Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 239: 239. Werewolf.

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Tony got of the phone feeling much better than when he called Jessie, not that he still didn't feel a rage that he could not quite explain. It was relieving to see that she was happy, that admist everything she found someone that made her happy. Not to mention, Eloise and the girls were not with him at the moment. He sent them away after the incident with Patricia, although the earlier incident with Jason should have been enough warning to take precaution.

He was already so mad at the entire situation, especially when the stone hit Jessie that evening, it was uncalled for and unfair. To think all these people once called themselves her fans, he was not new to the dark side of showbusiness but even this was too much. How easily could they just believe that she would murder someone? Jessie. 

And now they still wouldn't let her be, he looked at the documents before him, bunch of thieves they all were. But this was the way the world worked, he couldn't really blame them. But there was someone he could blame, Patricia Lee. Evil had never existed in the world until that woman, he wouldn't let her go free. Like hell, he wouldn't let her get away with this.


Jessie went through her closet for the third time. How did she not have another turtle neck? How the hell was she supposed to go around with her neck looking like this. Turning around to look at the mirror, even from the other side of the room she could clearly make out the bright red blotches on her skin. No way it could be mistaken for the already fading brown and purplish bruises she acquired from the fiasco last night. This, this was too fresh and too red to not be realised for what it is, his marks. 

She decided that she would be mad at him for this, opting for a black collared shirt. She looked to formal for the house, but she had to do what she could. She wasn't brave or even confident enough to wear his marks on her skin, especially when they were maids around. 

A small knock came from the door and Agnes her favourite maid, peeped in with a smile. "I cannot believe it." She started.

Jessie eyes widened in anticipation as she waited for her to continue. "It's Tony! Your manager, I can't believe it. It's like your really still you, like you know a celebrity. I remember there no were you go that Tony isn't." 

Jessie laughed at her excitement. Yes yes she knew he was famous with ladies as well, perks of being handsome. And connected to a celebrity. 

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute. Oh yeah!" She remembered causing Agnes' head to pop back into the open door. "Is Jason is here?"

"I couldn't say for a certain miss, but I don't think I saw any cars leaving the grounds." She replied. 

"What did I tell you about calling me miss, I have a name on I quite like." She scolded Agnes playfully.

Agnes gave her a witty smile and left, popping back in again. "Aren't you going to do anything about those?" She asked, her cheeks tinting pink as she pointed to her neck and jawline. 

Jessie cheeks instantly coloured the same. She awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, "I don't have anything else. I look weird right? I was going to wear this one top." 

Agnes smiled knowingly. "The chairman has a lot of hoodies, but I'm sure you already know that." 

"That right! Your a life saver!" She almost squealed. "Tossing the collared shirt she was just about to wear, she pulled on sweat pants, tying her hair into a messy bun she walked to the next room. 

Pushing the door open she walked in slowly, seeing that it didn't currently house the owner she headed straight for his walk in closet. Sensing Deja vu as she ran fingers softly along the rack of sweaters, hoods and well comfortable clothes that she could swear she had never seen Jason in. 

Picking one out of the rack, it was grey and the hood was massive, even if she didn't wear it, it covered her bruises perfectly and more wonderful the mark that idiot man put on her skin. She would have to have a talk with him about marking her, what was he? A werewolf?

Tossing the hood on a bended arm she walked out the closet, discreetly closing the door. As she turned around to walk out of the room her gaze came in contact with the- her breathing hitched. Was this really the first time she saw Jason shirtless? She lived with him for so long!

Why was she so hot?

It was like she was in a movie, only this time she was truly a hopeless heroine. In her mind time slowed down and everything seemed unreal. Water still dripping down his ripped and flat belly, his powerful arms shaking water out if his soft, oh gosh wet hair. His eyes were casted to the floor and his lips looked pink and soft her stomach actually did a sommersault. She never liked a man that was ripped or muscular, she didn't like a man that was too lean and too tall either. In fact she never really considered the kind of man she liked, 25 was an age to have all that figured out but not for her. After the initial pubescent stage of waking up to the fact that she could desire men, she felt she grew up and immersed her self so much in her work. With the excuse that she didn't have time to consider such trivalities. 

Besides who got married at 25 anymore? Sure she had the occasional smite that would come from a hot and attractive man, but that was just it occasional and fleeting. 

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But here, now, she felt such desire grip her senseless. A familiar heat flooded down her belly with an unfamiliar intensity that she feared her knees would buckle. 

Her eyes crept lower and lower, past his neck that was neither to thick or too thin. To his qide and smooty chest. She didn't really have a problem with chest hair, she would think but she appreciated a man that decidedly went through the trouble of shaving. Down his flat and ripped belly and so dangerously low to the towel that basically hung of his slim waist. 

"Jessie?" His voice brought her eyes back to his. She shut her parted lips, desperately hoping she wasn't drooling. "What are you doing with that?" He jutted his chin at the hoodie in her hand.

She followed his line of sight and looked down at her hand at his gray hoodie. Quickly spinning around she stared at the door of his closet, clearing her throat first before speaking. "I-I..." blushing deeply at the reason she shook her head and decided to lie. Gosh when did she become so tongue tied? She was never at a loss of words, although she reminded herself she never won aganist him.

"Yes?" Came his short prompting. Did he sound amused? Or was she just imagining the tone in his voice?

Jason did all he could not to burst out laughing, wow if he had known being have naked would make Jessie so flushed she couldn't speak he would have never worn clothes around her. 

As someone alarmingly aware of his strengths his looks being somewhere at the top of that list, he was still quite surprised she reacted the way she did. Surely she had been around more attractive men. It was hard to compare to actors who were required to be nothing short of perfect. The thought of affecting her so much made his heart jump, he could hold in the laughter but his face broke out into a silly grin. But what he wanted to know was why she had that drafted hoodie? It wasn't only too big it was a god forsaken hoodie. It covered her up, he hated not being able to worship her glorious body everytime he set his eyes on her. While he was sure he was attractive and sure there must be more attractive people as well. It was public knowledge Jessie's body was the standard. She was recently a bit skinnier than she usually is but it couldn't do a thing to that figure.

"It's a bit too late to try to be decent don't you think?" He said slowly approaching her.

"What?" She huffed. "I didn't see a thing!" 

"Ahh? Is that why your trembling so much?" He asked, and she cursed her treacherous body. "Are you scared?" He asked, his tone dipping slightly into that of concern. 

She was scared but that wasn't why she was trembling. She never felt such need before it shook her to her core. And now not knowing where he was, but having the gnawing feeling that he was slowly approaching she regretted turning around. Whoever said ignorance was bliss? The knowledge of his approach or rather lack off was killing her.

"I-I..." she stammered again, hating herself for feeling so desperate. "I was cold." She finished. 

"Then you should have asked them to adjust the temperature." He stated his voice sounding awfully close. She almost moaned in response when his fingers slightly grazed her exposed forearms, the heat of his body burning deliriously into her back. "Is that why you're shaking so much?"

No. But being so close and so under dressed isn't helping. 

It was a mistake, he should have kept his distance. He scolded himself for being such a fool. She was clearly afraid and here he was struggling to control the raging in his blood, all sending electrifying signals in one specific direction, down. All he wanted to do was toss her unto the bed and make her scream so loud she wouldn't be able to look the staff in the eyes.

Realising that if he kept touching her naked skin he might just give and take her, he placed his hands on the closet door. Caging her inbetween him and the door, her back to his front. Another mistake as her scent wafted so strongly into his nostrils and he suddenly became a raging beast. Tossing every single piece of argument out he placed a very aggressive, very wet and wicked kiss a the back of her bended neck. Smiling as she gasped. 

Pushing her against the door he tilted his head to kiss the side of her neck when a knock interrupted them. Startling Jessie so much she literally jumped.

"What do you want?" He growled. 

"Oh? C-chairman?" The terrified stuttering answered. 

"Agnes?" Jessie asked. 

"Miss Jessie " she sounded as if she was almost crying in relief. "I'm sorry to interrupt, I really am. But Tony is still waiting." 

Jessie eyes widened and Jason almost groaned. Before he could stop her she was already dashing out of the room.

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