Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 318: 318. Naughty Girl.

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"Katherine?" Paul asked. "What is this? Weren't we here for your father?"

"Ofcourse we were but it was a good plan, killing two birds with one stone." She said softly. Feeling uncomfortable under the questioning gazes of both Paul and Jason. Jason's more of a glare.

"Do you still not understand how dangerous it is for you to look for that auction house? George guards that thing like diamond, it's literally the love of his life." Paul scolded her.

"I don't see the difference, we were already snooping in his office. What difference does it make? What we are looking for?" Katherine asked.

"You searched George's office?" Jason asked.

Paul nodded. "I didn't find any thing though" Katherine explained. "Besides, Jessie was no where near that office." She replied. 

"Then were is she? George isn't here either he hasn't been for some time." Jason said.

"Who left first?" Paul asked.

"Who do you think?" 


"Where the hell is it?" Jessie huffed angrily. This was the second office she was searching and nothing but boring papers and annoying reports. Anything, anything. One picture, a list of names anything!

This was getting riskier and riskier the longer she remained in this room. It was even due to Katherine and Paul that she was able to enter this room. While the guards were busy with them she was able to sneak in here. And yet she hadn't found anything yet. Nothing at all.

Before this became an issue she would leave, she couldn't waste any more time. Besides she didn't expect it to be this easy, she just hoped it would be the last time she would have to deal with that man. Goodness knows how badly she wanted to scream the last time he had his hands on her. 

Shutting the door drawers quietly she slipped out of the room, shutting the door.

"Oh!" She gasped when she came in contact with a big bodyguard. He reminded her of Sebastian, but had a really weird look in his eyes. One that sent a chill up her spine, she nodded at him.

"I just got lost looking for the bathroom. I'll leave now." She said quickly walking away but he wouldn't let her. Stepping in her way. Jessie chuckled awkwardly and tried to move in the other direction but he wouldn't let her.

"What.... what the hell are you doing?" She asked stepping backwards. 

"You're such a naughty girl aren't you, do you think that excuse would work with me?" He asked and Jessie's eyes widened when his sick gaze scanned her body with that sick intent and that disgusting smile that men wore when they intended to make horrible mistakes. 

"But I do like naughty girls, and damn you are the sexiest woman I've ever seen. No wonder they worship your body so much." He smiled licking his lips.

Ok that was it, she had heard enough, she turned around to run away but he grabbed her and slammed her aganist the wall. Air leaving her lungs forcefully he pinned her to the wall and began to grope her breasts and sniff her neck.

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"Ahhh!" Shs screamed. "Ahhh!!!! Get off me you asshole!!" She yelled on the top of her voice, struggling with all her might. But there was no use, there might have been hope to fight her away out of this but this man probably weighed three times her body weight. "Let go! Let me go you son of a bitch!!" 

"Shut it!" He yelled "you are making too much noise." He groaned. 

And that only lit a fuse as she screamed with all her might. The man lifted her up as if she weighed nothing at all. She struggled and clawed and screamed and fought but to no avail. The moment he carried her into that office the real fear set in like a bitter taste in her mouth and bad food in the pit of her stomach.

She began to thrash violently and screams and scratch and beg. Tears streaked out of her eyes and she struggled to fight him.

"Stop struggling!" He yelled, grabbing the neck of her gown he ripped open the front pulling down her chest and away at one sleeve. Exposing her right bra to him.

His large palm immediately moved to it and began to squeeze painful and Jessie winced at the pain, pushing down the bile that rose to her throat. She kept screaming and screaming until she started to become lightheaded. The situation scaring her even more she must not lose her consciousness with this brute barbarian. In the struggle her hands found a vase on the table he currently pinned her down on and with all her might she grabbed it and slammed it into his head. Shoving the groaning man she scurried away from beneath him and turned, fisting her arm she hit him from behind his crouched form right in the balls.

As he dropped to the ground and writhed like the disgusting snake he was she dashed out of the room. Stumbling as she walked out, her vision seemed uneasy and the ground was refusing to cooperate with her movement. 

But she knew that the blow she delivered was insufficient to fell that big of a man so she struggled with all her might. She just needed to get back to the party she just-

"Get back here you bitch!" He yelled and she screamed. 

She resumed her screaming. "Help! Please! Help!" She cried, using the wall for support she moved. "Save me please! Somebody! Please!" She cried. "Please..." 


"We are going to have to split up." Jason said, looking at Paul. 

"Fine, I'll take the left and you take the right, we'll work our way to the middle okay?" Paul said. And Jason nodded. 

"What about me?" Katherine asked. "I want to help." 

"And you'll help by remaining perfectly still." Paul replied. 

"That is not fair, I should like to think the era of putting women on the sidelines to fuel you foolish ego had ended." She said.

"And I would've have loved to think that the era of lying to your friends to fulfill stupid notions would've ended but here we are." Jason replied throwing his arms up in the air. "The two of you already made this mess so it's best you don't cause anymore inconveniences don't you think?" 

"Jason I-"

"He's right Katherine. Don't argue, please just... staying put is more beneficial for us. We wouldn't have to worry about you. And I doubt anything would happen to you if you stay with the crowd so just stay put."

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