Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 302: 302. Murderous Actress.

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"Hello? I told you not to call me when I'm at work." Scarlett scolded the person at the other side of the phone in hushed tones.

"It's important, do you think I'd jeopardize this?" The person stated. 

"Fine what is it? ...what? How did-"

"Now is not the time for questions. Juts do as I tell you." 

"You don't have to ask me twice. I also do not want her anywhere close to here." Scarlett replied. "By the way how did you know she'll come?" 

"Fine, don't worry I'll take care of it." She assured, cutting the call. She dropped her hand phone and picked up her office phone and dialed the landline.


"Excuse me, I need to see Jason Kang." 

"And you are?" The receptionist asked the scarf cald woman with pale skin and bold red lips.

"Um... Choi Aera, tell him Choi Aera is here to see him." The woman repeated, adjusting the big sunglasses on her face.

"I'm sorry miss, do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked.

"No... but he's expecting me. He won't turn me away." She said.

The receptionist demeanor suddenly changed. Instead of a bright smile she had a scowl and a demeaning look in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry if you don't have an appointment you can see the chairman." She stated. 

Jessie bit her lower lip to keep from exploding. Who the hell was she staring at like that? "I already told you he wouldn't turn me away." She repeated with an edge to her tone.

"Well the chairman has given explicit orders today, not to be disturbed. He is in back to back meetings and is very busy." The receptionist said.

Jessie sighed. "Why can't you understand? This is really important, I need to talk to him right now." 

The receptionist looked at her from up to down, judgement in her every gaze. "Look darling. I know your type. You had the euphoria of the chairman's attention for a while. And I can understand why he spent his time on you." She said with a slight just of the chin. "But that's over now, he won't be seeing you. So please save you're dignity and just leave quietly." The woman advised.

"What? I'm not..." she sighed, again. "I'm not a whore or some... whatever it is you are thinking. I'm here to tell him something very important." 

The receptionist didn't try to mask the annoyance and contempt this time, openly rolling her eyes she spoke. "Are you dumb? Or deaf? Must I spell it out? The chairman is not accepting any visitors today!" She almost yelled, gaining attention from the surrounding people. 

"I'm not just any visitor!" Jessie as well, almost yelled back. "Look I'm-" she pulled of the glasses and pushed the scarf backwards. 

The receptionist eyes widened when she recognized who was standing before her. Jessie relaxed at the receptionist reaction to her. She definitely recognized her.

"You know who I am. Certainly you've heard the rumours that said I was dating your chairman? Well for the sake of those please let me go up." She pleaded. 

The receptionist laughed. "Do you think this makes it any better? Gosh you really do not have any shame at all!"

Jessie's eyes widened. "What?"

"How dare you come here after everything this company has suffered because of you?" The woman spat.

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse yourself! And leave, before this gets ugly." 

"Who the hell do you think you are speaking to? Seems you do not fancy your job!" Jessie huffed angrily. 

"The only person who doesn't fancy something here is you. What right do you even have to think you can mention my job?" She continued to spew grievances. "The mere fact that you had to come here to see the chairman means you and him aren't together anymore. Plus I'll let you in on a little secret so you don't continue to be shameless. It's too painful to see, plus withstanding everything I still think you are too pretty for this." The receptionist said.

"I don't need your advice! Let me up to see Jason right now!" Jessie ordered.

The receptionist looked up and made gestures with her hand. Jessie followed her line of sight to the two bodyguards that started to approach. 

"What are you doing?" She asked in alarm.

"You said you didn't want my advice." She said with a crooked smile. Before long the two men grabbed both of Jessie's arms.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Jessie yelled. "Let go off me! I'll leave on my own." She spat, but the didn't let go.

"The chairman gave specific orders for you to be removed forcefully if you showed your face here." The receptionist said.

"Jason would never do that." Jessie said, starting to panic. "Let me go! I'll leave on my own." She insisted. 

"I'm sorry that is no longer an option miss Marin." The receptionist said, waving for the men to carry her out.

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Jessie fought to get them off her, but as her legs were barely touching the ground she just looked like a flailing chicken.

"Jason would never do that! Let me go!!" She screamed, no longer caring for the scene she was making. "I'll walk on my own, this is highly unnecessary! Let go off me! Let go!" She continued to fight.

A small crowd had begun to gather and before she knew it she was stumbling to the floor outside the office. Her scarf and glasses completely gone.

Soon she began to hear people's whispers. 

"Isn't that the murderous actress?" 

"She has no shame!"

"Gosh I can't believe I ever like her!"

"I always knew there was something off about that woman!" 

It was a struggle for Jessie to bite back the tears, infact she refused to deceive herself any longer. The tears fell from her eyes in streams and rivers and she shook with heart wrenching sobs.

'Jason would never do this!' She kept saying in her head, but the evidence of it was obvious. She was on her ass, in the middle of the street with people criticising her. A celebrities worst nightmare. She tried to get up when she realized that she had no shoes, somehow in her less than elegant flailing she must have lost it.

Until... there was a car screeching, and a body covering hers. She opened her eyes Xander gazes with a hard chest. In a black suit and blue shirt.


"Until when are you going to cry for that man?" A familiar voice asked.

Jessie blinked through her tear stained lashes, looking up at the owner of the voice she chilled. "George? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"What does it look like?" He asked with a soft smile. Looking backwards, she followed his eyes as well. His bodyguards where already telling or rather scaring people away. "I'm here for you."

"But how?" 

"It doesn't matter. Can you walk? Where are your shoes?" He asked.

Jessie opened her mouth to speak but only sobs came out and she covered her face and buried it between her knees. "Go away please, I don't want you to see me cry." She said through muffled sounds. 

George touched her shoulders affectionately. "I don't want to see you cry either. And I don't want anyone to see you cry. Can you try to be strong? Just at least until we get into the car, you can't act weak in front of them." He urged gently.

After a few short moments she managed to get her crying under control. Lifting her face George did the duty of wiping her face. Pulling out a handkerchief he wiped the rep lipstick of her lips. 

"Find her shoes." He ordered his bodyguards. 

"It's in there..." she jutted her chin towards the building.

"Get it for her." He said, cupping her face he placed a chaste kiss on her lips, placing his forehead on hers. "Until when are you going to suffer for a man that doesn't deserve a goddess like you?" He asked softly. 

Jessie's only reply was a stray tear that rolled down her cheek. George thumb swiped across her cheek. "No more tears, remember?" 

"Here are the shoes." The bodyguard said handing him two nude pumps. 

George released her from his embrace and moved to her feet, picking one dainty ankle and slipping on the shoes. "Now Jessie you are going to stand up, and hold you head up. Because you have nothing to be ashamed off, more than all the people here you are more superior. Do not forget that." He said slipping the other shoe on.

Jessie nodded, she understood. Be could have just picked her up but she needed to do this. She needed to proof to them and herself that she was tougher than a measly breakup.

'But it's not measly, you love Jason.' A small voice whispered inside her. She ignored it.

Taking George's offered arm she managed to stand.

"Are you ready?" He asked.


This might be the last chapter I would write in a while. I'm starting exams soon and there is so much for me to cover. I don't want to feel scared but I'm starting too. I would try to update but I doubt that would be more than a thousand words a day.

Just until the second week of July. I thought I could keep up with win win but at this point I might actually fail if I don't read now. 

Sorry to all the people that bought privileges this month, I would still try update but I'm not certain for sure. I really, really need to just shut everything off and just read.

Wish me luck!


She cleared her throat, wiped her face on more time. She looked like a mess but she didn't care. Straightened her spine and slipped her arm into George's outstretched one. And walked with him to his car. 

She didn't know what next but she knew she had to survive today before anything else.

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