Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 222: 222. I Know That You Know I Like You

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"I'm fine Jason really." Jessie sighed after assuring him for the thousandth time. "Look I know it's really busy for you in the company. It is my fault that your under fire like this. So please don't worry I'm fine." 

"I'm still coming to get you." 

"Why? I'm safer in Jonathan's place, I can't be seen with you right now. Besides Jonathan is taking perfect care of me." She said.

"Jonathan is what?! You are where?! Get your things ready Matt will be there in ten minutes." He growled. 

"I have no idea why you are overreacting, can you please just be reasonable for once?" She stated "Perhaps I should have let you remain angry at me." She mumbled. 

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Jason I'm fine really..."

"This wasn't the arrangement Jessie, you weren't supposed to end up with Jonathan!" 

"I don't understand why there should be a problem? It's Jonathan, not some stranger. I don't see why you should overreact, it's not as if he confessed his love for me or something. He doesn't even like me like that so you have no right to be jealous. Or do you think he does?" She asked, intentionally pressing his button. She knew that he wouldn't admit it as she herself hadn't admitted her feelings for him. He can't lay claim on her, but she knew Jonathan had feelings for her and she knew that Jason knew he had feelings for her.

But if she played dumb, Jason wouldn't announce it to her that Jonathan had feelings for her. It wouldn't only be foolish but risky. He still has no idea she already chose him, it was like giving her another option apart from him.

"He doesn't." Jason replied sounding angrier. Jessie smiled, like taking candy from a baby. Hook, line and sinker. 

"Just please let me stay here, for now at least." She said.

"I'll be there by seven to take you back to the manor, and inform Jonathan that if he doesn't want to be fired he should be in the office in twenty minutes and not a second later." He huffed.

"What?! You want him to go out? He's hurt." She whined. 

"No he isn't." He refuted "a few eggs cannot warrant a day off. Especially in the middle of a crisis like this." 

"That's not fair, if he leaves then I'll be lonely." She pouted.

"So he's your company? All the more reason he should leave." He stated. 

She sighed "do you not think you are overreacting?" 

"I couldn't care less, you are aware about my feelings for you so you shouldn't be surprised that I feel and act this way." He said.

"Fine, I'll let you take Jonathan. Tony will be here soon anyway." She agreed reluctantly. 

At first it didn't quite dawn on Jason that she just agreed to his demands, and just because he didn't feel comfortable. Emphasis on 'feel'.

"Did you just agree with me?" He asked. 

"Why does it surprise you so much?" She asked.

"Yes." He stated bluntly. 

"Wow... do you really think so lowly of me?" She asked rhetorically not expecting the honest "yes" she got from him.

Her jaw dropped and she huffed in disbelief. "Hey!" 

"Don't 'hey' me. The only thing you've done is ignore my feelings for you. And you can't blame me for feeling like it's intentional, you neither accept or reject them." He said honestly. 

"But here I am acknowledging them. Even if I was going to reject them would you honour that decision?" She asked.

"Of course not, but I would like to know to try harder. You are not someone I can bare lose, I've never felt this way about anyone else and I'm sorry but rejecting my feelings for you is not an option you have." He said bluntly. 

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And Jessie almost laughed, talk about self absorbed. "So I have no choice? Is that wise? Telling a woman she has no choice?" 

"You're not any woman, you're the woman I love. I won't stop feeling it so I won't stop saying until the wonderful day when you begin to feel the same way for me." 

I already do.

"Goodbye Jason." She said quickly cutting of the call. She rubbed the side of her head, sighing deeply. Dammit he was making things even harder! 

"Is your call finally done?" A voice startled her from behind. She jumped around with her hand on her chest as she came face to face with Jonathan. 

"Jonathan!" She squealed. "Didn't see you there." 

"Are you done?" He asked again gesturing to her phone.

"Oh... yeah, um.. Jason said to go to th-"

"The office?" He finished. "I heard."

Her brows furrowed "you heard?" She asked first confusion etched on her beautiful features before her eyes widened in realisation of what he might have heard. 

"You didn't disconnect from the bluetooth so I wasn't eavesdropping or anything. It was a situation I couldn't help." He shrugged.

She shut her eyes and prayed the ground would just swallow her, talk about karma. This must be swift punishment for playing around with Jason's emotions. "Jonathan..." she started, unsure of how to continue. 

"Judging from your expression it obvious that you know that I know that you know I like you." He said. 

She opened her mouth to speak but he didn't let her. "And I know you love my brother." 

Jessie stepped back slightly as her breath hitched in her throat. As if reading her mind and fears he reassured her. "Don't worry, I won't tell him. Just as stupid an idea it would be for Jason to tell you I like you, I can't tell him about your feelings for him." He said.

"Jonathan I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to-"

"To hear that? I'll admit I'm a bit pissed that you'd use my feelings for you to play with my brother's. So what exactly are you sorry for?" He asked.

She swallowed, something about being under Jonathan's scrutiny made her feel incredibly dirty. Who would have thought a harmless lie would cause this much damage. 

"I didn't mean for you to- I'm sorry really I am. I would never want to hurt you like that, I promise. Especially because you have feelings for me, that on it's own is already so flattering. But..."

"No, I won't accept you apology and I won't let you reject me." He said curtly walking closer. And with each step forward she took one backwards to match it.

This was a different kind of feeling, there was this new tingling at her spine as everything in her screamed that she run away. His gaze had a paralyzing effect on her that made her weak and scared. Scared that she might actually like it? Something about him just made her feel strangely aware. And when she had no where to run he cornered her.

Trapping her between the wall and himself. Placing one hand beside her head he leaned down so close that for a second she thought he might actually kiss her and she might actually allow it? How did he make her so... wanton.

"I like you Jessie." He said.

She gulped speaking at first, but when her voice sounded too weak and cleared it. Placing her hand on his chest she pushed him back slightly so she could think. "You just said you know I'm in love with your brother. How is this fair?" She asked.

He scoffed "all is fair in love and war. I've already lost too much to Jason and I won't lose more. You haven't told my brother you love him, for what ever reason but I'll take it as a good sign." 

"Jonathan." She breathed.

"Don't worry, I won't do things like this anymore, I promise. And even though I know you know I like you, I'll say it. I like you Jessie Marin. So be aware." He said. "See you later." He finished and walked out after he grabbed his suitcase. 

Jessie always hated love triangles, as much as she could she tired to avoid scripts like that. And now she knew for a fact why.

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