Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 208: 208. Perfect Moment.

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"Are you ready to talk now? You didn't seem very willing the last time." The prosecutor asked Jessie, placing his entwined arms on the table.

Disgust. That was all Jessie felt as he ire began to rise, she honestly stood the test of time talking to this guy, she hated more than anything hypocrites. And this was one of the biggest asshole she has met in her life.

"I was the one that asked for you, so don't ask me stupid questions. I'll tell you everything, the entire truth." Jessie stated bluntly.


It was always a ceremony, a touching moment when someone left prison. The moment your walking out with the cops and cheers behind you. Handing you belonging just as you left them, walking past gates that opened up for you so freely. It was blissful to say the least. She had only been in prison three days but she felt every emotion, with everything she had done through it seemed as though she managed to have the full experience under just this little time.

But nothing beat seeing the person you love most, more than anything in the entire world standing right there. Leaning on his Lamborghini, with legs crossed and his gaze serious with anticipation. Smile, the one she hadn't done in what seemed to be while, a genuine smile broke out on her face and before she knew what she was doing she was running to him.

Alerted by her heavy footsteps Jason looked up just in time to grab Jessie and spin her around. It was all so sudden but he felt so much lighter now that she was in his arms. 

Burying her face in the crook of his neck she only wanted to be there right at that moment. She treasured it, because when this moment passes everything will come apart, the whole world would be in chaos. So she cherished this moment, etched it deep in her mind, she wouldn't forget it. It was happy, peaceful and sweet.

"Hey." Jason said softly as he tried to pry her off but she wouldn't budge. 

"Please, just stay still for a bit more." She said. "I don't want this moment to pass, not yet." 

"Everyone is waiting at home Jessie, eagerly too if I might add." He laughed.

"You might not, besides the only person I want to see right now is in my arms." She murmured aganist his chest, looking up "just you, right now, in this moment."

Jason felt incredibly wary and overwhelmed, was she just admitting she loved him? Was that what this was? He didn't want to assume too much but he also couldn't help himself. He couldn't get hurt again like he did before, he didn't want to make assumptions with being sure. But as his mind worked all that detail out Jessie pulled him lower and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Looking into his eyes afterwards, her lashes fluttering with so much innocent seduction it drove him crazy. He spun her around and wedged her between himself and the car taking her lips with his own. In another more heated kiss. Slanting his lips over his, he lulled her surrender. Prying her lips open and stroking her tongue with his, he made her as mad as she made him. Tasting each other the kiss left every traces of sweet and delicate, edging into passionate and delirious. Cupping her face he deepened the kiss, causing Jessie to moan and grab unto him as she feared her legs would buckle. 

As he began to kiss lower she had to stop him. "Jason, Jason." She breathed. "I need to take a shower."


"Like right now?" He asked. His lips still making her tremble from their ministrations. 

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"Well, I haven't showered in two days so..." 

He stood up straighter and looked at her skeptically. "What? You didn't think I'd have another shower the place I was almost raped did you?" She said looking away from him

Almost raped?

"Let's go" she sighed. "The moment is gone." She said pushing him off her and walking around to the other side. "Open the door, what are you thinking?" 



Everyone was there, at Jason's manor. For crying out loud she was in prison for three days and as much as she loved to make a big deal out of it wasn't this deep. There was a welcome home Jessie, but somehow it didn't just feel right. Not in the slightest. 

"You guys didn't have to this, I wasn't even gone a week." She said tucking her wayward hair behind her ear.

"We certainly did" Jonathan smiled.

"You should go wash up and come back down." Krystal suggested, as she pulled away from the hug she almost tackled Jessie with.

Jessie nodded "I do really need a bath right?"

"Rubbish, I'm just sure you want to get every last feel of the prison from your system. You should burn those clothes as well." She said.

"Why? The clothes didn't do anything wrong." She said, walking into the manor.

Jason advised that they start the party before she came back down, he made the right call because she took her sweet time.

As Jessie showered she couldn't help but feel guilty, guilty that she wanted to hide out upstairs. All those people came all the way to the manor to see her yet she couldn't match their happiness, too many things happened to her in these three days and if it wasn't for Jason she probably would have given up and just taken her life. 

First she was molested and almost raped, no actually first she was arrested, then raped. And then that interrogation, she never felt so heavy and overwhelmed. All she wanted was to curl under her blanket and cry out her frustration a bit, was that too much to ask?

Now although it was quiet she knew it wouldn't remain that way for much longer. She shut her eyes and sighed, she would never forget that moment. The quiet, the caress of the sun, the fresh breeze brushing aganist her warm skin. And the man she loved waiting in a distance. The anticipation she felt, the building excitement and the pure joy. She couldn't stop time but at least she had the memory of her perfect moment.

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