Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 255: 255. Poisoned?

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Jessie felt like someone stabbed her, put the knife on a string and pulled it in haggard motions around the insides of her stomach. Her cramps were always bad but they were never this bad. Perhaps she was careless and too emotional this time, making one mistake to another. 

Refusing to take her pain killers cause she didn't like the after taste, over indulging in sugar and not to mention the lack of actual food. From one mistake to the next today and it all erupted. This pain she felt right now was a lesson, she would never be this foolish again!

She knew Jason was saying something but she couldn't hear what it was, she also knew that sound left her lips but it felt like they had a mind of their own. She didn't control the groans.

Jason was almost going mad, watching her writhe and groan in pain, where they hell were they?

"We here!" Paul said as he pushed the door open. Right on time? Or at the oddest timing. 

"What took you so long?" He growled. 

"Uh... how about the fact that your manor is in the middle of nowhere? You should have an on ground doctor." He said.

"Not interested in sass Paul." Jason ground out and Paul threw his hands up in the air in surrender. 

There was no need to argue his case, he was in too bad a mood. Katherine was already at Jessie's side, trying to get her to react.

"Jessie." She called out. "Can you hear me?" She asked.

And Jessie replied with a groan. Opening her eyes she shone light into her pupils. Pushing the small torch back into her pocket she tried to pry Jessie's arm away from the tight grip on her stomach. 

"Okay Jessie I'm to touch down your stomach very slowly, I need to know where exactly hurts, okay?" Katherine said.

"C-cramps..." she breathed out heavily. 

"Cramps? Hurt this bad?" Katherine asked as she tried to understand. "Has she not eaten anything all day?" Katherine turned around to ask Jason. "Do you know what she ate?"

Blinking he shook his head. "I have no idea."

"Is there someone who can say?" She asked.

Jason walked out of the room quietly and Katherine looked to Paul. "He seems unbelievably calm." 

"I know right he isn't yelling or-" a loud shout was heard faintly. And Paul nodded. "Well we spoke too soon."

"I can hear his shouts faintly but I can't make out what he's saying?" She said as she placed her hand on Jessie damp forehead.

"Neither can I? He must really be yelling for us to even hear it." Paul replied. 

After a moment her returned with butler Choi and trembling Agnes. 

Katherine sent Jason a cautious glance before she turned to the two new comers.

"Do you two know what she ate today?" Katherine asked.

"Uh..." Agnes started, alarmed by all the attention she wasn't supposed to be getting! Plus if she ever felt that Jasom was changing she was an idiot. All of a sudden he was under some misconception that Jessie was poisoned and with the way he roared everyone was more than happy to throw her under the bus. She couldn't blame them, had she been in the same position she would have done the same thing.

He was livid to say the least, angry and terrifying, once the center of envy for being so close to Jessie everyone breathed sighs of relief when they pointed to her. Being the only person Jessie came to when she needed anything she was the subject of scrutiny. 

But butler Choi had been gracious enough to escort her back to Jessie's room when she froze in fear and worry that she might actually wet her pants being at the receiving end of Jason rage.

He had never been so angry before, scary? Yes, overbearing? Yes. But outraged this had been a first, he wasn't someone that easily exposed how he felt but right here it was as if he was ready burn down the world.

"Would you spit it out already?" Paul asked annoyed by the suspense. 

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She was trembling, butler Choi held her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"I promise the only thing she asked for was icecream, she ate a whole tub and started on another one when she had visitors." Agnes said.

"And after that?"

"She had visitors?" Both Katherine and Jason said together. 

"Can you please let me finish?" She shot at Jason. 

"This is equally important." He huffed. "One of them could have been the ones that poisoned her. Did she eat anything with them?" He asked Agnes. 

"Poison? Did I say she was poisoned?" Katherine asked him with a small frown. 

"Why then did you ask for what she ate? Isn't that what is upsetting her stomach and causing her so much pain?" He asked.

Jessie would have rolled her eyes, she would have scolded him, had she not been in so much pain. All in good time she told herself she would have to address this issue. No wonder Agnes' voice shook with so much intensity. 

"Lack of food rather..." Katherine huffed. "If what I think is right then she didn't eat at all after that right?" Agnes nodded.

"This has happened before don't you remember?" She asked Jason.

He shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He almost spat.

"Ofcourse you don't." Katherine sighed mumbling under her breath. "She needs a hospital." She said.

"Well why didn't you say so earlier, let's go." He stated firmly. 

"Uhm-uhm..." Jessie groaned. 

"I agree..." Paul nodded. "Can't you treat her with a first aid box?" 

Both Jason and Katherine shot him icy glares and he took a step back but still held his ground, ironically. "If she's going to a hospital you can't come." He tried to compromise. 

"Like hell." Jason spat.

"Look she needs a shot of painkiller a very powerful one at that, no first aid box has that." Katherine informed. "Beside she needs an IV drip as well, why the hell she refused to eat is still baffling me." She said. 

"We have an IV drip in the first aid box." Agnes said quietly. 


"Yeah, the first aid box is not the ordinary kind, actually it more of a first aid room." Butler Choi added.

"Even still I doubt you would have the pain killer I need." Katherine sighed. 

"Let's just take her to a hospital." Jason insisted. 

But before they made any real progress to move her Agnes was already to and fro and holding a box of medications, a very big box.

"Maybe you should check this." She panted. Desperate to do anything that would stop Jason from glaring at her with murderous intent. "Some others are on their way with the drips."

"I'm sure it not going to be-" Katherine started walking to the box. "Oh?" She exclaimed, seeing the medication she intended to give Jessie sitting right at the top. "How do you have this?"

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