Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 309: 309. Gold Digger.

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"Are you going to scream?" Jason asked as he held Jessie aganist the wall, his grip stiff on her upper arm and the other around those plush soft lips.

Jessie widened eyes turned angry and she tried to shove him away but he held her in place. "Wrong answer." 

A muffled scream came from the back of her throat. But he wouldn't let go, his eyes mirrored hers in the anger he felt. Seeing her with George tonight just made him livid annoyed and hurt. How could she be with him? George, infact at this point it didn't matter that it was George, it was the fact that she was with someone else and it scared him so much at how close and how easy if was for him to lose her. That his brain only interpreted it as betrayal and sought to blame her instead of addressing the real reason she was here with someone else. Him.

She stilled and he loosened his hold on her mouth still caging her with his body though.

"Let me go!" Jessie yelled, her voice quivering with something he couldn't quite place. "Why the hell are you doing this? Last I heard you wanted nothing to do with me? What the hell is this?!" She spat, her voice gaining more stability. That's right Jessie don't cry, you can't cry. It would be too pitiful not to mention absolutely mortifying. 

"Last I heard you made promises not to leave me, are your words so lax? What the moment I turn my back you're unto the next?" Jason spat back, somehow the words he intended to speak, his head intended to convey where mushed up and pushed away but his emotional and foolish heart. He meant to say, 'George is dangerous, I love you. I'm sorry, and don't leave, you're not safe with George.'

Jessie eyes widened and she pounded on his chest, shoving him away. "How dare you!" She said through gritted teeth. "How dare you!" She screamed again, "I cannot believe after what you did you still have the gall to judge or reprimand me? Why? Didn't you say you wanted nothing to do with me anymore? So why do you care who I'm with? I don't owe you a single thing. And unlike you at least I had the decency to at least wait till we were separated to actually be with someone else!" 

"Are you mad? Is this because of me? You looked at all the men in this world and chose to he with him? Do you even understand what you're getting yourself into?" 

"I don't care!" She screamed, willing herself to not cry, to not break down, she was too angry she was too hurt. She didn't know what she wanted but she knew to was too be anywhere but here. Seeing him was too painful and now? He was scolding her? Acting like she betrayed him after he threw her out of his life, and quite literally too. "And you shouldn't either, you don't love me. We aren't together, you pushed me away" she poked at his chest. 

"And last I checked you loved me too much to just walk away, isn't that right? Was that a lie? I'm afraid Jessie was I played? Was this your plan, to milk out all the men that meant something in this country. Changing heirs like your damned heels." He spat viciously making sure to rip into her. He pushed her away, he was aware of that, he had issues, he had problems. Things he needed to deal with on his own, he knew he could've have lost her when he pushed her away. But being with her like this, as broken as he was was only going to be a burden for her. And he was too messed up to even want her help, want her near. But then she refused to walk away, she gave him hope when he lost it. When he felt he was never going to be allowed happiness. She stayed, fighting and all of a sudden? She was with someone else, shattering everything he suddenly began to hope in. He couldn't let it go, he wouldn't let it go. Wouldn't let her go.

"Acting like a victim, seducing men and when you are done using them as shields discarding them?" He asked. 

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Jessie stumbled backwards, her eyes wide and her lips parted in shock. "Who the hell are you?" She cried. "Did you even know me? Did I even know you? How could you say such a thing?!"

Jason leaned downwards, caging her with his body. He whispered into her ear "am I wrong? You're tired of pitting brother's aganist each other now you decided to get bigger fish?" 

Jessie stilled, her breathing heavy, the proximity of their bodies burning awareness into her consciousness. "Are you implying I'm a gold digger?"

"Are you implying I'm wrong?" Before she could stop herself not that she wanted to his head was titled to the side and her palm burned in remembrance of the wicked and abrupt contact.

"Go to hell Jason. We are truly done, whatever ember of whatever that remained between us is over. Whatever love or lie... it is that we shared it's over, I'll forget it all. I don't want to ever see you and I hope we never meet again." She spat, walking around him to leave. "Infact we never even happened."

Will you be able to do it though?" He asked, their backs to each other.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked stopping and turning around. 

"Will you be able to forget me? Act like this never happened?" He asked, turning as well.

"What the hell does that have to do with you?" She almost yelled but managed to keep her voice under control. 

"I know how you react to me Jessie, and how I react to you. Only you, you will feel this way with only me, are you going to walk away from all this passion? This allure the obvious pull."

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