Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 286: 286. Better One.

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Jason eyes immediately went to Katherine, he watched as she trembled, her eyes darting left and right, never settling. Then at Jessie, who decided this was the perfect time to become speechless. When it was required to speak, and Paul... he looked... distraught? Scared? He couldn't place Paul's emotion but he knew that was no way to confess one's feelings.

It was long overdue and he wished she would just tell him already because they was no way Paul would figure it out on his own. But she wasn't ready, it wasn't fair to force it.

But his lip, he couldn't remain quiet any longer. If more time past... it would become incredibly obvious and too awkward. 

"Devon, Jessie meant Devon didn't she?" He said looking to Jessie. 

A look of confusion flashed through her beautiful features but she quickly replaced it with a calm smile. "Of course, Devon... her boyfriend." She replied and he nodded.

Paul looked between the two of them, then back at Katherine. Jason noticed that he relaxed visibly, did that mean he didn't like Katherine? At all?

"You're in love with Devon?" He asked.

Katherine looked at Jessie and nodded. "Now you know, I told you." She said softly. "Excuse me." She added fleeing the room.

Paul frowned, calling out to her and leaving right after her. 

Jessie looked to Jason, from where should stood by the door. 

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't do it for you. Katherine doesn't deserve to be dragged into whatever it is you're going through." He said, walking around to his desk he sat down with a plop, pulling out a first aid box he tried to treat his wound.

But before he could apply the cream her hand on his stopped him. He looked up at her with slight surprise. How did she cross the room so quickly and so silently? 

"I can do it myself." He said.

"I know, but I want to do it. Thank you for that, I would never forgive myself if I hurt Katherine." She said, pulling the tube out of his hands she began to apply the cream on his broken lip.

"I didn't do it for you." He stated curtly and her fingers froze. Throwing the cream on the table violently she got up and paced the room.

"Why are you so mean? I mean, what the hell happened between us Jason? And don't dare give me the bullshit of not owing me an explanation." She spat. 

His face remained impassive, but out of sight he clenched his fist tightly as he watched the way she regarded her bandaged arm with care. "You won't get anything from me." He stated. 

Jessie gritted her teeth and slammed her left arm down on his desk, glaring at him. "Fine." She bit out, "don't tell me, I'll find someone who can." She spat, storming out of the room.


"Kat?" Paul said softly as he approached the woman sitting with her back to him. Walking cautiously like he was approaching a wounded cat. You never know when it's going to scratch. 

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"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat besides her, joining her to gaze at the pool. "I'm sorry if I upset you." 

Katherine turned to look at him, her heart breaking all over again when she saw the soft caring glance he showered her with. Knowing he only did it because he felt obligation too, it broke her heart over and over again when he made her feel loved... because she knew he would never love her the way she wanted to be loved.

When she couldn't bare it anymore she looked away. "You don't have to apologise, you didn't do anything wrong." She said. 

"That's not true, I upset you. Or maybe Jessie? Either way I shouldn't have pushed. It's your personal matter I shouldn't have pestered you like that." He stated. He reached out to her and tucked back strands of her long black her, pushing it neatly behind her ears. 

"That's... that's not why I'm upset." She sighed.

Paul frowned "then why? Is Devon treating you badly? Or does he not know you love him?" Paul asked. "... does he not feel the same way?" 

Katherine looked to him and felt an immense urge to smack the back of his head, but as she opened her mouth to say no and idea popped in her head. "He doesn't..." she shook her head.

"Let me guess, you're sacred to tell him?" He asked and she nodded. "Why? I can't understand what you have to be afraid of?" 

"What? What do you mean?" She asked.

"You can't seriously feel inferior to that man do you? What makes you think he wouldn't feel the same way?" He asked.

"I don't know, he just doesn't act like he does. He's sweet and kind to me but he is also like that with others, although sometimes I feel like it special he never gives me an assurance." She explained looking into his eyes, her heart feeling extremely heavy and full. She was doing this! Even if it was a lie she was telling him exactly how she felt.

"He is funny and adorable, but also hot and extremely sexy when he gets serious. His personality draws people in and he is never afraid to make people comfortable around him." She said. "He makes me feel so lightheaded and weak in the knees whenever he smiles at me with that he still gives everyone. Sometimes I feel so lucky yet so sad that he sees me as everyone, or a little above? I mean I know he cares but it's... it's not love. And most importantly I'm too scared to confess to him, because I... I don't want to destroy what we already have, because even though it's... um.. it's quite painful being just what we are right now, I can't imagine life without him. I... I love him." 

Paul froze, he literally couldn't move. What the hell was happening to him? Why couldn't he say a word? Why did she look so passionate and why was that so attractive and new? Why was he feeling so... angry? He didn't understand anything that was going on inside him, all he knew was Devon was the luckiest person alive and also the most useless if he couldn't figure out what Katherine really meant.

Without words he extended his arm and gently pushed her to him. "P-Paul?" Katherine gasped as he cradled her head on his chin, laying his chin on her head.

"Shush." He said softly. "I didn't realise you liked him this much, although I'm utterly confused as to weather we are thinking about the same Devon Geum." He said pulling away to look at her face. He chuckled slightly, "I'm so jealous." He stated.

"What?" Katherine gasped.

"Of Devon... he gets to be loved by you Katherine. I'm jealous, I want to be loved with such intensity it feels like it would be amazing and it's everything I would ever want." He gave her a sad smile. "But I guess... I might never get so lucky, after all there is only one Katherine." He said getting up, he began to walk away but Katherine called him back.

Her head down, she played with her fingers on her lap. "What do you mean?" His eyes wide in question so she specified. "There's only one Katherine." 

"There isn't anyone like you." He said with a smile. "And you already love someone else, I shouldn't be jealous at least I got the privilege of knowing you. So chin up and keep your head up Katherine, you're a treasure anyone would be happy to be loved by you." 

This had to be it! It was now or never! Turning around and getting up as well she... "Paul! I love you!"

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