Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 304: 304. Bitch Much.

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She couldn't sleep! That dratted man still wouldn't allow her such luxuries. She laid there, struggling to think of anything but, but it was futile. She hurt everywhere... and who the hell ever said the heart was just an organ and love was a trick of the mind must have been a pained fool! Why then the hell did her chest feel like someone dug their hands into her chest grabbed her heart and continued to squeeze, tight.

Even with not tears left to cry she felt agony. She felt regret, she felt helpless. Why did she ever believe him when he said he loved her? She promised she would never be one of those naive girls that got deceived by a guy. She was better than that, oh, what a fool she'd been. She shouldn't have judged in her heart. Look at her, even worse off than the others.

Was this the fate of the world? For a heart break to destroy the good in people? She wanted to rage, she wanted to scream and break things. She wanted to die... but all those would have to wait. She was too tried yet. She didn't even have the energy for that. 

Dragging herself up and out of her bed that refused to allow her comfort or sleep she walked into the bathroom. Hating how Katherine's didn't have any bathtub in her apartment. 

"I don't have the time for a tub. I'm a doctor." She said.

Well she was an actress, she always had time for a tub. Instead she stripped walked into the shower and turned it on. Walking under it and letting the ice cold water at least try to soothe the searing pain she felt. She just sat there with her head between her knees as she let the water sting her skin. In a comforting way.


Jason walked out of his office in a mood. When was the last time he felt this way? Annoyed at life and angry at most things. He didn't realise how free he had been until today. 

"Wow... I really miss her." He mumbled to himself. 

"Did you say something sir?" Scarlett asked as she walked beside him.

Jason looked down at her. "No, I hope my schedule is clear after this. I can't understand why I'm so busy today, you've been doing a decent job of maintaining my schedule what the hell happened today? It's been one meeting after the other." He stated with a frown as she pushed the elevator button and they walked in together. 

"Small shift sir, urgent business. It's just today, it won't happen again." She replied quickly. 

Jason drew in a deep breath and shut his eyes, trying to clam his raging chest. What he would give to just hold her. Shaking his head he tired to banish the thoughts, not like those would help anyway. He needed time away from her.

"I can't believe after all this years you're still weak! This is not the man I raised, on his knees gasping for his mommy!" 

Going to see a therapist would only prove his father right, and he knew Jessie wouldn't let up on that matter. He would fix this himself. He would figure it out himself.

"Cancel my remaining plans I'm going out." He said curtly leaving her behind.

"But sir- about the dinner date with the investors!" She yelled after him.

"Arrange it." He said.

"S-sir?" Scarlett stuttered, almost stumbling as she ran after him. He was letting her set that? He had only given her basically close to nothing to do, did that mean he trusted her?

"I don't like to repeat myself, Scarlett." He said absentmindly as he pulled his phone from his pocket. 

Let's meet. We need to talk, don't you think? I heard you broke up with Jessie, so you definitely didn't marry her. And your wife, clearly isn't me. Don't you think you should officially break off this farce of an engagement? I'm too pretty to be jilted. Tomorrow, 9pm, the Castle. Don't be late.

Ps: you at least owe that courtesy, this might not mean much for you but it's my life.


"Sir?" Scarlett called out to him.

"Set the meeting for 6pm. At the castle, tell them not to be late." He replied putting his phone back into is pocket. His mood worsening.


"I just said that I hated repeating myself!" He yelled and she flinched. He sighed "just do as I say." He said, curtly walking off.


"What do you mean? It hasn't even been Twenty four hours! People cry about heartbreaks for months, and you won't even give me a day?!" She yelled at Katherine tugging back her blanket.

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"No! I refuse to let you be sad over a worthless guy, trust me. You are much better doing something to take your mind of Jason." Katherine insisted, tugging the blanket back.

"Is that what you do about Paul? Guess what twenty years later you're still heart broken." She stated matter of fact, refusing to regret at her statement as she watched the look of hurt etched all over Katherine's face.

"Bitch much!" Katherine gasped.

"Well why don't you just let me sleep in peace?" She retorted.

"No! Like hell I'll let you have your way now. Taking out your hurt on others is unacceptable!" Katherine jumped on the bed and tackled her.

"Perhaps you take your own advice you hypocrite!" She said through gritted teeth as she tried to fight back.

"You first!" Katherine struggled to push her hand away.

"No, you first!" Jessie yelled back, bucking her hips lifting her up and flipping them over so that Katherine laid beneath her. 

"Let go!" Katherine screamed. 

"Wow Katherine you are such a hypocrite!" Jessie spat with an amusing laugh.

"And you are such a bitch!" Katherine spat back.

The struggle was cut short when Jessie's phone began to buzz. She sat back and stretched forward to grab the phone from her nightstand. 

"Who is it?" Katherine asked from under her.

Jessie sent her a subtle glare, "it's not Jason if that's what your thinking." She said, answering the phone. It was over before Katherine could understand what was going on.

Before she knew what was going on Jessie was already dashing to the bathroom. 

"What hell is going on?" Katherine asked. 

"I'm going out." Jessie said.

"What? With who?" Katherine sat up.

"Who else, George." She replied. 

Katherine eyes widened. "George Lee? You're seeing him again?" 

Jessie stopped and turned around. "What?"

"Are you really asking me that?" Katherine asked. "You do know that he is George Lee right?" 

Jessie sighed. "It's not what you think."

"What do you think I think?" 

"Look, I'll explain all this later but right now, I have work to do." She said gesturing to her face.

"Your getting dressed up for him?" Katherine almost squeaked. "What happened to Jason? And being heartbroken, all that you said just seconds ago?" 

"I'm taking your advice. Forgetting about him." She said promptly.

"That is not what I meant..." Katherine yelled out in a sing song voice.

"I know." Jessie replied from inside the bathroom like wise.

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