Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 262: 262. Predator.

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Jessie was almost panting as she left the room, she gripped her phone so hard it began hurt. She placed her back on the wall and shut her eyes. Shutting them she struggled to calm her breathing as she gripped the phone and held it close to her chest.

What was she going to do now? What was she feeling? Why was this such a hard decision for her?

She honestly wanted to love Jason with no reserve at all, she wanted to give him all of her and lose herself in those dark, depthless eyes of his but she was scared. Love was never an assurance, what if his heart changed? What then? She wouldn't have her acting, she wouldn't have Jason. What would she do-

"Oh my goodness!" She jumped when her phone began to ring. Fumbling with her phone she struggled to answer.

"He-hello?" She stuttered. 

"Jessie?" A familiar voice spoke into the speaker.

"Celeste?" She asked.

"Yes.. how are you doing?" She asked sounding like such a mother, her voice smooth and oddly comforting. 

She visibly relaxed, sighing heavily. "I don't know why but it's so good to hear your voice." She said.

"I'm glad, but I'm afraid this is more than just a casual meeting, although I am worried. I heard you collapsed last night?" She asked. 

"Hmm?" Jessie eyes widened in curiosity, what could be the matter? She thought. Ignoring the obvious question as to how she knew about last nights events.

"How are you now?" She asked again.

"I'm fine, it was nothing. Tell me what do you want to discuss?" She asked.

"... I'm sorry to have to burden you with this, but you did have the most recent encounter with him between you and I. Have you heard from Jonathan?" Her soft voice asked. "I can't reach him, he won't see me."

Jessie gasped soundlessly when she realized that she may partly be at fault. She hadn't spoken to her about Jonathan at all! But in her defence she passed out after venting to him... again, her fault. How could the person she was supposed to comfort and up comforting her?

"Can we meet?" Celeste asked when Jessie remained silent.

"... uh..." she crawled out. "Sure, why not?" She said. 

"Fine, I'll send you the address. See you soon, and Jessie?" 


"Thanks for agreeing to meet me." 


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After getting dressed, she grabbed her purse and walked down stairs, looking at her phone 11:12. Jason would have left right now wouldn't he? 

So she confidently walked to the elevator in her black heeled boots, Jeans and a white wrap top. Having on light makeup and letting her hair fall freely she smiled softly when she realized she was still early.

As soon as the elevator dinged open she walked out precisely, with practiced movements she walked to the exit.

"Going somewhere?" 

She froze in her tracks, dropping the coat she leaned over to grab from the rack. She turned around abruptly, her hair whipping around with her as well.

"Jason?" She asked, her voice going up a pitch.

"That's my name, you still haven't answered my question." He stated bluntly, looking hot as hell, lounging on a sofa, his jacket open and his shirt two buttons too low.

'No tie?' She eyed irritably, what was he thinking going to work like that? Was he trying to cause an accident. Even she wasn't unaffected. 

'That amount of skin is reasonable right?' Jason asked in his own thoughts as well as he eyed her exposed waist, her white skin looking even more seductive wrapped around in ropes like that. And the way her soft creamy skin exposed her sizable mounds, but not too much to be inappropriate but enough to make him heady and annoyed.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked, her initial rabbit expression fading.

Pushing himself upwards he stood to his full height causing her gaze to rise along with him. Until he almost towered over her, but it wasn't like normal, she was wearing six inch boots. She had some height to her.

But Jason only thought it made her long legs even longer. "It is my house, I like to think I have the right to come and go and I please." He said, walking towards her, with slow calculated steps. 

She didn't know what? But she suddenly couldn't breathe, was it the way he was looking at her? Or the way he walked towards her with those eyes that held somewhat malicious intent. Or worse he was wearing that mischievously evil grin, looking at her like a predator. 

"Ahem..." she cleared her throat and tried to look away but he wouldn't let her. "I-I have an appointment." She said, hating how flustered and weak she sounded. 

She wasn't doing anything wrong, she was allowed to go out it's not as if she was a prisoner, nor was she still a fugitive. 

"An appointment?" He asked like it wasn't a question, his eyes moving across her silhouette and shamelessly resting on her cleavage. "With whom?" He asked again, loving how tongue tied she was. He was concerned of course, but it's not as if he could stop her from going out. She was too stubborn for that. But he loved oh he loved seeing her flustered. 

"It's.. um a friend of mine." She said, tucking her hair behind her, why was he looking at her like that? Why was she so affected? "Is that a problem?" She asked as he got within arms length of her.

"No, yes? I don't know, I don't want you to get hurt. But you know all that already, so I'll trust you." He said his statement completely shocking her.

She almost huffed in disbelief but her thoughts flew out the window when he snaked his hands around her naked waist and pulled her to him. Her soft upper body slamming in his hard one. 

"But I should take you, it's on my way, only chilvorous don't you think?" He smiled. 


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