Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 238: 238. The Things A Man Wants To Do To A Woman.

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Jessie couldn't take it anymore she gripped his powerful arms to steady herself, causing Jason to look into her big brown eyes. Eyes that could seduce even a saint, she was expecting. Licking her lips as she silently pleaded for him to kiss them. 

Jason hand moved up her arm, cupping the back of her nape he drew his thumb across the expanse of her plump wet lips. Damn! She could ruin a man, and when he wasn't forthcoming she pouted.

"What wrong? Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked slow and seductively. She nodded slightly inching closer to him.

But in order to ensure his future, he pulled back slightly. He wasn't a patient man, but he would never have a woman without her consent. If he was going to kiss her now she needed to ask for it, her earlier words rang in his ears the gentle man in him restraining the beast that just wanted to watch her come undone as she screamed helplessly beneath him. 

"No love, if you want me to kiss you then you must ask for it. Remember? I can't touch you without your consent." He said as if teasing her.

Jessie wanted to cry out in frustration, was it so hard to just kiss her already? Why did he have to make things so difficult. She fought her to keep her whimpering quiet now he wanted her to speak?

With a raised brow he waited... how the hell was she the only one affected like this?

She bit her lips the question making her feel so embarrassed, she did not only want him to kiss her. With the way she felt she wanted a lot more. He hadn't even done anything and she already began to feel woozy with desire, how was she supposed to confess the wanton thoughts and wants? He was supposed to take the lead, she had no problem following. At least that's how it happened in the movies she acted.

"Nothing? Fine then..." he said letting go of her to walk away. She grabbed him before she could even make the distance between them noticeable, that drafted distance. 

"Please..." where the soft words that left her lips and she looked up at him with that face! 

Jason wanted to scream... but he needed her to give him permission, since she took it back. He needed to know that with every touch, every kiss, every nibble she was aware and in acceptance. He intended to woo and seduce her but she needed to know it was him that touched her and that she allowed him to touch her.

"Please what?" 

"Do whatever you want, I won't stop you. I'll never stop you." She blurted out quickly, her eyes still on his. 

He froze at first, before caging her between his arms and the bar behind them. "Do you know how incredibly dangerous that request is? You have no idea the things I want to do you. The things a man wants to do to a woman." 

"You won't hurt me, I know you wouldn't." She replied, her voice sounding much more confident than she felt.

"Oh yeah?" 

She nodded, sure about this. "You have the opportunity to take anything you wanted from me but instead you let me go. You're not a wicked man, plus you love me. I know you won't hurt me." She said.

"Don't give too much praise love, you have no idea how hard it was for me to hold back, how hard it is for me to hold back." He stated firmly, coaxing her final confirmation from her.

Wavering at his questions, "are you really going to hurt me?" She asked.

He shook his head, "I promise everything will be pleasurable for you as well." He said and with that her pressed his lips aganist hers, deepening the kiss, his held her aganist his body.

Before he asked she opened her mouth much to his delight, giving his entrance as he tasted her sweetness. She was like honey and he a starved bear. Every part of her was sweet. 

Jessie tried to stifle the moan that came from the back of her throat, but when he ran a finger down her spine she whimpered helplessly. 

"That's it" he murmured against her lips. "I want to hear you." He said. Pulling away from the bar he walked her backwards, leading the dance of their tongues, and Jessie followed with no problems in the slightest. Unable to even form coherent thoughts all she could think of was how foolish she was to stay away from Jason because of her career. It may be the hormones, how he skillful he was he knew where and how to pull this heavenly and nerve racking feelings from her. But she couldn't think of being anywhere else but his arms.

Spinning her again he fell to the arm chair in the corner of the room, causing her to fall down on him in an undignified heap. Her thighs at either sides of his as she sat awkwardly on his lap.

His hand crept underneath her skin, before she had time to form an argument as to why she couldn't be like this with him, he pushed her downwards claiming her lips again. 

Jessie mind was so muddled and concentrated on the kiss that she hadn't noticed when the back of her turtleneck shirt was ripped. Not until a gust of air stung her naked back she pulled away and looked at Jason's mischievous grin.

"Time to get this useless shirt out of the way." He stated bluntly pulling it forward and out of her arms, his both hands held unto her naked waist and belly. Creeping up her arms and he leaned forward to put a very hot and very wet kiss on her pulse point. He began to nibble and lick, kiss and suck causing Jessie to throw back her head in pleasure as she moaned quietly. It felt like he assaulted her neck but it was too sweet to feel pain.

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Soon he began to move lower, down her collar bone and even lower, unclasping her bra for the second time that morning. He moved down the valley of her chest. 

Her breath hitching as she drew in air and coming out on a loud moan, a sound she never thought capable off and she arched her back to him. Gripping his shoulders. 

Annoyed by her lack of clothes and his clothes frame, she pushed his clothes off, tossing his jacket away as she pulled it off. 

Jason almost laughed as her fumbling fingers tried to undo his buttons, if only he wasn't as impatient. As she finally managed to shed it off, with his help of course. Her fingers trailed the expanse of his smooth chest. 

Smiling in pleasure, she didn't really have a problem with chest hair, but it made her incredibly happy to know he shaved. Moving lower and feeling dominant in their currently position she placed a kiss on his shrap jawline and down his neck. Causing blood to flow down his body as he held her tighter to him. Soon she returned back to his face kissing his cheeks, nose brows. Teasing him with feather light kisses until his patience ran out and he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her lips deeply. 

Suddenly and simultaneously their phones rang. 

He realsed a low groan, intending to ignore but Jessie was already reaching for her phone. 

"Don't." He grabbed her arm.

"It's Tony, I have to take it. He must be worried." She said slowly, still looking thoroughly ravished. Jason refused to let go of her hand, his other hand leaving burning trails on her naked torso.

"How do you manage to be worried about other people's emotions except mine?" He asked.

"How do you know I don't worry about yours?" She asked.

"If you did, you wouldn't have let me suffer for so long." He stated. 

"Six months is hardly a long time plus I didn't make you suffer and ple-" she squealed as he hand rubbed across, her face burning up as she flushed red. "Hey!" She pushed against his chest, reaching over her to her back to clasp her bra. Unlike this morning she was more successful, reaching over to the table besides them she grabbed her phone.

Picking it before it got disconnected. "Tony." She answered. 

"No, no I'm okay really. Yeah I'm with- oh gosh!" She moaned as Jason busied himself with her chest. 

She pushed him off, frowning as he gave her a cheeky grin. "What is wrong with you!" She whisper yelled, covering the speaker with her hand. When did he even undo her work.

"Your phone is ringing as well, you should answer it." Shw scolded him.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry for that. I'm fine I promise." She continued, holding Jason back aganist the chair as she did. "Yes, yes I'm with him. His manor, where? You want to see me?" 

She looked down at Jason, as if silently asking for permission. He shook his head, he never formed an opinion on the man but after he encouraged Jessie to leave his manor he decided he didn't like him.

"Jason!" She whisper yelled at him again.

"No, I won't let him come back in here after he took you away the last time." He stated bluntly. 

Jessie jaw dropped at his pettiness. "Would you rather I leave to go see him?" She threatened. 

Huffing angrily he had to agree, "I'll send a car to him." 

"Great, thanks." She smiled getting off him. 

When he voiced out his displeasure she grabbed his phone answered it and dropped it in his lap. Walking to grab his jacket since he felt it was important to rip her shirt. Gasping loudly as she saw the multiple bruises that covered her neck. 

She looked like a painting, with her healing and fading bruises and now the fresh red ones he left there. 

Shooting him a quick glare she fled the room.

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