Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 316: 316. Trust Me.

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"Help me! Help me please!" Jessie cried as she ran to the ever winding halls, she was sure there where changing. It didn't take her as long to come how was it that she didn't have any idea where to turn?

Perhaps it was the fact that her body was getting weaker and weaker and her head was becoming foggy, it was increasingly hard to see a thing. She needed help she needed "ah!" She screamed as she stumbled her dress ripping, causing her knees to shoot out of the torn lace. 

She was already missing an arm, the dress hanging of one shoulder and down her chest where it exposed the swell of her breast. Her hair that was combed back with precision stuck out at odd angles, her face was streaked with black as her mascara leaked with the tears that never stopped pouring. She had pink bruises all over her arms, neck and her bold pink lipstick was all over the place. 

She heard a loud bang behind her and all the more she struggled to get up but her leg twisted in an odd angle and she found herself on the ground again. The floor started to ripple and wobble like the actual damned ocean.

A pained cry escaped from her mouth as she heard the footsteps of her captor draw closer a sickening laugh and the long drawl of her name.

Anyone, someone please!

She looked forward, and pulled herself up. She would not let him win, not after everything she had been through, she would not give up here.

She grabbed the flare of her dress that spread out from above her knees and ripped it off, the tear from earlier acting like a slit she shrugged of her golden heels and began to move. She needed to get away, she needed to hide, she needed to do something, anything! But just not be here.

"Jessie?" A familiar but surprised voice called out to her from the end of the hall.

"Oh gosh..." she cried. "Please someone... he's chasing... I don't... please help, help me!" She yelled and she ran into his arms.

"There you are!" She screamed as the huge man slammed into the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" The person she clung to asked.

"B-boss?!" The man stuttered. 


"I swear I didn't mean to touch her, I just wanted to rattle her a bit." He stated, looking between Jessie and himself. 

"You didn't mean to touch her? Is that why she looks like this? I ordered you to keep her where she was and you dared to touch what belongs to me?" He continued.

"Boss... please, please spar-"

"Ahhhh!!!!" She screamed as she watched the mountain of a man that once promised her terror, fell to the ground with a bullet hole in his head.

As she tried to move away her 'saviour' grabbed her and held her to himself. 

Without asking she knew. There was no way, no way, he was no saviour. "Please..."

"Come now, don't struggle. You wouldn't anyway, the drug has already begun to take effect. Don't fight it." He whispered into her ears as her head began to fall.

"Please..." was all she could say as he threw her over his shoulders and began to march back the hallway she had just escaped from. Back to that room, back to her demise. "Please..."

Three hours ago.

The moment George began his speech, everyone moved. Katherine and Paul headed out of the room and began their search. Combing through rooms and doors.

"Should we split up? We'll cover more ground that way." Katherine suggested. 

"I hate to agree but I think you're right, we should split up." Paul agreed. 

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And there went in separate directions. And everything seemed to remain so normal and so annoyingly ordinary, Katherine could hardly recollect how many doors she had open, but she knew that three were locked. 

And as she was just about to give up she heard the soft sound, with her head jerking up she saw the source of the sound. The notes... it was the sound from the edge of the card hitting the ground. Without further ado she grabbed her dress and ran to it, swiftly picking up the card, hiking up her dress she ran after the person. He couldn't have gotten far. And she was right! She saw an arm, it was a guy, the arm was suit clad so she knew where she was heading.

Soon after she saw a brief silhouette going down a another hallway. "Wait! Wait please!" She yelled after the person. "Come back!" She screamed and suddenly he disappeared. 

As she was about to curse, she saw a door slam shut. There... but why did it feel like the person wanted her to follow?

Ofcourse the person wanted you to follow, my father wants me to find him.

She sucked in all the air her lungs could accommodate and shut her eyes in preparation she began to head to the room. What would she do if he was in there? What would she do if he was not? If he wasn't what exactly would she be looking for?

It was far too unnerving for her tiny heart. "Okay Katherine, all you need to do is open the door. Open it, just open it." She said to herself. 

Her gloved hand on the handle. She pushed it downwards and opened up the door. It was dark, so she searched the wall beside the door for a switch and when her hand found it she turned it on. 

There was no one there. But it was an office, or a study. She headed to the two adjoining doors, one was a bathroom which as also empty and the other didn't open. So she resigned herself to search the office. 

Getting busy with the desk she pulled out drawers and searched through files and papers. Judging from her findings, this office belonged to George Lee and if there was any evidence of false play it wasn't here because the documents she saw were spic span. But then again she didn't think he would keep evidence of his corruption any where someone especially his father would find it.

"What the hell?" 

"What's wrong?" 

"Look. The CEO'S office is open." 

Katherine head jerked up, and she fumbled to quickly shut the drawer, shoving all the papers she scanned with it. The voices grew closer and she began to curse herself for her insolence ans lack of attention. She should have shut the door! But then again she was thinking of a situation she could be locked in. 

Running to the door she peeked outside there were two men, they looked like bodyguards and they were too close to make an escape. What was she going to do now? She couldn't get caught she would definitely be accused of stealing! 

"Katherine?" She almost screamed but next thing she knew she was aganist a hard body and that scent, that cologne she knew it anywhere. 

"Shhh" Paul hushed her, as he pulled her back into the office and put aganist the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She almost yelled. "They'll find us out!" 

"Exactly, do you have any idea what George would do to you, if he finds you snooping in his office?" Paul asked. 

Katherine huffed. "And you are making it worse!" 

"No... I am making it better. Trust me." He said.

"How do you expect me to-"

"Shhh...." he gushed again, placing a finger on her lips. Katherine had already fisted her gown in anxious anticipation of the incoming strangers. 

"Don't be scared, just trust me. Do you trust me?" Paul asked, looking straight into her eyes.

She swallowed hard and nodded. She didn't like him looking at her like that, not one bit. But by the time she realised what that look meant, Paul's lips were already on hers.

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