Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 237: 237. Goddess

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Are you a virgin?" 

Jessie eyes widened suddenly at his very blunt, very direct question, before they immediately narrowed into slits. "Why the hell would you ask me that?" She huffed.

As he opened his mouth to speak the car came to a stop. Before he could ask for privacy the two doors where pulled open. Shooting him a quick glare Jessie got out, flipping her hair she began to walk into the manor. Jason stared intently as she walked in, a small smile gracing his lips. Was she really so innocent? He hadn't noticed it before, well things hadn't progressed to this point before now. He chuckled to himself, could he dare hope? He knew it was primitive and possesive but to consider the fact that he could be the first person she would get to know so intimately made him incredibly pleased for some reason.

He walked in after her, after giving orders to the drivers, heading straight for Jessie, his question needed confirmation. He would get it.

Jessie walked into the manor, and headed straight for the bar, grabbing a glass of water she chugged it down. Why? She felt hot. Why? She had no idea. Being a virgin was somehow something she was always shy or embarrassed? By, she never thought she would be asked outright like that by the guy she was dating about it. Was it a problem? Was he disappointed?

"There you are" his deep voice startled her from behind she almost dropped the glass as she turned around to face him.

With a mischievous grin he stalked towards her slowly, like predator and prey. She wanted to move backwards to avoid him but she surmised that he would follow her either way so instead she put the glass down and turned around, hoping to stop her pounding chest only not seeing him approach did even worse for her anxiety.

"What do you want?" She asked her voice sounding smaller than she intended. 

"Why do you suddenly sound so meek?" He asked. And she turned around to huff at him again, and if not for his quick reflexes she would have hit him as she did. 

Gasping at his proximity she tried to step back but stumbled and tripped over her own foot, giving Jason the upper hand as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him, so her chest was up aganist his. 

Her hair falling down in waves at the contact, avoiding his eyes she looked down to calm her rapid breathing. Putting a finger underneath her chin he lifted her head up to look up at him. 

"How is it that I want to kiss you every time I see you?" He whispered gently. 

"D-don't you have work?" She stammered. 

"I can ditch, I'm the chairman." He stated bluntly. "Besides would you want me to leave?" He asked with a small smirk and she couldn't help the eye roll.

Placing her plans flat on his chest she pushed him or tired to, putting some distance between them so she could think coherently. "Don't get ahead of yourself Chairman Kang, I'm not some needy princess. Go to work." She said.

His brow rose in amusement. "Needy princess?" He abruptly spun her around holding her close to him again, as he wrapped his hand around hers and placed them on her flat tummy. "Oh honey you're much more than a princess, you're a goddess. My beautiful, pure goddess." He whispered into her ears, nibbling it as he pulled away. 

Jessie could not help the moan that escaped her lips as she tilted her head back, letting it fall aganist his shoulders. Taking that as an encouragement he licked down her neck, cursing the turtleneck that kept him away from ravishing her as he wanted.

"Chairman Kang!" Butler Choi's voice snapped them from the haze as the starled butler exclaimed. "Oh!" 

Jessie tried to pull away, to keep up modesty but Jason refused to let her go. "Hey!" She whisper forcefully. "Let me go." 

"Is there anything you want?" Jason asked the smiling older man.

"No, no. It can wait, I shouldn't disturb you." He said almost chuckling.

"You're not doing anything!" Jessie called out after him as he left. Pulling away from Jason as he did, and shoving him in the chest. "Why did you do that?" She huffed angrily. 

"What? Hug you? That could hardly be seen as in appropriate." He shook his head. 

"You know what, you've been too confident. This has to stop, you're not allowed to touch me without my consent." She huffed.

He pursed his lips and angled his head at her. "That doesn't seem fair, you're my girlfriend doesn't that give me some leeway?" He asked.

"You've already used all your leeway." She blurted out.

He laughed "I don't think it works that way, have you never dated?" He asked.

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At first she looked at him a cornered rabbit before looking away and coughing awkwardly. "I have, of course I have." She lied.

Jason eyes widened yet again, she continued to shock him. How had she never dated? He could understand any other woman her age but an actress of her standing? Surely she would have had scandals right?

"Liar." He stated, moving again.

She glared at him, her frustration only feuling his desire to make her even more flustered. It wasn't something he saw normally, or ever infact. Who knew she was so innocent? How was she so innocent?

"I'm... I'm not lying." She shook her head.

"Really? Is that why you're so flustered? Why your so shy? Why you're so overwhelmed?" He said trapping her for the third time that morning. 


"Why are you doing this?" She asked helplessly, unable to keep up with all this emotions he effortlessly pulled from her, coming close and pulling away her body felt like erupting. 

It wasn't easy for Jason either, he wanted to pull his hair out everytime she pushed him away. So badly he wanted her screaming his name as he took his fill of her body, not that he expected to ever have enough. Until when was she going to stop giving him bits like this?

"I want you to be honest with me, tell me do you really hate it when I touch you?" He asked, his body dangerously close yet not touching. They could literally feel the static electricity left by the space their bodies didn't occupy. He leaned down so close Jessie could almost feel his lips on hers but he didn't place them on her.

Fisting her plams by her side she struggled not to touch him, why was she feeling so shy all of a sudden? She had kissed many people before, she had kissed him before! Her eyes fluttered close as he brushed ever so gently aganist her lips.

Her eyes opened again as she almost died from anticipation, only to see him staring intently at her. Before she could stop it her lips formed a pout, "you don't seem to dislike it, why do you want to push me away?" He asked and she realized he was waiting for her answer.

By all means he would rather have her crumbling in his hands but she already warned him, and though she might think he didn't listen he wasn't going to touch her if she didn't ask no, beg for it.

His body inched even closer but he refused to make contact, making her squirm and wriggle her toes in her snickers as she stared up at him with so much pent up emotion. "Does it really bother you that much?" She asked his brow rising in question. "Fine I'm sorry I'm inexperienced! It was out of my hands okay, I didn't really date because I didn't want a scandal and I can't exactly have random sex with a stranger. Besides I've never liked anyone like this." She ranted.

His lips tilted into a small grin as she poured out her heart, "so what?" 

She blinked at his question, biting her lips an action that did not go unnoticed by Jason, nervously she looked away. "I'm sorry to disappoint." She whispered softly, only for his ears to hear.

"Disappoint? You think I'm disappointed?" He asked with genuine shock. 

"Aren't you? Isn't that why your so intent on making me uncomfortable?" 

"Uncomfortable?" He asked again.

She bit her lips again looking away, her cheeks reddening as she opened her mouth to speak. "Why you were so intent on making me moan." She said so softly that if he hadn't watched her lips move he wouldn't have heard.

His heart flipped in his chest as he watched her act so timid, a word he never thought he could use in the same sentence as Jessie. 

"Gosh you so innocent." He stated. 

"See..." she frowned trying to push him away again but he held unto her arms.

"I love it, it's definitely different and strange coming from you but why would anyone, any guy be disappointed that he gets to be the first a woman has? Do you know how honoured that makes me? I'm first in your heart and more impressively your body." He said sniffing across the expanse of her sparsely exposed neck, smiling as she shuddered aganist his touch.

"Really?" She asked.

"How it would make my blood boil thinking of all the other people that would have touched you like this, how much I would curse myself for not knowing you sooner." He whispered, his breath hot and tickling her skin.

"I love you Jessie, nothing is ever going to change that."

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