 

Jessie shook her head. "I do, thank you so much. I truly mean it. Thank you all so much."

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