Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 298: 298. Red Laced Bra.

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"Jason! Jason get back here!" 

"I have nothing to say to you! Don't call me!" The angry adolescent yelled. 

"What do you mean? Jason! Please son, please. Wait it's dangerous!" A beautiful but weeping woman ran out after the boy dashing into the street. 

"Jason! Wait!" She ran, grabbing her son as she held his shoulder. "Please listen to me. It's not what you think." She pleaded. 

"Really? You're not cheating on my dad?" He asked, tears in his eyes as well. "Tell me the truth, are you cheating in my dad? With Mr. Choi?" He asked.

His mother frose for a bit, fumbling for words, "you see, I'm right. I did see right. This is not the first time is it?" He said.

"Jason please-"

"Let go of me!" He screamed shoving her away, before he knew it she was falling into the road. 

Managing to stumble and stand, she looked at him wide eyes, everything stopped for a minute and the only thing he could see was the shock in her tear filled eyes. He heard the horns and next thing she blinked as a single tear fell down her cheek. But yet she smiled at him, he saw her mouth move but couldn't hear the words anyway. That was it.

The whole street halted and he was running to the other side of the road where his mother's body was flung to, lifeless, lying as though it had no breath just seconds ago.

"Mom!!!!" He screamed like his life depended on it. "Mom!!! Mom! Please! Please! I'm so sorry!" He yelled, running to her, his knees scraping the ground where he slid to her.

Ignoring the torn skin and the ripped trousers, he gathered her up in his arms. Blood was everywhere and her eyes were shut close, her body cooling. "Call an ambulance! Please!!" Screamed. "Please!!!!"

Jason eyes opened with a jerk, his eyes were already red and his face tear stained. He opened his eyes but he wasn't awake, clutching his chest he couldn't breathe. He shouldn't be able to breathe he just killed his mother!

He just killed his mother! Grabbing his shirt he choked his face began to lose colour due to insufficiency of oxygen. He some how managed to scream even without the air.

Scarlett walked in with a fright, all the files in her hand dropped to the floor as she ran to him falling on her knees besides him she tried to hold in up. But he was too out of it and too strong to stop him.

"Chairman! Chairman!!!" She screamed. 

But he refused to respond so shook him as much as she could but he still wouldn't settle.

"Ow!" She cried as he shoved her backwards. Nursing her hurt elbow she picked up herself ran out side and returned almost immediately holding a tube. She pressed it into his leg and pushed the syringe handle down.

Jason gasped visibly, sucking in air visibly. He fell forward and she was there to hold him up. When he finally came to his senses, which didn't take as long as she would have like it to he pushed her back.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked with venom in his voice.

"Sir..s-sir... " she stuttered. "You couldn't breathe, you... you looked like you were having a panic attack." She explained as she tried to stand but her legs were too wobbly and she couldn't get strength to them. Not while he glared at her like that.

Jason raging anger calmed as he heard her explanation, finally remembering and clearly he frowned. That dream what the hell was it? It was the first time he was having it, but it was so vivid. Was that the real thing? Did he really kill his mother then?

Sighing he looked down at her, his brows furrowed when his gaze met creamy, fleshy skin poorly covered by a red laced bra. Looking up at her face "why the hell are you like that?" 

Scarlett paled, blushing slightly she looked away and tried to cover herself but somehow she couldn't. Her shirt had been so tight that it was the buttons that held them together, now that there weren't there she was at a loss.

"My buttons.." she said after efforts in vain. 

"Yes? What the hell happened to your buttons?" He spat.

"You... you ripped..." she looked away again.

Jason eyes widened slightly "I did that?" He asked. Her blush and lack of eye contact answered the question.

Pulling off his jacket he tossed it to her. "Cover yourself."

"Th-thank you." She said clutching it to her chest.

He extended his arm to help up "don't worry I can stand on my own." She said.

But without waiting he leaned down and grabbed her fore arm and pulled her up. His jacket almost fell to her knees and the arm was way too large for her.

"This is why I hate having female secretaries." He mumbled to himself. She looked at him like he just killed her family looking damn adorable with tear filled eyes and those damned glasses. 

Why was she so short? He couldn't help but wonder. Getting a head ache he began to walk out of the room, stopping to look at her. "Take the rest of the day off, and mention this to anyone and I'll wring-"

"Your secret is safe with me." She added quickly. Bowing to him. The action leaving exposed yet again, but briefly because she was covered again the moment she stood straight.

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"I'll wring your neck." He said.

"What?" She gasped.

"I didn't finish my sentence. Go home then." He replied walking out and leaving her in the office.


"You cannot continue to refuse the surgery Krystal. I already told you I'd pay for it." Jonathan stated to the stubborn woman that had come to work just days after her episode. Even after he told her not to.

Now there were sitting in his car after he forcefully drove her back home, but the stubborn woman wouldn't get out. "I'll let you come back to work the moment you recover from the surgery."

"I'm not doing anything! And do you think this is about money?" She huffed incredulously. 

Jonathan sighed. "Even if you somehow have a saddening and heartfelt story about not having the surgery, you still wouldn't have the money for it." 

"Well it's much better when you say it that way!" She exclaimed angrily.

"You do realise you are acting like a child right?" He stated. 

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot that I'm only twenty one!" She exclaimed again.

Jonathan sighed, how did he keep forgetting that she was actually so young. And somehow even though he was almost already at the end of his patience he found it oddly comforting that she still had this side to her.

"Why don't you want to do it?" Jason asked.

And she looked away, "Krystal, tell me." He insisted. But she wouldn't budge.

"Hey isn't that Karen? Shall I go tell her sister has a serious illness she refuses to treat." Jonathan threatened. 

"You wouldn't dare!" She spat viciously. 

"Wouldn't I? Don't underestimate me Krystal, I'm very well fed up right now." He said.

"What the hell is it to you?! What do you care?" She yelled.

"You are my secretary... and friend." He added as she opened her mouth to complain. "I care about you Krystal, believe it or not. And I refuse to allow my friends suffer when I have the ability to help them." He said, his tone serious and his eyes sincere.

Krystal didn't know when but she already started speaking before she could stop herself. "The doctor said I might never remember what happened if I do the surgery." 

"What happened?" 

"The night my parents died. I was there with them. The both died trying to protect me." She said softly. 

"Krystal..." he called in a very light and very comforting voice. "You shouldn't blame-"

"I don't, I don't blame myself. There were my parents, of course they'd protect me. I would do it for my own child, hell I'd do it for Karen. It's just no one else knows what happened. No one else heard my mother's last words, heard her singing even at the face of death. I couldn't forget that, that song is everything to me. And I haven't been able to bring my self to sing it, or tell anyone. But it always playing in my head, I'd forget it if I'd have the surgery." She said.

Jonathan smiled. "Why the hell are you smiling?" 

Clearing his throat, he began to sing. Krystal eyes widened when she heard what he was singing. "How?" 

"I know what happened, I know the song." He replied. 

"But how?"

"You sang it to me, in the most beautiful voice." He stated. 

Krystal's eyes began to water. "Boss..."

"Let me remind, I'll teach you again." He assured her. "And you'll teach Karen when you are ready. I won't let you forget your parents." He said, cupping the side of her face he wiped a tear away.

Holding on to his arm on her face she looked into his eyes for any form of deceit but found nothing but pure sincerity, it stirred something within her. She didn't realise it, neither did he but at that moment Krystal felt assured. She had never been able to tell anyone the story of what happened that day, not even Karen. But somehow the first person she would tell would be him. And he remembered, he heard her sing once and he remembered. She was grateful. 

"Thank you boss." 

Jonathan smiled. "Anytime."

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