Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 223: 223. My Feelings Aren't A Secret.

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Devon immediately bowed to the confused and somewhat hurt older woman before he ran out after Katherine. 

"Katherine! Katherine!" He yelled running after her. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him.

"What?!" She screamed. 

His features softened immediately he saw the tear stained face. But his resolve didn't. "I can't tell you what to do bu-"

"Then don't." She spat, snatching her hand to walk away, but he reached out and grabbed her again. 

"Hey, I get that it's crappy to find out the truth but what exactly did you expect? After you heard your mother had you in a brothel?" He asked his face as blunt as it could be.

Out of confusion itself Katherine stopped crying and stared at him in shock. "Why the hell would you say that!" She huffed in disbelief. 

"Because it's the truth." He replied. 

She scoffed "this..." she shook her head. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't be with someone who thinks the 'truth' is the right thing to say at this moment." She sneered.

His grip tightened, "no."

"What?" She asked.

"I said no, I may not understand human emotions and how to deal with them but right now I could care less. I'm not trying to comfort you." He said seriously. "You started this pointless search because you felt inferior and insecure, because of foolish words spat in the middle of a fight. But no it's bigger than fulfilling stupid ambition." 

His neck angled in an awkward way as her plan came in contact with his cheek.

"So I'm in wrong? I'm I at fault for wanting a father?! After all the shit I had to put up with all my life, I'm I supposed to be selfless in this moment as well?!" She screamed as the tears both hurt and angry streamed down her face.

"That's the point Katherine, this is no longer about you!" He said his voice rising. 

"Then who? Who the fuck else it this about?!"

"Your mother!" He yelled. "I understand how overwhelmed and angry you must feel but nothing you went through in your life could be as bad as what your mother had to go through. Yet she still had you." He sighed walking closer to her he cupped her face.

"You owe it to your mother to find the bastard that hurt her like that and make him pay." Devon said.

"Ahhh!" She cried, clutching her chest. Devon catching her as she fell holding her up aganist him as she cried into his shoulder. "How could she even fall in love with a man like that? How could he not want me? Why then did she?" She cried.

"Because Katherine you are a wonderful and brilliant woman. And it's your father loss not knowing you. And you duty to make him regret not doing so." He whispered. 

After a while after she calmed down she held his abused cheek, caressing it with her thumb. "I'm sorry and thank you for helping me realise what is truly important." 

"That's fine, but it was just my opinion. I could barely stomach hearing a that in there. And I can understand if it's all too much right now, we can come back." He said.

She nodded. "I would like to go now. But I won't stop. For too long I've victimized myself because the world did so. But you've helped me realize I'm not the victim. Thank you." 

"It okay, I heard that's what a boyfriend is supposed to do." He smiled softly. "And apparently getting slapped is also part of it, didn't realise it would hurt this much." He stated bluntly. 

Katherine smiled, reaching up on her tiptoes she placed a gentle kiss on his cheeks. "Is it better now?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head, "still hurts." 

And she laughed. "You're not supposed to say that you dummy." 

"I'm not?" He pouted. "Then what should I say?" 

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She couldn't hold in the 'awwn', "gosh you too cute." She gushed as he walked her to the car.

His expression falling into a serious one. "I believe I've addressed this issue, I'm not cute, I'm sexy." 


"Aren't you going to take your personal elevator today sir?" The security man standing in front of the elevator asked as Jason waited for the the lift. 

Matt shook his head at the man from the mind and he quickly apologised and bowed. 

"I'm just going to inspect my company, nothing strange about it." Jason replied with a light smile. A light smile that disappeared immediately the elevator door dinged open and he came face to face with the person inside it.

Looking at the watch on his wrist he smirked wickedly. "Shall I fire you now? You're late." He said.

"I'm I?" Jonathan asked in reply. "Time must have passed by so quickly, I couldn't notice. But you should understand being with Jessie tends to have that effect on people." He said purposely to instigate his brother.


"Don't you know? You should, how else did you know to give Jessie the message for me? I'm sorry I was too busy taking care of her to come in exactly Twenty minutes. Not to mention how reluctant she was letting me leave." He said not even batting an eye. 

This infuriated Jason but he wouldn't lose.

He smiled smugly "then I should thank you instead. For taking care of her so well." 

"Why are you thanking me? It something I wanted to do myself, she is important to me as well. Besides it not as if you're responsible for her and I wasn't doing you favour." He stated firmly. 

Jason almost lost it but Matt was quicker. "Sir your meeting starts in a few minutes we should get going." He said.

Jonathan walked out of the elevator as Jason went it. "Still I should thank you, Jessie is the woman I love and you took care of her. It's only natural I feel gratitude." 

Jonathan laughed lowly. "Do you really go around saying that? Especially here in the company you almost ruined because of a scandal with her?"

"My feelings for her aren't a secret. Besides I didn't tell the company I told you. And don't worry brother the company is far from ruination, one beautiful actress can't destroy this company. At least not while it still belongs to me." He said.

"Everyone else thinks otherwise." He said.

"Well I'll just have to prove them wrong, again. See you later this evening brother." He said, the last word heavily laced with sacarsm.

"Why would we meet?" Jonathan spat.

"Because I'm coming to take Jessie. Didn't she tell you?" Jason asked. "I thought you knew everything."

"I don't know why she didn't, perhaps she didn't want to hurt my feelings, you see my feelings also aren't a secret but I say them to those whom their directed." He smiled.

Jason eyes narrowed and his lips upturned into a frown "What?" 

"It's nothing that should concern you brother." He returned the sacarsm. "See you later." He nodded and let go of the button allowing the elevator door close before Jason could utter another word.

Jason almost punched the inside of the elevator and he probably would if he was alone. "What do you think he meant?" He asked Matt. 

"He probably confessed his feelings and intentions to miss Marin." Matt replied. 

Jason laughed, "that ignorant son of a bitch."

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