Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 285: 285. Concerned For His Sorry Ass.

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"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Paul yelled as soon as the door was shut. "I never ever in my life thought you were the type of man that would ever do that." He pointed to the door.

"You're rude, yes. Obnoxious, arrogant and egotistical, yes. An antisocial jerk, definitely. But I always knew that it was not really you, that wasn't really you, circumstance turned you into all that. But now I can't even recognize you. What the hell man?" He frowned. 

Jason sat back aganist his desk, a blank face and his hands in his pocket he said nothing as he watched his friend rant.

"Are you done?" He asked bluntly. 

Paul eyed widened in confusion. 

"Then leave. I don't need anyone, not especially you telling me what to do in my own house." He said standing up, turning around to walk around his desk.

"Jason!" Paul yelled. "Don't you dare dismiss me like some fool! Don't you dare walk away from me!" 

"Why?!" Jason yelled back. "Because I'm not really an arrogant, egotistical jerk? Or because I'm not really antisocial and rude?" He asked, fire in his eyes but Paul did not cower. "News flash Paul, I'm not that foolish, naive and kind kid that believed in good in the world, and replicating it." He said. "Give up already, it's been too long now don't you think? I'm not going to change you should figure that out by now. This is who I am."

Paul fisted his plams and racked his brain, looking for any plausible reason as to why he would act like this. When he could not think of anything what so ever he decided to ask. 

"Why the hell are you doing this?" 

Jason shut his eyes and opened them again. "I don't see the reason why should explaining myself, or explain myself at all. So..."

"You should explain yourself because now you are accountable, because you are responsible as well." Paul replied. 

"Accountable for what?!" Jason shook his head. "I don't owe you a thing." 

"No... you don't, but you owe Jessie an explanation." Jason scoffed.

"Why should I explain anything to her?" 

"Because damn it, you hold her heart in your hands you son of a bitch. You approached her, she didn't want to love you but you seduced her now you are accountable for her heart. Are you saying she doesn't at least get an explanation?" Paul asked.

"She didn't want to love me?" Jason repeated, then he chuckled. "Too bad for her then."

"She's hurt Jason!" Paul yelled.

"That was not my fault, she has herself only to blame for that injury i-" before he could finish his statement the force of Paul's fist aganist his jaw pushed him to the other side of the room.

Jason eyes widened in shock as he stumbled away from his friend, now currently ex-friend. Nobody hit him, nobody but his father. Paul knew that and yet!

His eyes were filled with fire, his body quaked with rage and his gaze laced with murderous intent. He turned around pulling his bloody lower lips into his mouth and releasing it clean. His jaw tight and taut with tension his eyes spit fire at his friend. 

Paul stood at the distance, if he was honest with himself he was slightly scared but was he regretting the punch? No, it was long over due. But he didn't like or trust the look in Jason eyes one bit. 

Luckily for him before he was murdered right at the very moment, by his best friend the door opened and the two women came spilling in.

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Jessie as all bandaged up and looking like a mix of a hurt puppy and an angry cat. 

"What happened?" Katherine stepped from behind Jessie. Looking between both men, she spied the injury on Jason's lips, and shuddered when she noticed his eyes.

"What does it look like, I punched Jason. Is there a problem?" Paul asked never taking his eyes off of Jason. 

The corners of Katherine's lips tugged upwards in promise of a smile. "Actually there is..."

Paul finally looked at her, with an eyebrow raised. "What is it?" 

"It looked like you only punched him once, you should have done it multiple times." Katherine said. 

Paul smiled. "Right?"

"You two must be enjoying yourself." Jason spat viciously from across the room.

"Shouldn't they? Should every one be miserable just because you're in a mood?" Jessie spat back. 

"In a moo- ow" he winced.

Before she could bite her tongue, which she should have as it hurt her pride immensely to say the words. But then she did, "are you okay?" 

Both Paul and Katherine looked at her in mock shock. Both of them with disbelieving looks on their faces. 

"What did you just ask him?" Paul asked disbelief evident in his tone.

Jessie shut her eyes in pure embarrassment and sighed. "Sue me I'm actually somehow... I'm still concerned for his sorry ass." She said as if the words where burning a hole in her tongue.

Paul shook his head in disbelief. "I cannot believe you still have an ounce of concern for that man" he sneered. 

"Of course you won't, even I don't. But somehow I still do." She looked to the sulking and raging man across the room "I love Jason, and just because he's acting like an ass isn't going to change that. I don't think anything ever will." Looking back at Paul and Katherine. "Katherine knows what I'm talking about. She would do the exact same thing for you, wouldn't you?"

Katherine look towards Paul for a bit before she immediately diverted her gaze as soon as he turned to look at her.

Paul frowned, "she would do the same?" He asked in confusion. "She's never been in love before, how can she understand? More so with me, I don't understand." 

Turning to Katherine, Paul asked again. "You would tell me if you fell in love with someone wouldn't you? You would... no you're not in love with me are you?" 

Katherine's eyes widened, and so did Jessie's. She shot Jessie both an accusing and desperate look. 

Jessie in that moment knew she messed up, but while she saw the panic in Katherine's eyes at the secret threatened she had no idea how to get out of this situation. And why the hell was Paul so detailed? How many guys would immediately deduce her statement like that!? 

What was she supposed to say!?

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