Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 301: 301. Mind Your Fucking Business.

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Jessie couldn't unsee what she just did. The lunch went by right before her eyes, she couldn't hear anything but somehow she knew when to nod and say 'yes'.

"Jessie you're awfully quiet, is something wrong?" Celeste asked.

"She was the prettiest woman I knew, the kindest too. And very elegant, she acted like a queen as if she possessed royal blood."


"What!" She startled. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I zoned out." She apologised. "I'll go wash my face." She said, getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"It must be hard for you these days. You've lost your entire life and job. It must be absolutely unbearable with Jason gone as well." Celeste said as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Celeste?! What are you doing here?" Jessie asked.

"I was worried about you. You don't look very good." She said with a kind smile and such sincerity radiating from her that Jessie felt overwhelmed. "I think you should go away for a while. Fresh air would do you a world of good dear." 

"I should take a walk?" Jessie asked.

"No! Maybe... that's not what I meant. I meant you should travel. Perhaps for a little while, maybe for a while. Just get away, clear your head. Don't you think?" Celeste suggested. 

Jessie shook her head. "I can't... there too much I'll be leaving behind." She refused. "I can't even think of a vacation right now."

"What would you be leaving behind exactly? These people, they don't value you. Look at how they treat you like some... criminal, when you did nothing wrong. While the true criminals continue to bask in the glory. And Jason? He ended up breaking your heart, how are you going to face him?" 

"Oh Celeste." She sighed, "it's honestly comforting hearing you worry about me like this. But you don't have to worry about Jason, we aren't over. Like hell I'm just going to let him have his way and walk away." She stated. 

"Besides I've come into new information that would salvage this" she smiled.

"New information?" Celeste asked.

"Yes. It pretty mind blowing. Too good to be true." Jessie replied. 

Celeste features tightened slightly. "I'd be weary of such. Nothing is ever too good to be true." 

'Surely it must be a misunderstanding'. She thought. But she couldn't even convince herself of that. This happened way too soon. 

She felt woozy and nauseous all the same. How was it possible? There had too be some sort if mistake. Jason and Jonathan were step brothers. And if Celeste was Jonathan's mother then... she knew who Jason was. If it really was true, how then did it make any sense. 

This woman was like light and sun. She was beautiful and kind, like a goddess.

"She was the prettiest woman I knew, the kindest too. And very elegant, she acted like a queen as if she possessed royal blood."

She really was his mother! She was, that means Jason didn't kill his mom. He didn't do it, he was okay. His mother was alive.

She didn't know why but a single tear fell out of her eye and she quickly wiped it away. "I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me."

"It's okay dear." Celeste smiled at her. "You're going through a lot."

"You too kind Veronica." Jessie said absentmindly and Celeste's face darkened instantly. 

The total change shocking to Jessie. She realized her mistake. 

"What did you call me?" Her voice when down a whole pitch.

Up till this day, Jessie wouldn't understand why the hell she said what she said, or where the courage came from but it was out of her mouth before she could stop it.


"I heard, but why?" Celeste asked stepping away from her.

Jessie eyes narrowed, she had been acting way too long to know and understand body reactions. And she wasn't getting good or ignorant even, reactions from Celeste.

"I'm not sure, the name just seems to fit you." Jessie shrugged, poking, waiting for something more substantial. 

"Call me by my name. Celeste Shim." Celeste frowned. 

"Are you mad at me?" Jessie asked softly fening disappointment. 

Celeste glared. "Yes Jessie I am. How would you feel were I to call you by a name that did not belong to you?!" She struggled to keep her voice on an even tone.

"A little irritated honestly, but certainly not too much to be enrage." She pouted. "Beside I get called different name all the time it's really not a big deal." 

"It is for me, and I am not enraged!" She huffed. 

Jessie assessed Celeste's reactions, she definitely looked flustered but her gaze was unwavering. Not confident but guarded, she didn't appear nervous or sacred but rather dangerous and cautious. Now a combination she was sure did not belong on Celeste. 

What the hell was going on?

"Don't ever, call me Veronica." Celeste threatened. 

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"I won't!" Jessie said too quickly, stepping back as well. She felt a familiar feeling creeping up the back of her spine. This was the way she felt around George. But George was a dangerous man... Celeste was an angel! "I'm sorry." She whispered softly.

Celeste nodded and walked to her, touching her chin. Even though she was taller than the woman she felt inferior somehow. "I'm sorry that I exploded like that." She apologised. "I just really hate the name Veronica." 

"You didn't explode." Jessie felt the need to add.

Celeste smiled. "You too sweet. Forget it happened, and think about what I said."

"What you said?" Jessie asked.

"About travelling... I'll be heading back to the table." She said.

After She watched Celeste walk away, she felt this sort of weight. She knew the truth, what was the point of dragging things out? The quicker she got Jason and his mother together, the quicker and this therapy fiasco would be over and she could be with him. 

"You said you hated the name Veronic" she called out.

Celeste halted, turning around slightly Jessie could feel the ire radiating from her body. "I thought we choose to forget that?"

"I didn't." Jessie said. "You didn't either, and you know that the name Veronica isn't a random coincidence." 

Celeste stiffened and Jessie noticed her fisting her palms beside her person. 

"How did you find out?" She asked. 

"So you really know? I don't understand, does this mean Jonathan and Jason aren't half brothers?" She asked.

Celeste rolled her eyes, another thing Jessie felt was unbecoming on her.

"Answer my question." She ordered. 

"Answer my question." Jessie replied stubbornly. 

"That is none of you business. How did you find out." She asked again.

"Your pendant. I saw it somewhere." Jessie answered. 

Her hand instinctively went to her neck and she touched the pendant with familiarity. "Hmph... didn't think you were such a detailed observer." Celeste sneered.

"I'm not. Infact if I hadn't seen that pendant today I wouldn't have noticed it." She replied. 

"Ofcourse, Jessie Marin too high and mighty to notice things that do not concern her." She spat.

Jessie frowned. "Don't antagonize me Celeste. I'm only here to help." She stated.

"Help? What do you think you can do?"

"Anything, I can do anything. I have no idea why you would stay away from your own child for over fourteen years Celeste. Or why you would let your sons live ant agonizing each other when they are supposed to each others confidants. But whatever it is I'm sure we can find a solution." Jessie offered sincerely. Her eyes full of compassion and sincerity.

Well... that was until Celeste began to laugh. "What the hell do you..." she laughed, and it annoyed Jessie more than she would have loved to admit. "You really have no idea. You have no fucking idea Jessie so just mind your damn business." She spat. 

"I don't understand! I'm trying to help you here, you don't.. you are not a bad person and I know that you miss Jason, if not for anything I see the way you are for Jonathan. Surya you are not a bad mother so why are you acting like this?" She asked.

"You really are naive Jessie." Celeste said. "Did I ask for your help? Mind your fucking business Jessie!" Celeste ground out through gritted teeth. Turning around to stomp off.

"If not for you do it for Jason." She froze in her tracks. "He really needs you right now." Jessie continued encouraged by her reaction.

"He thinks I'm dead. How can he need me?" Celeste asked. "I'm not his mother, not anymore. His mother is dead." She said finally, walking away.

"He thinks he killed you!" She yelled in frustration. 

Celeste turned around again. "What?"

"I don't know why, but he keeps having these episodes that convince him you does because of him." Jessie said. "But somehow, well obviously that's not true you are alive. So help your son, please. He keeps pushing me away, he's pushing everyone away. But he is suffering, please." She begged.

Celeste quited for a bit, it looked like she was thinking until she looked Jessie in eyes and broke her heart. "I'm sorry but I can't help you Jessie. Jason cannot know I'm alive." 

It was Jessie's turn to freeze. "Did you not hear a word I said?!" She yelled. "Your son thinks he killed you and he is suffering for it. How can you just walk away from this?!" 

"Again I'll say it, this is none of your business!" Celeste spat back.

"Ofcourse it is! The man I love is lost and suffering, while his mother who is capable of fixing everything refuses to. How can it not be my business?" She spat back. "If you don't tell him I will!" She threatened. 

And Celeste's eyes darkened, she began to approach Jessie with mad speed and murderous eyes. "Don't make me your enemy Jessie, that would be the worst mistake you can ever make." Celeste threatened, pinning her to the wall with an arm around her slender throat.

Jessie eyes were so wide she was almost low jawed. Who the hell was this woman. "I will destroy everything you love, don't doubt. Say a word to Jason and I swear you regret it the rest of your damned life!" With that she let Jessie go and stomped off.

Leaving the stupifeid woman on the floor in a heap. Wondering what the hell was going on?

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