Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 305: 305. Sells Girls For A Living.

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"Wow... you look absolutely beautiful." George smiled as Jessie walked to his car.

Her hair was pinned up with short tendrils caressing the side of her face and neck. Her eye make up prominent but she left her lips nude. With a pink body con dress that hugged all her curves and a slit that went up all the way to heaven... her long leg was on display. And only making them longer was the flowery heel she had on, she did look beautiful. 

She smiled and put her hand in his as he opened the car door for her. Jessie eyed the bodyguards that stood watch with curiosity but swallowed her question. He probably just wanted to be chivalrous. As she walked to enter the car he grabbed her naked arm and spun her around. 

Jessie eyes widened slightly and her raised brow helped ask the question but a small smirk was all he answered with. When his thumb and index finger caressed her chin she knew what he wanted to do. And before she could decide where or not she wanted this his lips were already on hers.

In her shock her eyes remained open as he wrapped an arm around her slender waist, pulling her closer. When he moved his lips aganist hers her lids reluctantly fluttered shut. She didn't understand how she felt, frozen. She had been kissed before, many times even but now she didn't know what to do. Even as he deepened his kiss her hands remained placid on his chest and her eyes opened up again. To see his passion filled face she shut them again.

Then it was over, as he pulled away she was still closing her eyes, her lips slightly swollen George felt himself come alive. Damn... she was just a woman, he reminded himself. With the same parts he had taken over and over again, but a voice in his head refuted the common sense. It wasn't any woman, this was Jessie Marin. The woman he had been lusting after ever since he held her at that party. And now she was in his arms again... where she belonged.

"Come now let's go eat." He smiled at her and she tilted he lip upwards in was seemed like a smile? Well maybe she wasn't sure, until he smiled back.

The restaurant was dark, the kind that had booths and private sections. As they walked in, an entourage of waiters followed besides them with was appeared to be a manager? It didn't matter they caused a fuss and while Jessie normally reveled in attention this was not a time she would be comfortable. What if they started throwing things at her?

Gripping his arm she paused, causing the entourage to stop as well. Looking up at him she bit her lips, unsure how to start. "What's wrong?" 

Jason would have emptied the restaurant for her. "There are too many people." She frowned. "I can't... it's going to be bad if people see me with you." 

George's brow rose, "and what makes you say that?"

She pursed her lips and narrowed her gaze. "Do you really not know that? I'm a social pariah!" 

"But you did nothing wrong." He replied. 

"Well no thanks you your niece, or even you infact." She retorted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Patricia did this not you, you just sell girls for a living." She added with a cheeky smile.

George's head tilted to the side and he turned to face her and so did she. She had no idea what was giving her this adrenaline but instead of retreating like a sensible human being she straightened her back and folded her arms. Looking him in the eye.

Their bodies stood inches from each other, and when he leaned down to straight into her eyes she stepped back. "Is this your way of dealing with you anger? Lashing out?" He asked, his voice neither calm nor agitated. It was unnerving the way she never knew what he was thinking. Doing such a good job of keeping everything in.

The only thing about Jason she was wary off was that useless grin he wore when he was up to no good. And his impulsive demands, but George was a blank book. It was like there was nothing, but a promise of danger.

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And the worst he was mostly amused, not angry, not bored just amused. What the hell was so entertaining?

Unable to maintain eye contact she looked away but as her gaze was leaving his he brought it back. 

"Don't worry, you can always take out your stress on me. But I can think of much better ways to..." he leaned in closer his face burning into the side of hers. "Release all that pent up anger." He whispered sensually in her ear.

It was like a dam broke, or the stupid adrenaline that fueled her confidence suddenly vanished and the fear was back with such force it was almost crippling. 

"No thank you." She bit out hoping her voice didn't have as much cowardice as she did.

He smiled. "Offer always stands."

"Ofcourse it does." She mumbled. 

"What was that?"

"I said that still does not solve the people problem. Can we go somewhere more quiet?" She asked desperately. 

"Not a chance, you should hold your head up high Jessie. You did nothing wrong." He repeated. "And even if you did, what the hell is anyone business? You're better than all of them." 

Her brows furrowed. "What does that mean?" She asked, not fully aware that he had began to lead her further ahead.

"What do you mean, darling?" George asked.

"You've said it before, and you just said it again. That I'm better than everyone, that not true." She shook her head.

It was his turn to stop. "Ofcourse you are. I don't need to take a look around the room to know you are the most superior woman here. The most beautiful, elegant and refined, with a body that makes men swoon and" he cupped her face. "Gosh... you are a goddess, if Jason didn't tell you this then he is a foolish man." 

Jessie frowned and not because of the insult to Jason she also thought he was foolish, infact she thought he was much worse. "Just because I'm prettier doesn't make me better than everyone. Besides I'm sure there are more beautiful women here tonight, you can't put so much importance on looks." She said. 

"Do you really think that?" George asked. And she nodded.

"Jason is really a fool then."

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