Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 210: 210. When You Love.

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"Why are we thanking Krystal?" Jonathan asked as he walked into the room.

"Jessie I think that's bad idea, you're the target of ... well the whole world actually." Krystal suggested. 

"What's a bad idea?" Jonathan asked again.

"Jessie wants to move back into her house, in the city." Krystal replied. 

"So you still expect to keep hiding? I can't keep staying in Jason's house." She said.

"Why? Did I say you should leave?" Jason huffed.

"Still it's not right, I stayed here because I had no other choice but I don't feel it's right to continue to inconvenience you like this." She sighed.

As Jason opened his mouth to speak Jonathan cut in. "I agree with this. She can't keep staying here, it's just not right." 

Jason shot his brother a glare. "So she should be thrown to the wolves?" 

"I have to come out some time, besides it's not my fault if they feel that way. I can't keep hiding." She insisted. 

"No one is asking you to, but being with Jason is safer than being on your own." Krystal added. "Besides you more than anyone knows how determined and aggressive fans are."

"Still doesn't make staying here right." Jonathan stated bluntly. 

"Since when is a moral obligation, it's not even an obligation it's basically just courtesy, more important that her safety?" Krystal huffed. 

Jonathan scoffed, and very loudly at that. "So she needs a man to keep her safe? Is that what your saying? Because I know Jessie is more than capable of taking care of herself like the strong independent woman she is." 

"Let's be realistic here, I have better security, and how many people know the location of my manor?" Jason said, trying to cover up the hurt he felt with logical reasons.

"Still... you've been too kind Jason, I can't keep using you like this." 

"So is that what this was? Don't think to highly of yourself Jessie, I did all of this of my free will." He spat.

"And all she's saying is you should stop, because it's making her uncomfortable." Jonathan replied him.


"She has another choice so she's taking it. That's how I see it." Jonathan shrugged. 

Krystal shook her head. "It's a bad choice, a horrible one." 

Jason nodded. "I can't believe for the first time something reasonable is coming put of your mouth." He said. 

"Hey!" She whined.

"Look I'm not saying that I need you to stop helping me" Jessie said " all I'm saying is-"

"I agree with Jason, you shouldn't be alone." Tony said, from behind them.

"So I should keep staying here?" Jessie asked.

"No... I also agree with you, you shouldn't keep staying here. I'll stay with you, in your house. That settles the entire arguments right?" Tony said finally, and Jason fisted his palms and walked away before he would blow up.

As she was about to go after him Tony stopped her, "a word, Jessie." 

She nodded and left the room with him. 

"What is wrong?" He asked when they were away alone.

"I don't understand? What do you mean exactly? There a lot of things wrong with my life." She stated bluntly. 

"I know but you've never seemed as defeated as you did when you came in." Tony said. "Did something happen in the prison?" 

Jessie expression fell and her eyes became serious. 

"Jessie? Jessie, tell me what happened you know I can see right through you." He said when she wouldn't meet his gaze.

"I don't want to talk about it Tony." She said. 

"Is it that bad?" He asked slowly. 

"What do you think? You said I was defeated." 

"Seemed, seemed defeated, not that you actually are, look Jessie you are stronger than all of it. Everything, you're stronger than it all. And I know your going to get over this and come out even stronger." He said.

She just gave him a weak nod. "Shouldn't you be getting back to Kara and the girls?"

"Hey, Jessie." 

"Oh that's right your all alone at home. Still you should get going it's pretty late. I have to go, thanks for coming Tony." She said walking away quickly.


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Patricia squeezed the glass cup she held so tightly it shattered in her grasp. Broken glass, whiskey and blood fell to the floor and she shot George a glare.

"You should at the very least bleed, you wench!" He spat. 

"How was I to know she was going to spill everything? They don't even have a way of proving if the auction house exists." Patricia spat back.

"But it's out isn't it? And so is she." 

"Well you should use this as an opportunity to take her." Patricia replied. 

"Are you daft? How the hell do you expect me to take her right under Jason's nose?" 

"If I know Jessie, she's not going to want to stay with him any longer, she prides herself in being independent and strong." 

"Why should I trust anything you say?" George asked. "The only thing you've done up till now is mess up. And pull me into your mess, generations of Lee's have run auction houses without a single hitch. But the moment a pompous woman way out of her league decides to poke her nose where it does not belong look what happens. Yet you say we discriminate aganist you because you're a woman? This is exactly why a woman should not be given responsibilities." He spat, slamming his drink so hard that it spilled onto the table, slamming the door as well as he walked out.

Patricia shut her eyes and screamed as he left. What the hell was happening? How could she spill everything like that? The Jessie she knew would never so such a thing, not only does it hurt her image to be victimized like that but she knew it would implicate Jason and from what she saw Jason wasn't an enemy. Or was he? There were only two reasonable reasons she would have done that, she was not as in love with Jason as she thought, or perhaps he was cruel to her. And it wasn't her idea.

But to think that Jessie was actually free was enraging. But since she wanted to be free she would give her the consequences that came with being free!


"Jason?" Jessie knocked lightly as she pushed open his study door. After everyone left, well everyone except Paul.

Jason looked up from the fireplace he watched so intently and the glass of bourbon he nursed, running fingers around the lip the cup.

"Thought you already left?" He stated sacarstically. 

She sighed and walked into the room, shutting the door behind herself. "I don't know what to say Jason. I don't get why you're mad. You are mad right?" 

Jason eyes narrowed as her and he dropped his glass and got up. Walking around the table and leaning aganist it, his attention and gaze solely focused on her.

"You are a horrible woman do you know that?" He finally said after the short moment of silence.


He stood straighter and walked to her. "Does my heart really mean nothing to you? Or I'm I just a joke to you?" He asked.

Jessie frowned. "I never said that Jason."

"You don't need to Jessie!" He yelled. "Everything you do, every decision you make do you ever consider me? Do you even try to consider how I'd feel? Or do you just not care?" 

"Y-you should be... happy Jason. Isn't this what you wanted? For me to be free?" She asked

"I never wanted you to leave!" 

"Well I don't know what you think freedom is but it's exactly that Jason." 

He scoffed. "Putting yourself in danger?" 

"Going back home."

"This is your home. Here, right here." 

She shook her head. "I can't keep staying here Jason, it's... its..."

"Not right?" He huffed.

"I can finally be independent again, I can finally take revenge on that bitch that ruined my life why can't you see? This isn't about you Jason, this is my life my future."

"A future I have no part of right?" 

Jessie shut her eyes in frustration. Why did it have to be so hard? Why did he always make it so hard? Force her to choose between him and her life.

"Jason you know, more than anybody how much I need to do this." She said.

"No I don't Jessie, no I don't." 

"So what you want me to just give up my life, the life I built with sweat, blood and tears. I can't do that." She shook her head. "Patricia needs to pay! And I need to be the one that makes her pay!" 

"Do you know how dangerous that is? All I'm asking is that you let me help you. Haven't I proven myself enough?" He asked.

"You done more than enough Jason. It's already so scary and suffocating knowing that you'll have to go through so much trouble and problem because of my testimony." She said. "That is not fair, you shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself like that."

"But I want too."


"Because that's what you do when you love someone Jessie, sacrifice yourself to keep them safe. But you wouldn't know because your thirst and desire for revenge is obviously greater than your love for me. That is if you even love me at all." He said, turning around.

Jessie started to speak but Jason cut in, turning back. "What do you love me? Don't deceive yourself, you don't. If you want to leave then you are welcome to do so. Get out of my study." He stated firmly, walking back to him desk.

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