Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 207: 207. Seven Fold.

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Lenora ran out of the car in a frenzy, running into the hospital with all her might. She ran to the receptionist and asked for Jamie's room.

"And who might you be miss?"


"Beacuse of his special circumstance only family can visit." The nurse informed her.

"Huh? Then I'm his wife." She said quickly.

"Okay then, room 203." The nurse informed her and she quickly thanked her and ran to the elevator. 

"Who was that? She looked like she was in a hurry." Another nurse stepped out from behind the desks.

"Jamie Anderson's wife. You know the guy they rushed here from the prison." The first nurse said.

"His wife? Hmm that's pretty strange" the other one frowned. "His wife already checked in a bit earlier."

"His wife?"


"What do you mean by that? Katherine and I are just friends nothing more." Paul huffed.

"Really? That's why you been acting out like this?" Jason said in disbelief and accusation.

"Hey, I'm not the only one that has been acting out, Katherine has as well. Infact I'm only acting strangely around her because she's been doing  same what?" 

Jason threw his hands in the air. "If you say so."

"I do." Paul.said almost immediately. 

"Good now leave my office I have work to do." 


Lenora paused slightly before sliding the door open. Expecting to see an unconscious man, lying alone in his bed the sight she was met with with was absolutely confusing.

"Susan?" Both the injured ex cop and the woman sitting beside his head feeding him pudding! Turned to look at her. "What the hell are you doing here?!" She spat.

Jamie's brows furrowed at her tone and he turned to look at Susan with an expectant gaze. "Who is she?"

Those three words shook Lenora to her core, unlike anything she had ever felt in her life it was like someone dug a hand into her chest and held on tight to her heart. Pulling it out ever slowly in a wrenching and incredibly painful manner.

"What do you mean by that Jamie." She said her voice uneven with the fear that gripped her.

"I have know Idea who you are, it appears we are acquainted how do you know me?" Jamie asked his face and mannerisms showing his honest sincerity and confusion. He didn't know who she was. 

Her eyes went to the bandage on his head and it all made sense. "Jamie I'm, we're... I'm your girlfriend." 

His expression hardened and he shook his head vehemently. "No, Susan is my girlfriend. Right?"

"Of course honey." Susan replied sweetly placing a comforting hand on his and she smiled reassuringly at him.

Lenora jaw dropped and her eyes formed slits, that bitch!

"Then who is she? Who are you?"

"I'm your girlfriend!" Lenora yelled. "Me, not her. You've never even had feelings for her, you didn't like her like that." Lenora spat in fear and rage.

"Stop spitting rubbish Lenora." Susan said, dismissing her.

"Lenora?" Jamie asked with a raised brow. 

Her face brightened at the sound of her name on his lips. "You remember me now right?" 

He looked back at Susan. "Is she the woman you were talking about?"

Her expression darkened. "You were talking about me? Why the hell?"

Jamie looked between the two women with total confusion, what the hell was going on?

"Jamie? Honey I'll explain things to her I'll be right back." Susan informed his completely ignoring Lenora. She got up and walked to Lenora.

"Come with me." 

"Like hell I'm going anywhere with you. What the hell did you tell him? You're his girlfriend? What rubbish Susan?" Lenora sneered.

"It wasn't a suggestion." Susan spat, grabbing her arm and forcing her out of the room.

"Let me go!" Lenora yelled snatching her arm out of Susan's the moment the were outside. The hallway echoing with the sound of Lenora's palm aganist Susan's cheek. 

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Susan shot her glare as she nursed her assaulted cheek. "Slap me all you want, it's still not going to change the fact that you are no longer in Jamie's life." She spat. 

"What the hell did you tell him?" Lenora asked. 

"Only what was always supposed to happen, had you not butted in and ruined everything." Susan spat.

Leonard laughed wickedly. "Are you really that pitiful? You couldn't get him to love you while he was sane so you rush over like the vulture you are to prey on his ignorance?"

"Oh please save the talk for someone who actually cares Lenora. I stopped playing fair the moment I realised you never even did." Susan scoffed.

Lenora rolled her eyes and closed her arms across her chest. "Well I hope you enjoyed your 20 seconds of attention because I'm going to go in there and tell him the entire truth." She said.

"Like he would believe you? The psycho bitch that keeps stalking him." Susan laughed.

"What? What the hell did you tell him?" Lenora asked.

"Only the truth, you are a sick, mean, aggressive and selfish brat that doesn't know how to take no for an answer." Lenora hand flew to her cheek for the second time but Susan was wiser this time catching her hand before it struck her. 

Lenora nostrils flared with rage as she tried to grab her hand out of her grasp. Susan held on tightly pulling her closer and looking her straight in the eye. "Stay away from Jamie, you've done enough damage already. If you have anything humanity left in that damaged desert that is your heart you'll leave him alone."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lenora spat.

Susan brow rose in amusement. "You don't know? That brave article you posted aganist Patricia, almost cost Jamie his life. Because of you he's in that state." She said.

Lenora expression fell and she felt extremely guilty in that moment, how she always managed to make his life even more difficult always eluded her.

"But maybe I should thank you, at least it gives me the chance to put things back where they are supposed to be." She continued. 

"And where is that? You as his girlfriend?" 

"No, you out of his life." She said with so much venom.

"Susan?" Jamie's called out from behind the closed door. 

"Yes? I'm coming." Susan said sweetly her voice the exact opposite of what it was just now.

"Like hell you are." Lenora spat bitterly.

"You really are shameless aren't you? After almost kill-"

"Save it." Lenora cut in. "There's no way I'm letting you guilt me into walking away. You're right, I am shameless, I'm also very selfish. Over my dead body I'm going to let you get your filthy hands on my boyfriend. I'm going in there to tell him the entire truth right now!"

"That might not be such a good idea." A voice behind them spoke. And Lenora turned around for see the person that dared try to stop her.

"Doctor Shin." Susan greeted.

"Why can't I tell Jamie that this sly snake is lying to him?" Lenora asked immediately. 

"Well he lost his memory, it's going to be too tasking for him if he keeps hearing different stories about his life." The doctor said.  "The stress on him to try remember which is right would be detrimental for his health."

"So he should believe a lie?" She huffed in annoyance. 

"Well, just temporarily until he is more stable. It was already such a difficult job explaining why he was cuffed to his bed." The doctor informed her. 

"But I can-"

"Can't you just get over satisfying your self for a moment?!" Susan sighed frustration. "For crying out loud Lenora you mustn't always get your way."

Lenora scoffed. "You must be enjoying this." 

Susan rolled her eyes and slid the door away walking in the doctor following behind her.

"Shouldn't the cops stop that woman from coming in?" She heard Jamie ask.

"There are taking a break right now, but she understands that she can't be here." Susan said.

"She really relentless isn't she?" He said and Lenora fists tightened so much that her finger nails drew blood from how tightly they pressed into her skin.

Tears biting at her eyes as she tried to blink them away. Almost immediately the doctor was out of the hospital room. 

"How long is he going to be like this?" She asked.

"I can't tell you that, when it comes to memory loss and things like this it completely depends on the patient." He said. "Excuse me." 

Lenora leaned aganist the wall, sliding down in a less than elegant manner she placed her head in her folded knees. And wondered how despicable her life seemed. She was definitely paying for all the sins she had committed. 

She no longer had a job, not that she cared. The moment she posted that article she knew the consequences of that action. And now the only person that kept her going thought she was a horrible villainess that woman that kept interfering on his love life. It would have been better not to have remembered her at all. 

She had to admit, that was a nice move from Susan, something she would have done herself. But she wasn't about to back down anytime. She was going to repay each and every person. This gnawing hurt and seering  anger she felt she would make them feel seven fold.

Patricia Lee that dared hurt the life of the man she loved and Susan that stole affection that belonged to her. She would pay back seven fold.

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