Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 276: 276. Don't Motivate Me.

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"What the hell are you doing in my office?" Katherine spat. 

"No need to be so venomous, like I said, I'm here to talk." 

"I have nothing to say to you, so get out."

Slamming her hands down on Katherine's desk, the unwanted visitor looked up at Katherine and smiled when Katherine jumped. "But I didn't ask you to speak did I? All you have to do is shut up and listen."

Katherine rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Well let me rephrase myself then. I don't want to listen to anything that comes out of that mouth of yours Choi Yuri."

"How shameless are you really? Paul is an engaged man, and yet you're still seeing him?" Choi Yuri spat.

Katherine looked shocked at first, then she began to laugh. It got so bad she clutched her stomach and bent over.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY!!" Choi Yuri yelled.

"Oh gosh!" Katherine hiccuped wiping her eyes, "it's just, you're so laughable."


"How insecure can you be?" She laughed. "You mustn't have a relationship with Paul, if me meeting him for coffee in the hospital cafe causes you to come make such a ruckus in my office." Katherine sighed. 

"What did you say you harlot?!" Choi Yuri screamed. "What do you know about my relationship with Paul?" 

Katherine pursed her lips "honestly before this nothing, but seeing you now, it makes me confident."


"Let me give you a peice of advice Choi Yuri, since it seems you lack a brain in that big head of yours." Katherine started and Choi Yuri sent her a glare that would have killed had it been potent.

"Don't provoke me, I'm in a happy place, in my career, I even have a new boyfriend. I'm moving on with my life, trying to leave my painful past behind and get on with my future. But if you continue to shove Paul in my face like this, don't blame me for what happens next." She said. "I've love him for more than twenty years, I'm sure I can do twenty more, I've decided to move on. Don't motivate me further." She said glaring an already red Choi Yuri.

"Hmph, what makes you so confident that he'll love you? He'll never love you, twenty years should be enough prove for that." Choi Yuri spat back.

Now that hurt, but as usual she was used to the pain.

"Well, at least he meets with me. He speaks to me, he convinces me to go get coffee with him. I'm making a wild guess here but I'm sure I'm right, when was the last time you spoke to Paul? You're even here in his building yet you came here." Katherine asked, causing the unbearable woman standing across a desk from her to look away and begin to fiddle. 

"How does it feel to know that you have a playboy as your fiance yet he doesn't even speak to you? That must really hurt your ego as a woman." Katherine said. 

"Shut up! Shut up damn it!" Choi Yuri screamed. 

"Alright then, get out of my office. It honestly hurts my feelings and ego that two beautiful and very capable women are wasting working hours fighting over a man." Katherine added, stepping aside and pushing the door open.

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"I'm sure you have other things to do with your day." She added a small smile this time.

Choi Yuri glared the entire way, grabbing her purse violently she walked out of the office. Stopping when she reached Katherine to give one last glare before stomping out of the office. 

"Oh and Choi Yuri?" Katherine called out to her.

Turning around partially she stopped. "I'll let it go this time because we are both women and I believe women should stick together. But the next time you try this again, I will tell Paul. And trust me there is nothing he hates more than obsessed stalker women. This is my last act of comradie for a fellow woman. Good day, and I hope we never meet again." She said, shutting her door.

Choi Yuri turned around and walked to the elevator, looking confident and flawless. But as soon as those elevator doors slammed shut, she lost it. Screaming on the top of her lungs and slammed her purse into the ground.

"I swear I won't forget this Katherine Park. And you damned man, making me stoop so low, I won't forgive you either." She spat viciously. 


"It's just as you suspected sir, your father is still a major shareholder in the company. He bought shares under an alias." Matt said as he placed the file before Jason.

Jason pulled the file to himself. "Thirteen percent huh. That still twelve percent below mine. Have you found out the shareholders still loyal to my father?" 

Matt cleared his throat and pushed his tie higher. "That's pretty difficult sir." 

"I know that, but I need to know. I can't have traitors around me. I need to clip that old man's wings before he begins to get any funny ideas. Set up a share holders meeting." He said.

"Sure thing, If I may, what is your strategy sir?" Matt asked.

Jason leaned on his desk his elbows propped and his chin on his entwined fingers. "It's simple, I'll scare them into submission and anyone refusing to bend will have to break." He stated. "A simple game of the boy who cried wolf." 

"You're not going to-"

"Yes, yes I am. Transfer all the shares under your name to me." He stated. 

"But that's illegal sir, you cannot have that amount shares in such a small amount of time." Matt coughed.

"Yes, I know that. But I'm not going to be the one having it. Make the transfer under the name Jessie Marin." 

"Jessie Marin?" 

"Actually, it's going to be Jessie Marin Kang." 

Matt's eyes widened, "that's, you're going to marry her?" 

"No one has to know, not even Jessie. It's going to be a fake wedding certificate, but a real one. It just our signatures on the document and nothing more." Jason stated, rubbing his chin as he thought. "All I need is for the shares to be mine, I can't just transfer them directly to myself, but whatever a husband has, his wife does. And whatever a wife has belong to the husband as well. No one has to know." He said again.

Matt nodded. "I understand sir. I'll make arrangements."

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