Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 300: 300. Pendant.

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She walked in like she owned the place. Strutting into the building she was ever so familiar with, thanking her lucky stars that she still had a key card. Thankful Jason never thought to ask for it.

All signs she was meant to be here. As she walked into the penthouse, she was filled with so many emotions. Somehow in just a few short months of staying here she had so many memories. Turning on the lights she remembered walking the grounds in just her towel because that diffuse hadn't thought to buy clothes. She cringed at the memory of threatening the staff to kill herself. Walking to the balcony she wondered what exactly possessed her to climb the railing. It was too high and too dangerous, but she still smiled at the memory of their near kiss.

The couch were he drunkenly confess his problems to her, where she promised to never stop him when he kissed her. Or the moment he and Paul set an annoying trap for she and Katherine, allowing them to spit out lies even though they knew the truth. Her shoulders shook with laughter, that... was funny. 

She remembered him firing a chef because of her, and leaving her an apple to eat. Felt like years ago, when she was banging on his door for tampons. When he carried her out of her tub, when they cuddled the entire night and he told her her voice was horrible.

"He could have said it a nice way." She pouted as she peered into the bedroom. 

It was in this very apartment he told her he loved her... and now?

She bit back the tears, this wasn't the time for sentiments, she had work to do.

She walked into his room and began to search. She checked the drawers, behind the drawers. Even making sure to look for trap door. Inside the closet, that took a hell lot of time. And yet pointless. She looked underneath the bed, under the cushions. Headed into the study, checked everything, after she came out blank from those two rooms she headed into the other rooms, even hers. 

After what felt like ages she plopped on the couch in an undignified heap, panting heavily. She looked at her phone for time... 16:53.

She had spent almost eight hours, for nothing

? She felt hopeless and incredibly annoyed. 

Struggling to stand she went to the kitchen, why would he keep it there? She had no idea but she still searched and she kept coming up blank. 

She spent three more days looking for those pictures and now on the morn of the fourth day, after cancelling plans with Goerge two more times. She developed the habit if ignoring Paul's calls as well. She felt bad but somehow she just felt like she needed to find those pictures, like there were important somehow. She couldn't explain the feeling but that was just how she felt.

But after the through searching she was just about to give up, until her eyes fell on a crooked painting. She must have hit it as she passed. 

Walking to set it right, she couldn't let Jason or anyone find out she was here. Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Are you free for lunch? Mom says she misses you and wants to see you.


"Food wouldn't hurt." She said to herself. "I'm just about done with this as well." 

Sure, text me the address. 

She put the phone back in her pocket and walked to the painting. As she tired to straighten it papers fell down her feet. They looked like pictures so Jessie heart skipped a beat. Was it-

"You have got to be Kidding me!" She screamed tossing the things across the room. There were all blanks. For crying out loud! It was like the universe was playing a sick joke on her. What the actual hell!

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Too annoyed, tired and fed up she stormed out of the room. And headed straight for the door. But she couldn't bring herself to push it open. Turning back she walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a knife. Walked to the study she removed the painting from the wall and took it to the table. Grabbing the knife she ripped the painting to shreds. And what a sight... pictures of Jason as a child with a woman besides or around him.

Jessie examined the pictures, there were missing the most crucial detail, the face as if there were edited out. 

"That's odd." Jessie mused. But she recognized the pendant. Picking one, she put the painting back, slashed and all... he could do his worst.

Cafe noir.

Jonathan's text came and she headed there. After three long days. She didn't know how to feel, she searched everywhere for the woman's face and there give her a faceless picture. Nice one, Jason. Just great.

She took sometime getting to the cafe, so both Jonathan and Celeste already had cups of coffee with them as she arrived. 

"Jessie!" Celeste smiled.

Well here was one beautiful face... at least. "Hello Celeste, Jonathan it's been a while."

"It has. How have you been? I hope Jason isn't taking his bad moods home to you, heard his being a massive pain in the ass these days." Jonathan asked and her face fell.

"Actually... I wouldn't know, I've not been living with him for almost a week now." She confessed and both of them had looks of shock on their faces.

"Oh dear what happened?" Celeste asked. 

She looked away for a bit before answering. "We broke up."

"What?!" Jonathan exclaimed. "Jason broke up with you?"

"Hush you!" His mother shushed him. 

"Are you okay?" Celeste asked. 

Jessie looked down at her idle hands, just sitting on her laps. "Honestly... I'm not sure. I have seen better times. I just have no idea what went wrong he just..." she trailed off, breathing heavily to try and prevent her tears. 

"You poor thing!" Celeste exclaimed. Standing up she leaned across the table to hug Jessie, but the only thing Jessie could see was the necklace hanging out of her shirt. 

"Well I always thought she smelled nice... she wore this necklace that she never took off as well. I always thought it didn't belong on her." 

"Well the it was sliver, with the tiniest chain it was almost non existent. It also had a pendant, a snake."

No fucking way!

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