Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 342: 342. I'm Not Okay.

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"Who was that? Who just let the manor?" Jason voice pulled Jessie out of her head and back into the world of the living. Blinking she got up and turned to face him.

"You're back early" she said, eyeing his loose tie and rumpled jacket. Wondering how he still managed to pull off the tired and worn out office worker.

Jasom shrugged, discarding his jacket he walked to her, pulling her to him by her arm, "I couldn't bare to stay away a second longer." 

Eyeing him with suspicion she pursed her lips and shook her head, "you just thought I wouldn't survive alone. Liar." 

Jason's eyes widened, "did you just call me a liar? After missing you all day like crazy? Even now you are right in front of me I still miss you so much it hurts." His arm slowly crawled around her waist while the other caressed her cheek. Using his thumb he stroke under her eyes, caressing the part just below her eye. He leaned down and took her lips in a gentle kiss, teasing at first.. Sending her an intense gaze as he broke off the kiss and kiss her again.

Then it started to get serious as their bodies began to heat up, Jessie leaned upwards, pushed herself further into his arms angling her head to give him more access. Jason arm around her waist moved lower down her waist to the swell of her hip, he hiked up her short dress and ran his finger up her naked skin. Sucking on her tongue, pulling moan after moan from her busy lips. The atmosphere was filled with noise of their light panting when they finally broke of, taking a break from eating each others faces.

Jessie shrugged, "what are you going to do? I'm telling the truth." 

"Okay, then if you are telling the truth then does that mean you're okay then?"

She was silent at first looking away from him she said nothing, then she spoke. "I'm not okay, I'm actually not. But these days I don't fell that crushing pain on my chest like I did when he died. I don't feel that never ending emptiness or the haunting of miserably falling without an end to at least end the torturous anticipation. Now I'm just angry and I know you asked me to trust you and let you handle this but I just... can't." 

Jason shut his eyes, leaning down he forehead connected with hers and his grip tightened, he felt fear, as if she might just slip away from his grasp at any moment. 

"Jessie that van was heading for you, if-"

"If what? Why did you stop? Finish your statement" she stated, stepping backwards out of his embrace.

"Jessie, it's not like that. I just can't survive it if you get hurt okay." He explained, stepping forward but she was quicker, evading his outstretched arm she walked to the side.

"And it's okay for Tony to have died? I'm supposed to be grateful and just sit here waiting for you to fix my problems huh? If I can be targeted what makes you think you can't? Why because I'm a woman?!" She huffed angrily. 

Jason ran his hands through his hair in frustration, "this is bigger than just Patricia Jessie, it's much bigger than the Lee's ans thay auction house, okay? Please just listen to me please!" He exclaimed. 

"Then tell me! Tell me because unless you want to resort to tying me to a bed I am not going to stop. You're not going to stop me, so unless you want me to walk into this fight unarmed and ignorant then tell me." 

Jason swallowed and looked away, before looking back at her. "I can't do that." He said.

Breathing heavily she glared at him with such anger, so much frustration, so much heartache and sadness. A look so intense it broke his heart, it hurt so bad it felt like someone stuck their hands into his chest and kept pulling on his heart. "Tony fucking died! What do you want?" She cried, "I am not okay, I am not okay!" Pushi her hair backwards she paced the room. "Jason can't you see me? Can't you see how much it hurts? Can't you tell? I can't not do anything, this is my life, my life! No one had to get involved, if I had the balls to just take the bulls by the horn, if I was just capable enough for fuck's sake if I hadn't... I don't know been so famous, antagonize Patricia like that then Tony wouldn't have had to give his life to save mine!" She screamed. 

Jason saw her, he did. He saw her fears, he saw her anger, her frustration he saw it all. But he knew how helplessly awful she would feel if she knew he sacrificed himself to actually take Patricia down. He had the evidence, he just needed to publicise it. Make it public, and it would be over, the entire world would see it, they wouldn't be able to ignore that auction house any longer. Jessie's story would be corroborated and Patricia would get what she deserves. If he could just get someone that could break the wall Paradise had setup.

But Jessie wasn't letting him keep a thing from her. She turned around and grabbed a decoration from the side os the pillar pulling it off she tossed it to the side. "Jessie what the fuck?!" 

"I'm angry, if you can't tell I'm showing you. I'm not staying on the sidelines, so tell me already, tell me now!" She yelled, walking back and forth looking for what to toss. And losing her step so she was staggering towards the edge of a seven floored manor!

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Jason longer paces had him by her side in not time, grabbing her arm and pulling g her backwards the both fell into the roof top pool with a splash. Plunging deep into the hot water, the both resurfaced panting and glaring at each other.

"Jessie please! Do my feelings not matter to you at all?!" Jason literally begged at this point.

Jessie shook her head violently as hot tears rolled down her eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I'm not okay Jason, I burning up right now! I can't do this, it's too overwhelming I just, I just need something to grasp unto. so I don't continue spiralling like this." She cried.

Jason swam to her, cupping her face with both sides of his hands. Wiping the tears from her face, and leaning down to place a soft kiss on her nose, her brows, cheeks and the moment his lips touched hers the kiss lost all gentility. Both of them too emotional to care, pouring their hot and blazing emotions into the kiss, one by one clothed began to come of. 

Jessie's brain was muddled, Jason's brain was muddled. They both felt so much and at this point they felt it physically as well. They bodies a light, the pleasure creating a temporary high setting their worries on fire with the heat of their passion. Suddenly she was aganist the side of the pool with nothing to separate skin on skin and he moved. Her legs wrapped his torso, head thrown back in pleasure and she shook violently aganist him. Jason took all of her, without reservations, he took her. His mouth on her hot skin, caressing the sensitive spots on her body with the skillfulness of his tongue, and his hands leaving burning tresses in the remembrance of their touch. Being everywhere and nowhere at the same time he sent her over the edge and followed soon after. 

It took several minutes and the sound of their panting filled the open air, breathed intertwining they gazed into others eyes, gauged the extent of their souls. Joined as one they looked at each other with so much... so much. It was shocking how intense this was but still it was comfortable because they were here with each other, just them no one else. Raw and naked, vulnerable. 

"I found out that Patricia kept records of a the women whose lives she had ruined. But I didn't have the access to it. Tony did, but if we were ever going to get it we needed her to be looking in the wrong place." He began, "so Tony approached her and began to blackmail her, saying she had a countdown to confessing before he exposed her to the whole world." 

"I had someone tail her and Ofcourse she went to her safe, where she kept it to check on it. And then I found out where it was, and Tony got it. But he knew Patricia was planning on killing him, I didn't know at the time, I realized what he was trying to do on the day he pushed you away from the second van. If you want to blame anyone then blame me, I was careless and now it's driving me crazy that even though Patricia thinks she destroyed all possibility of that video coming to light, I can't fucking post it." He explained. "There's a firewall around it, it doesn't get uploaded to any computer and I have tired everything, gotten every hacker but I can't even blame them. The people protecting that video can't be beat. They aren't even human." 

Jessie listened silently, tears streaming down her face, as she broke all over again. "I know someone that can beat anything when it comes to code." Jessie replied. 

"I don't think this would work. I mean every tech genius in the world is on this but they haven't been able to make anything of it. Do you remember Paradise?" 

Jessie nodded, "are they involved?"

"Seems like it, the technology they use in that place matched what is blocking the information on the hard drive." He stated. 

"But I thought you said it was a goo-"

"It's not!" 

"So that means you mother-"

"No! Not my mum, it got bad after she left, she would never do something like this." 

Jessie heart broke at the sight of his devoted devotion. "Fine, but I know someone who could give it a try." 

"Is she good?" 

"I think so... I mean we're not friends but I guess, the video in the Lee mansion on the Patriarchs birthday of Patricia, she did that." 

"Okay, who is she?" Jason asked.

"Lenora, Lenora Hastings."

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