Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 211: 211. You Don't Get To Kiss Me.

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"So just like that I'm free to go?" Jaime asked as they uncuffed him.

"Well the reason you were arrested in the first place was realised yesterday so you're free to go." The cop that uncuffed him informed.

"So what now? Do I still get my job?" Jamie asked.

"I'm afraid that would no longer be possible." A voice came from the door. Jamie brows furrowed as he stared at everyone in confusion. Hating how he was so confused and clueless about what was happening around and to him. 

"Why can't I go to work, you guys said this was all a misunderstanding." Jamie frowned.

"You are getting released doesn't mean you're actually innocent." The man informed him.

"That is the exact definition of that." Jamie scoffed.

"Do you know who I am?" The guy asked folding his arms.

"No, who are you?" 

"I heard when you came out of surgery you didn't even remember your name, so I'll do you a favour Jamie. Don't push buttons when you don't have any power, take the win as long as it lasts and disappear." The man stated.

"So you frame him and when proof that you framed him comes out he should shut up and take the injustice?" Lenora said from the door.

The man turned around and rolled his eyes. "Miss Hastings, how nice of you to be here." 

"Why shouldn't I be? Are you afraid I'll ruin your plans of taking advantage of Jamie's memory loss?" She huffed walking into the room.

"This does not involve you." He spat.

"Oh but it does, and this is a nice scoop don't you think? Injustice in the police department, what do think nice headlines I'm I right?" She said, creating the mental picture for all in the room.

"You are messing with things that are deeper and more dangerous than you could ever believe, miss Hastings." 

"Like what? Patricia Lee?" His eyes widened at her admission, her blunt admission. "Don't look so scared, she's not a psychic she won't know I said her name." Lenora whispered mockingly at the man.

"You must think you're so invincible miss Hastings, playing with fire." 

"It's really pitiful you know, you are really pitiful. The chief of the police is directly involved in corruption. But I want you to tell that bitch something for some reason she won't pick my call." Lenora said, walking closer to the chief and leaning down to whisper into his ear.

"Tell her that the next time she touches a hair on Jamie's head the whole world would know the kind of criminal she and that family of hers is. And if she thinks I'm bluffing she can go ahead and try me." She said, as she moved away the chief grabbed her and held her in place.

"You must really have a death wish, but I don't. Want to tell her something do it yourself."

"Oh don't be a bummer, it concerns you too. It's about Jessie Marin." His eyes widened and he stepped back shakily. 

"Get out." She spat and the man glared at Jamie, then at her before leaving the room.

"What did you say to him? Why did he look so pale?" Jamie asked after the chief and the other cop left the room.

"No reason, just telling him never to hurt you again." She smiled.

He gave her a suspicious look and shook your his head. "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? I'm your girlfriend well... it's complicated." She said slowly.

"You're not my girlfriend." He stated bluntly. 

"Lemme guess Susan is?" 

"Now that is between Susan and I don't you think? You should stay out of other people's business." He said.

"Gosh that tone, you're really are still very mean do you know that?" She sighed.

"It's called being honest." He said.

Lenora laughed "you seem honest only when I'm around." 

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"Doesn't that mean you should get the point?" He asked still very blunt.

"What point?" 

"To leave me the hell alone? Look you are a beautiful woman, and from I just saw your fierce and smart. Why continue to demean yourself by going after a man that doesn't want you?" Jamie asked.

Lenora's jaw dropped and she placed her hand over her chest. "And who is the man that doesn't want me?" 

He gave her a knowing look and she would have laughed if it wasn't her in the desperate situation at the moment. "Is this because of Susan? What makes you think you can trust her story and not mine?"

"Because even though I don't remember much, from what I can tell I hate impulsive, bad tempered, disrespectful and bratty people." He said. 

Lenora huffed in disbelief. "You woke up yesterday how the hell do you know you hate anything?! Or is your memory loss a scam?" She asked.

"I met you Lenora, I had the displeasure of knowing I hate all those things because it's everything you represent!" He yelled back.

"Wow! Wow! I just can't. You hate me because I'm impulsive, bratty, and angry or you hate all those things because of me?" She asked. "You know what, don't even answer that I don't want to know." She continued. 

"So tell me, you hate me because of all these reasons but you like Susan why? Because you suddenly love lies, desperation and you enjoy the cunning and lying snake she is?" She spat.

"Susan is nice and polite. It makes sense that someone like me is with someone like her, besides she knew me since I was a kid." He informed her.

"Oh? And that has suddenly become a criteria for a healthy relationship Yeah?" 

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Is that why looked at me like you wanted to eat me up when I was standing up for you?" She asked finally.


"Oh don't deny it Jamie, I saw you I know what you did and how you stared at me. I know even know you feel it, this tension and primal chemistry between us right here, right now in this room." She said and she began to walk closer to him.

"Don't deceive yourself Lenora." 

"Oh no, the only person denying the obvious truth is you" she sat by his leg on the bed. Placing on hand on the other side of his body as she leaned closer to him. "How hot your body is getting, how passionate your beginning to feel, with each inch I close." She said her voice seductively low. Their faces where inches from each other but she refused to touch him, just as much as she affected him she feared she wouldn't be able to take it if she was to get that excited and have him reject her.

Jamie felt everything she just said and maybe even more. The way he came to life as she spat fiery remarks at the chief, even when she was being mean to Susan yesterday. He couldn't describe the feeling inside but his body definitely craved her. And now having her so close, filling his airways and senses with her scent it made him mad. But she wouldn't touch him, why? She was barely centimetres away but she wouldn't kiss him, more than anything he wanted to know if her plush little lips were as good at kissing as they were at spouting insults and threats.

"How badly you want to hold me right now, I know it all Jamie. I can feel it as well." She said, each breath she exhaled for each word she pronounced he felt on his lips. Her eyes lowered to his lips "how badly you want to kiss me." 

That broke him, he moved forward to close the distance and finally take her mouth with his but as he moved closer she moved away.

He looked up at her disappointment clearly evident in his gaze, he looked like a combination starved animal and a hurt puppy.

It took all of Lenora's willpower to pull away, her body was literally trembling. "You don't get to kiss me, not when you can't remember who I am." She said. "Besides I'm mad you called me bratty."

"Is that why your voice is trembling?" He asked, his voice deep low and hoarse with desire. Deciding to play her game of twenty questions.

"What the hell is going on here?" Susan asked as she entered the room.

Lenora and Jamie jerked away from each other and spun around to see the interruption fuming at them... well her from the door.

"Oh hey Susan." Lenoar gave her a mocking smile. Getting up and smoothing over her skirt.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She spat.

Lenora tilted her head and smiled. "Isn't it obvious? Don't worry I'm leaving before you explode." She laughed.

Turning to look at Jamie. "When you figure out what the real truth is come find me and then we'll figure out this whole deal about why you were arrested in the first place and how to move from here." 

"You know the details to my arrest?" He asked

"What do you think?" She gave him a mysterious smile, grabbing her purse she walked out, pausing as she reached the door.

"You should really stop flaring up your nostrils like that. Angry is not a look that suits you." She whispered into Susan ears, smiling as she strutted out of the hospital. That went better than she expected, wow!

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