Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 261: 261. Forgive Me.

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"What? What is this?" She asked trying to suppress a smile as she eyes the fancy box that was placed before her. "I thought we agreed no gifts?" 

"How can I be with such a woman and not give her gifts?" The man sitting at the other end of the table in a private room smiled. While rubbing loving circles on her arm.

"Mr. Hyun jin.." she almost whined.

"I thought I told you to stop referring to me so formally?" He asked.

She sighed. "People would actually think you're such a vixen, but you're really so innocent and naive." He laughed lightly.

She pouted. "Why are you making fun of me?" She frowned. "Besides" she leaned forward "after what just happened, how can you call me naive?" She asked, blinking at him seductively. 

Hyun Jin body clenched stiffly as he looked at her seductive eyes, and those lips that could make a man feel like sin. He just went to heaven and back yet he felt so starved of her, he could never get enough. But it was more than that now.

"Sex is very different." He stated. 

Her brow rose in question. "Different from what? Did I do something wrong?" She asked slowly and his heart clenched again.

She was always like this, so insecure. And yet she was the best sex he ever had in his life, apart from everything she knew how to make a man putty under those skilled hands and that mouth...

Perhaps, he should show her what he truly felt? Beyond the bed, she was surprisingly sweet and naive, always looking to him for confirmation.

And aganist popular believe she was not a wicked woman, he hated that her family always pressured her so much, and caused her so much pain. He wanted to protect her, but she never let him.

"How could you? Come here?" He motioned for her.

Her eyes smiling she eyed him suspiciously, as she got up from the floor she was sitting on and walked around the table to him.

As she bent to meet in, in a flash his hands swiped away all the dishes that had been spread out on the table away, his other hands snaking around her slim waist he held the back of her head with his free hand and brought her down, her back aganist the table.

He lowered himself slowly down on top her, stroking her head softly as he kissed on top her nose.

Patricia was flustered to say the least, she hadn't expected that but she was also excited. She loved being with him, he made her react in ways she didn't know existed. Her body reacted to his touches as though it was made for him. Their toussles never left her feeling unsatisfied. He knew when and how to pull out specific reactions and cries from her. 

But contrary to how it began, he was being very gentle, she didn't know what to think. He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, her neck, down her collar bones. Whispering words of admiration, words of delight, words of worship with every kiss. Somehow undoing her zip, he pulled down her dress and kissed down her body.

Drawing out a delighted gasp from her lips as she bit back the cry that threatened to spill from her lips.

Moving back to look into her eyes. "How are you so beautiful?"

"What do you mean?" She blushed shyly. "You're being strange." She said softly. 

"How can I remain the same after being with you?" He asked. "I wished I met you before I married Calle, I wouldn't have to be with someone else. You are everything." He said to her.

Patricia heart began to beat erratically. "You don't mean that." She whispered breathlessly.

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"Oh I do.. I really do, I love you Patricia." He stated bluntly that she had to push him of her and sit up, startled.

No one, no one in the world had said those words to her before. "Now I know you don't mean that." She frowned. 

He frowned as well, "why does that sound so unbelievable?"

"How can you love me? This... you... it's..." she stuttered. 

"What Patricia? Spit it out." He insisted, as she fumbled over her words.

"You're married, besides this is purely physical, that was the deal!" She blurted out shutting her eyes.

"So? How does that change anything? Yes we agreed it would only be physical, but I've never felt so good with anyone the way if feel with you. And that isn't just the sex, it's everything." He said, sitting up and holding her down, with his hands on his waist.

"Mr. Hyun Jin." She breathed out, and he shut his eyes, his face scrunching up like he was in pain.

"Don't call me that, don't put that distance between us. I love you Patricia, I want more than your body, I want all of you, your heart involved because goodness help me you already have mine." He said. "I love you Patricia, I love you." 

"Mr-... Hyun Jin." She whispered, as he traced his nose along the expanse of her long neck.

"Shhh... don't say anything, don't think. Just feel." He whispered aganist her skin, his hot breaths making her moan, as her body shivered with pleasure. 

"Oh!" She gasped as he leaned over her again, kissing, flicking, biting, nibbling, sucking, over and over. He had never been this gentle, but she knew she would never forget this day.

The day she fell in love, she had never been loved like this, he never stopped reassuring her of how special she was to him, the way her held her, she knew. He treated her like a goddess, he made her feel for the first time, warm and worthy.


Patricia shook terribly as the tears fell down in never ending torrents, she gripped the edges of her sofa, biting her lips so tightly until she drew blood. Stifling the heart wrenching scream, she screamed until her throat was dry and she cried until her body felt paper light.

She was weak, she was heartbroken but she couldn't forget the words 'You're responsible for his death.' 

She gripped at her chest, as she fell to the ground, too weak to scream, too lightheaded and drained to cry, how could she kill the one person that loved her, the one person that really saw her, the real her.

For the first time she resented herself. She always prided in the fact that she was the victim, what ever she did, she only gave as she got. How was she supposed to know kindness when she only ever got hate?

And now realising the only person, the only person who ever loved her was dead. 

Was she really doomed to be unhappy for the rest of her life? 

"I'm sorry Hyun Jin, that you feel in love with the person that ended up taking your life." She said weakly as she lay spent on the floor.

"Forgive me." With those light words, her eyes fluttered shut and she gladly welcomed the darkness.

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