Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 254: 254. Dead Serious.

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"Don't you dare walk out on me!" Krystal yelled at the rebelling teenager storming out of the apartment. "Hey, Karen! I swear if you go out don't come back!" 

"I won't! I don't want to be here either, I cannot take this nagging!" She huffed angrily. 

"Oh yeah? Let's see how well you survive out on the streets, perhaps I should just quit looking after you sorry ass and send you to some foster home!" She spat at her.

"Oh boo hoo, do you think I'd shiver at the word foster home again? I'm no longer a scared little kid Krystal. I'm sure I can handle a foster home." She rolled her eyes. "Besides it's nothing I haven't done before." She said.

Krystal wanted to pull out her hair in frustration what kind of life was this? "Fine then go ahead!" She screamed. 

"I will! At least I don't have to listen or be with some psycho that worships a murderer!" 

Krystal gasped, "take that back!" She snapped. "Take it back! You and I know that I worship no murderer, Jessie is innocent and you know that." 

"Well I'm sick of you always taking her side, you don't even know the entire truth yet you blindly believe she's innocent. Yet you are a quick to believe that I'm guilty?" Karen huffed incredulously. 

Krystal jaw opened in shock. "Did the weed fry your brain or do you think I'm stupid? You are guilty, for crying out loud what was weed looking for in you bag?!" 

"I told you it wasn't mine!" 

"Oh yeah? What about the video of you smoking weed, are you going to say that wasn't you?" She asked, laughing mockingly "those green highlights were actually for the best I guess, they wouldn't have been able to identify you otherwise." She sneered.

"Are you Kidding me? I was suspended!" Karen whined.

"Oh? You actually care? I thought you were all grown up and ready to take care of yourself, you don't care about school anymore." Krystal said sacarstically.

"This is all Macy's fault, yet her mother insisted that she was right, I have to be suspended because my idiot sister won't even defend me!" She cried.

Krystal looked taken aback when she saw tears roll down Karen's eyes, but she shook her head. This had to be done and now, "well I will never ever defend you when you're in the wrong Karen."

"Ofcourse you won't, it because I'm not your child, all this is happening because I don't have a mother!" Karen yelled. "Because you killed her!" She screamed again and before Krystal could stop herself she marched up to her younger sister and planted a firm slap aganist her cheek.

Karen eyes widened as she stared at Krystal in shock, "Ka- Karen I'm so sorry." She said slowly but Karen was not about to be forgiving her.

"I hate you!" She screamed turning around and running away.

"Hey! Karen, it's late! You're only seventeen!" She yelled. "You're not supposed to be out this late..." she sighed heavily as she soon realized she wasn't talking to anyone in specific. Turning back to the stairs that lead to her rooftop apartment she sat down with her hands propped up aganist her knees.

"Rough night?" A familiar oddly comforting voice said from the darkness. 

Krystal looked up to see Jonathan's tall and lean figure, leaning aganist the railing. Looking too casual, in a polo shirt and jeans that hugged his strong yet thin legs. 

"Don't patronize me." She almost groaned. 

"Did you really not defend her in front of her teachers?" He asked. 

She looked up at him and sighed, "was I wrong? Was that decision so bad?" 

"It depends on what you're reasoning was." Jonathan replied. 

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"I don't want her to grow up twisted, grow up wrong. That girl... Macy? She's going to be messed up but even then it's not so bad, her family is rich. Karen doesn't have the leeway to be a bad and poor person. I can't defend her when she's wrong, that isn't love... I'm her older sister but I practically raised her." She said looking down at her feet as she spoke. "It may not seem like it, because the people these days think siding with their kids even when they are wrong is love. But it's not, it just creates more twisted people in an already twisted world. I won't create another twisted person. My mom never sided with me when I was wrong, I can't remember much but I know she didn't. So I wouldn't do the same for her."

Jonathan nodded. "Then it's fine. You're right, but you have to tell her that."

"You think I didn't try? How I manage to say all the wrong words when I'm with that girl is so surprising to me." She groaned. "I shouldn't have hit her, it was too far."

"Maybe... but I'm sure she feels just as bad." He tried to comfort her.

"I doubt that, she's in a phase. Ugh..." 

"Don't act all grown up, you're only twenty one surely your phase wasn't that far away." He laughed as he walked to sit on a stair beneath her.

"No" she shook her head. "I never had the privilege to go through a phase. I had to be grown up the moment I got Karen out of her foster home." She said. 

"I didn't realise..." he started but before her could continue she stopped him.

"Don't... I don't want your pity, it is what it is. People die, it's unfortunate it happened to me but that is the way the world is. I can't really blame anyone, it's just my story. It's hard, it's sad it's difficult but it's mine. No need to be sorry about that." She finished looking up into his eyes.

Jonathan felt shocked to say the least, how was this twenty one year old already so grown? Even more so than he was. He never really realized what Krystal had to go through what she went through. Because she always wore a smile and gushed about a celebrity she was obsessed with.


"I won't mind a raise though, it's a lot of money to transfer schools. I don't want Karen going back to that school, It wasn't long ago I was a teenager. It too embarrassing." She shook her head with a small smile. Getting up she dusted her back side and began to climb up.

"Aren't you going to look for her?" Jonathan asked shocked at her total change of mood.

"Nope." She said nonchalantly. "I try not to bother about things I can't control, she'll find her way back when she's calm. Again it wasn't long ago I was a teenager, I'll let her wallow in her guilt and sadness. Seems like a fitting punishment don't you think?" A wicked grin gracing her cute features.

"..." honestly Jonathan did not even know how to express the shock and slight fear he felt when he saw her grin like that.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Didn't you come here to say something?" She asked curtly.

Jonathan looked down as though he was in deep thought. "I did didn't I?" He said with a small laugh. "I've developed a sudden habit of comforting the people I go to for comfort."

Krystal face softened as she smiled. "I proud and grateful." She said.


"You didn't yell at Jessie that day, when she ki-"

"Yeah you don't have to give me details I was there." He said, scrunching up his face.

"Sure you were." She nodded. "Still, you're better than I thought Jonathan Kang. You are thoughtful and kind." 

Jonathan cheeks suddenly felt hot and he knew that he was starting to blush. "Why the hell do you feel different this night?" He huffed in annoyance. "What are you saying?"

"Ah!" She exclaimed. Laughing "sorry I'm still in mom mode." Shutting her eyes she opened them back. "Don't worry I'm back now" she laughed. Turning back to walk up.

"Doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said." She added as she pushed the door open. "I was dead serious."

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