Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 297: 297. Courage To Confess.

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Katherine was on edge, she had been that way for way since she received a second note earlier. She couldn't stop looking behind, having this gnawing feeling that someone was watching her. So her actual father knew where she was... he knew who she was, where she worked and where she lived. That felt creepy beyond doubt. And there was no mistaking it this time. It wasn't a mistake, it couldn't even be a prank, the second letter has way too many details to be a prank.

She felt helpless and afraid, who could she tell? The last time she met with Devon a few days ago he wouldn't stop talking about how glad he was that they were moving on in their relationship. And that he was glad she was moving on from her father, because he didn't deserve her. 

Sure enough he did not deserve her but he was terrorising her peace now. And while he hadn't threatened her yet she couldn't put it past the man that had her mother as a sex slave. Besides she was too damn curious to know what kind of tainted blood she carried within her. She couldn't tell Jessie because for the past few days she had been an entirely different world, sneaking out when she thought Katherine wasn't there. Plus she had been hanging out an awful lot with that reporter... she had no idea why but Katherine knew she had her own problems, adding too it was definitely not the best idea. 

So that left her with only one more option. Running her hand through her straight black hair she groaned. She didn't want it to get to this but she's too scared to do this alone. It wasn't like before anymore, she wasn't looking for a nameless, faceless and non-existent person. This person had a name, face and knew all about her. If that wasn't having an upper hand she had no idea what it was.

She stood outside Paul's office, she had been standing here for almost fifteen minutes, willing herself to knock, but it was starting to become a problem. She didn't understand why she was always so shy when it came to him. Just look at her sorry state, loving him for twenty years without the courage to confess. Even now it was hard for her to go to him like this. She hated being vulnerable in front of Paul, he always understood what to do, what to say how to act and how to make it better. All that wasn't beneficial to her in anyway. It just cost her pain that she couldn't bare.

'Asking him for help and telling him you love him are two different things.' Her subconscious pointed out. 

"Fine." She breathed. "I can do this. I can do this. I can d-" she gasped, he gasped. "Paul?"

"Oh please don't tell me this is a dream." He groaned. 

"What is a dream? A- oof!" She exclaimed as he pulled her into a warm embrace. "What are you doing?!"

He pulled away placing his hands at either side of her shoulders "I'm happy you're real?" He smiled.

Katherine froze at first, she had to remind herself to breathe and beg her heart to calm the hell down. Suddenly filled with an overwhelming wave of emotion, she became angry.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" She yelled at him, Paul face fell and he had the expression of a school boy in trouble. 

"You should stop doing impulsive things like that." She scolded him.

Paul racking his brain in all honesty to figure out what wrong he did. Then it dawned on him, things weren't the same anymore, she had a boyfriend now. But why did that leave a bitter taste in his mouth? Why did he feel awkward about it?

Sensing his discomfort and being unable to dismiss the cute look on his face she sighed. She made things awkward, ofcourse Katherine you always make things awkward. 

"I'm sorry for bursting out like that." She mumbled. 

Paul shook his head. "I shouldn't have done that, your right. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay, it's okay." She said.

"Wait a minute." He said. "Why are you here?" 

Her eyes widened and she released a low hum. And he replied with his own hum.

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"It's nothing, forget about it." She said turning around but his arms around her upper arm prevented her from moving away.

"It's not nothing, what's that in your hand." He gestured to the papers in her grip.

"Paul it's.. hey!" She yelled as he pulled them.out of her hands but he didn't read them.

"I know you came here to give me this, I won't read it until you allow me to, but just know that you're problems are important to me." He said his tone serious and features soft.

Katherine swallowed. "It's my dad." She said. "No, he's not my dad, the man that donated his sperm for my conception."

Paul's brows creased and he open the notes. "How did you get this?" He asked in alarm.

"Someone slipped them underneath my doors." She replied. 

"Your doors, asin you house?!" He exclaimed. "Katherine that's dangerous! Did you at least call the cops?" She looked away and Paul frowned. 

"You didn't did you?" 

"And tell them what?" She asked. "I didn't even catch a glimpse of the person that sent them, and it wasn't on the cameras. It was as if the notes appeared on their own." 

"Well we know that papers can't walk, so they probably tampered with them. All the more reason to involve the cops." 

"Well if I wanted to call the cops I wouldn't be here." She said. 

"And why don't you want to call them?"

"Can't you see Paul? I..." she was at lost for words. 

"You actually want to find him. This bastrad you want to find him?" Paul said through gritted teeth.

"Yes! Is it so bad?!" She yelled. "He is after all my father!"

"Are you serious? After everything he did to your mom?" Paul huffed. "I can't believe you want anything to do with him."

"But I do... Paul I do, I can't make you understand because you're not in my shoes but this isn't something I can walk away from. So it's either you help or I do it myself, your choice." She stated firmly. 

Paul shut his eyes in frustration, but he knew very well that he couldn't let her dive into this alone. This man... her father was dangerous. Besides he could convince her to back out eventually, when she calmed down. 

"Fine, I can't understand. I don't even want to, but I will help you. Because you problems are important to me."

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