Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 308: 308. You're Not Alone.

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The door bell rang again, that had to be Paul, Katherine thought. But as she opened the door there was no one and a card this time on her floor. "Okay this is beginning to get very creepy." She sighed picking up the card.

She shut her door and walked to her island. It was an invitation card, to a fundraiser and cocktails. An incredibly high class event. She frowned, did they mis deliver this? As she moved to confirm a familiar note fell down. With the familiar writing and she would not deny her heart skipped a beat.

If you need clues go to the party. It's a shame you wouldn't be the center of attention, because you have the birth to be the most important person in that room. Your family will be there.

And that was it. That was all the note said. Talk about a cliffhanger. What exactly did he mean by her family would be there? She had no family to speak of. She sighed in frustration.

At that moment her door bell rang again. She walked to the door, and opened it. It was Paul.

She smiled, "Hey."

"Hey." He smiled back as they stood there. When he noticed the worried look in her eyes his frowned. "Are you okay?"

Katherine shook her head. "No, how can I be okay when I'm so worried for Jessie."

Paul bit back a groan. "What happened now?"

"No... Jason wouldn't do that." Paul shook his head as Katherine retold the story Jessie told her, adding the surprising and unexpected inclusion to Jessie's life.

"Same thing I said!" She almost yelled. "But she is convinced he is, but to add to all that-"

"George Lee..." Paul added quietly.

"Yeah." She quietly agreed. "Paul?"


"That man, George Lee, is he really that bad?" She asked.

"I mean what do you know about him?"

Paul was quiet for a bit before he spoke. "He's the worst Katherine." He said finally. "He is the worst person I have ever met."

Katherine shook her head. "No, he can't be that bad."

"Katherine he is." Paul said again. "He is a monster, he-"

"Okay." She interrupted. "I believe you." She assured him. "But he still can't be worse than the man who fathered me."

Paul nodded. "He is." He said. "George Lee is... all I can say is if he has his eyes on Jessie, she's not safe. Neither of you are." He stated seriously. "That auction house is no joke Kat. Hundreds of women go in there every yesterday, all of them aren't heard from anymore. The things they do to this women, these girls. It's inhumane, and George is in charge of breaking them, breaking their spirits and making them no more than bodies. Sex slaves."

Katherine heart hammered against her chest. "Paul... Jessie is with that man right now." She said with a scared expression on her face. "We have to warn her or at least tell Jason. He would know how to stop her." Before Paul could explain why that was a horrible plan in so many ways she already dashed away to get dressed, swiping at the envelope as she did.

"Wait, Katherine!" Paul called out after her, but she was already gone. He reached down to pick up the invitation and the note fell out.

Paul picked it up.

If you need clues go to the party. It's a shame you wouldn't be the center of attention, because you have the birth to be the most important person in that room. Your family will be there.

Paul's eyes widened in shock. It couldn't be. Katherine's father? He stared at the note and the invitation. He had to find out. But Katherine had already left.

Katherine ran to her closet, she grabbed a black dress and stripped. She pulled the dress on, then she grabbed the small purse with her phone, money, and ID. She slipped on the black snickers she bought last week, and grabbed her keys. She ran to the door, and opened it. Her eyes falling on Paul's hands first, then his angry eyes.

"When were you going to tell me you received another note?" He asked.

And she frowned. "Doesn't really matter now does it?" She asked.

"'re not really thinking of attending that fundraiser are you?" He asked.

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And she looked at him with both curiosity and concern. "Is there a reason I shouldn't?"

"Uh... how about the fact that you are going to be walking right into a trap? You don't know what this person is planning, or what might happen. Hell Katherine you don't even know who this person is."

"Yes I do." She disagreed. "My father, he is my father and he is giving me clues on how to find him." She insisted.

Paul stared at her in shock, unsure what to say. "Katherine.." he breathed out, "this man isn't a good person. You know that, you know that right?!" He yelled.

"So what? What difference does is make anyway? He already know where I live, I don't see you asking me to move. Besides you are going to be at that party, Jason is, I'm sure even Jessie is going to attend that somehow so why shouldn't I?" She huffed angrily walking around him.

Paul wanted to grab his hair in frustration before he realised what exactly was happening. Katherine wasn't interested in anything but the fact that she might actually be of higher birth, and that she might be equal to them. Now he really wanted to pull his hair out, every since they were kids he understood her obsession and inferiority complex but he hadn't expected it to still be so strong up until now.

"Katherine is this because of the party? The fact that you have an invite. The fact that the note said you might be the most important person there?" He asked.

Katherine looked at him in shock. "What... what are you talking about?" She asked.

"You want to give this man a chance, you want to give 'your father' a chance because you might actually be someone important?" He turned to face her, walking towards her with accusation and condemnation pouring out from him.

"Shut up." She said.

"You are still so obsessed about that aren't you. That day under the oak tree, beside the lake when you told me what you wished. To be the richest, prettiest and most influential person in every room. So that no one would ever look down on you anymore, so that no one would dare bully you anymore. That's what this is about isn't it?"

"Shut up, Paul." She said through gritted teeth.

"Because of a stupid ideology, a stupid inferiority complex you are willing to give up everything including your safety to what? Get people to acknowledge you?" He asked backing her into a wall.

Katherine blinked up at him her eyes filled with tears. "Stop it." She begged, shutting her eyes tightly.

"You are willing to give up everything because you are so desperate to be accepted by these people, who don't matter?"

"But they do!" She cried. "If they didn't why the hell do I suffer so much? Why the hell do I have to keep bowing my head? Why would your mother think I'm not good enough for her son because I'm only an orphan! Look at how she treats me, look at how they all treat me!" She cried.

And Paul anger was gone in that moment. How did he tell her? How did he show her? She was even too good for him, she was a diamond and no one was worth her. For crying out loud she was already a medical professor at Twenty seven. All the doctors under her where her elders and yet no one could perform the miracles she did in an operating room. She was the kindest and most compassionate person he knew and she was the sweetest soul. No one deserved her, no one.

Paul cupped her face and lifted her chin to face him, using his thumbs to wipe her face.

Katherine couldn't look at him, she felt too ashamed. Not because of anything but majorly because of her mother, she really was happy about that note. Cautious yes, suspicious yes, but the thought of her birth being more noble than expected excited her. The mere thought of having some prominence.

"Gosh I'm so shameless." She cried.

"Shh..." he said softly pulling her against his chest. He stoked her soft black hair and she cried into his chest.

"I..." she sniffled. "Won't-" sniff "-go-" sniffle "to the fund raiser." She said in between sobs.

"I know." He assured her. "You have a lot to offer Katherine, and you are already more than enough."

"You're just saying that." She whispered.

"No, I'm not. I promise Katherine, you are more than enough." He said.

And she sobbed more into his chest. "I've always wanted to be more." She cried.

"I know." He said. "But you have to remember you don't need to prove yourself to anyone except yourself. You'll always be enough." He said. "That why you will go to the party."

"I can't." She insisted.

"Yes you can." He said. "And I'll be there with you. I promise.

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