Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 317: 317. Sweetheart.

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At first Katherine remained unmoving, she literally could not move. What was she even supposed to do? How was she supposed to react? After twenty years... she had watched him, learned the way he sighed a little before each smile. She'd seen him cry, laugh, be sad, be happy, she knew his anger and his mirth. She knew his weaknesses and strengths, and she fell in love with both. She had dreamed of this for twenty years, his lips on hers. His hands on her body, the way she'd watch him shatter her heart and kiss countless women. Even though it should have been beneath her, she should deserve better she didn't. She just wanted him to look at her the way he looked at all the women he seduced and wooed. To have eyes for only her even if it would have lasted a moment. To worship and desire her, to make her heady with wanting for him.

Yet he only looked at her with those kind eyes and that thoughtful smile he reserved for just her. Just her, the only woman he would never desire until now. Until now when his hands found the back of her neck and he deepened the kiss, the way his face was contorted into one of passion. She saw it just briefly before her eyes were forced to shut. When she felt the force of his kiss all the way down to her toes. Paul wasn't her first kiss, infact she had felt aroused from someone else's lips. But now when he kissed her, it was like she was touched for the very first time.

Everything she had imagined his kiss to be was everything he gave... and more. When he pushed into her, his hard chest coming in contact with her softer one Katherine couldn't help the moan. 

And just as she was about to reprimand herself for being so shameless he muttered sweet words aganist her lips. "That's is, open for me now Kate." 

And without hesitation her lips parted and his tongue swept in the moment his tongue stroked hers she lost everything feeling in her toes and Paul caught her, his arms wrapping around her waist and she didn't understand how possible it was but he pulled her even closer and Katherine wouldn't be anywhere else. Her arms went around his neck, her fingers weaving into his long dark hair.

His kiss was gentle at first, as though he was lulling her, making her comfortable. He was attentive, not venturing out too far, not pushing her too far. But the moment Katherine melted in his arms he felt it. And he loved it, he wasn't thinking of course he wasn't thinking. Who was this woman why did she have everything he was looking for? It might have seemed anticlimactic for a rake like him to believe in love but he did. He had seen way too many examples to deny the notion. And he had searched for that person that would make his blood boil, make him lose all sensibilities. Make him desire so badly he would give anything for another taste.

And the way she felt in his arms he knew. He just knew and he couldn't stop. This was deeper than anything physical this kiss hit him hard. He felt alive, he felt euphoric the way she moved with him. Complimenting each nibble, each tug, each stroke he was on fire. He wanted more. He wanted more he wanted all of it.

Breaking the kiss he kissed the side of her lips he kissed her jaw and the moment his lips touched her neck. Katherine hid the moan with a shudder but he knew and he rewarded her with a moan of his own. A moan that had her winded, it sounded raw and very honest.

Paul was enjoying this, with her muddled brain she couldn't even understand why he was kissing her but she knew this was real. He loved this just as much as she, he desired her. He wanted her.

Tugging him back she kissed his lips again but it didn't last because the performance was over and they killed it.

"What are you- oh! I'm sorry for that." The bodyguard apologised as he ruined the moment. 

Both of them turned to face him, flustered, flushed and disheveled. "But you really shouldn't be in here." He stated. 

Katherine couldn't speak, she didn't know what to say, her brain kept doing somersaults, Paul kissed her and it was mind blowing.

"Sorry about that, we were carried away. Wouldn't you be? If you were with such a beautiful woman." Paul asked.

"Of course. But you really should be leaving." He stated. 

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"Ofcourse. Ready sweetheart?" He asked turning to her, he was giving her that smile. Not the kind thoughtful smile but that wicked rakish smile he gave women he desired. She didn't know how but it empowered her.

Returning his sweet smile she reached up to his face, wiping his lips with her thumb. "Got some lipstick on you." 

"What would I do without you?" He winked. Pulling her closer to him and placing her arm on the crook of his elbow they walked out of the room. And just like that they walked in silence, she waited for him to say something, anything but he didn't. He didn't even look at her, not once.

She couldn't help the hurt she felt but she reassured herself with the fact that enjoyed that kiss as much as she did. Besides there much more important things to be thinking about now, like her father and.... whatever was more important she couldn't remember right now but she was sure there was.

"Where have you guys been?" Jason asked, when the walked back into the party. 

"What wrong? Why do you look like that?" 

"Jessie is missing, and so is George." Jason replied. "She might be in trouble Paul." 

"What do you mean she might be in trouble?" Paul asked.

"We should be asking Katherine that." Katherine eyes widened in shock. "You took my phone. So I have yours, what does this mean?" 


Hey, Katherine did you find anything?

00: 07

About the auction house?

00: 13

Did you find the office? Tell me something. I'm so anxious.

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