Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 349: 349. I Can't Be With You Right Now.

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Twenty hours ago,

Jason was livid as he drove back, if he was speeding before then at this moment he was basically flying in the car. It didn't help that it was a sports car with engine manufactured for this particular function, speed. He couldn't believe it. She lied to him, she knew his mother was alive all this while, watched him suffer, struggle yet she remained quiet! And what was worse? She actually told Jonathan, fucking Jonathan.

It was a dark and stormy night, and the thunder was splitting the sky, but the rain wasn't falling. The rain was falling in people's heads, and the thunder was the sound of their screams as they realized what they had done. Jason ran into the house, and stormed straight to Jessie room, she wasn't there. Then he heard a noise in his room and headed there instead, open the door to see her in his shirt with her growing hair hanging limply in wet strands.

"Jason?" She called out softly, her clear eyes softening as her brows furrowed lightly in question.

A lump formed in his throat as he looked as the way she pouted her lips, and the way her hair hung limp in the air. She was so beautiful. It broke his heart a thousand times over, knowing she held such a lie. "Jessie... what did you do?" He asked. His voice broke as he spoke , the emotion he felt was overwhelming, he felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack.

"Jason? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jessie asked, the panic in her voice evident. Was he having another panic attack? She ran to him but as she reached out to him he flinched away, staggering back a few steps. "Jason?" She asked again, her voice quivering. "When were you going to tell me?" His voice was barely audible at first. "Jessie when were you going to tell me that my mother was alive!" He yelled.

Jessie eyes widened as she herself flinched back. "How did you find out?" she asked.

If looks could kill... Jason's eyes lost all warmth as he began to reply to her "does that matter? Is the fact that you knew my mother, the woman whose death caused me so much pain fifteen years later I still had panic attacks because of how much I missed her!" He yelled, angry tears dropping down his cheeks.

"Jason... I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. I-I just couldn't, I couldn't tell you. You were so happy, you were doing so much better. You were so happy, I couldn't tell you anything." She said, her voice rising. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." "I couldn't bare to see you back in that state suffering so much I..." her voice caught, unable to finish the sentence.

"Who are you to make that choice for me?! Huh? How dare you keep my mother from me?" He yelled. Jessie's eyes grew wide, her lips parted as she looked at him. "Jason, I swear, I didn't mean to keep your mother from you! I-I-I just wanted to protect you." She said, her voice cracking, her lip quivering.

"Protect me?! Protect me from what?! Protect me from the truth?! Or protect me from the truth about my mother? Because you know the truth about my mother, you know she was alive all this while. You knew all this time and you didn't tell me." he yelled, his voice thick with anger and hurt. Jessie's eyes grew wide, her cheeks flushed and her breathing quickening as she looked at him. "Jason, I... I didn't know if you would be able to handle it, I didn't want to tell you. I wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to see your mother like that, I didn't want you to suffer." "So you lied to me, you lied to me! All this time you knew my mother was alive, you watched me suffer, and you lied to me!" Jason yelled.

"Jason, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you. I didn't know how to tell you, she is not a good person Jason, I know how you looked up to her and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Gosh I am so sick of people telling how much of a bad person my mother was" he mumbled to himself. "Do you think I'm not aware? Do I really look that naive? I just can't believe you would keep away the only woman I ever loved from me."

Fresh tears fell down Jessie's eyes "and me? Who am I then?" She asked. Jason stared at her, his eyes narrowed as he stared at her. "You're the woman who broke my trust."

Jessie shut her eyes tightly. "Please, please don't do this Jason, don't push me away." She begged. Jason stood there for a few seconds, his eyes burning as he stared at her. His heart was breaking, his eyes stinging as he looked at her, unable to stop it, his legs moved on their own. But he wanted to hold her, so when his reached for her, cupping her cheeks in his arms. He leaned down and touched foreheads with her, tears streaming down both their eyes he just wanted to stay here and be with her but it hurt so bad. It hurt too much.

"I can't... I can't do this. I can't be with you, I can't be with you now." He said, his voice choked, he could barely get the words out. "I'm sorry Jason, please don't leave me, not right now." Jessie begged. "I won't leave you, I promise... but I can't be around you right now." He said, his voice breaking. Jessie stood there, her face contorted into pain, her eyes grew wide as she looked at him. Her heart broke as he left her, left her all alone standing in the empty room.

Present time,

When Jason realized that she was not going to tell him the reason why she was stalling he reached into his Jacket for his phone.

Celeste held it up in the air as she smiled at him from across the room, "looking for this?"

Jason's eyes widened and he reached forward to grab it from her while she stepped back holding it away from him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" He growled, walking forward, her son was all grown up. Before she could escape properly he grabbed her arm viciously and grabbed the phone removing it from her grasp. 

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But he couldn't make a call, he soon realized because the connection showed a stop sign, looking up again he found his broken sim cards in her hands. "I'm very thorough, this mother of yours, you can't use your phone right now," as though on cue, several armed men walked into the room blocking the exit. "You may have waltzed in here on your own terms but you can't leave just yet either."

Jason's head hung low before laughter began to wrack his frame, looking up at his mother with crazy eyes he fisted his palms and walked towards her, so fiercely that even Celeste felt her heart skip beats as he approached. "Who is it? What exactly are you doing?!"

She began to laugh as well, "oh son, I do not intend on ruining your surprise-" her statement was caught by the cold metal pressing into her belly. Wide eyes she stared at Jason, "my you really have grown, are you really my son? I did not raise you to be as insolate as pointing a gun at your mother!"

With a twisted smile and crazed eyes he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, spinning her around so her back faced his front he held her close to his body as he pointed the gun at her temple. "You won't kill me." Celeste spat at him.

"I won't but I'll do much worse to get out of here so call them off!"


Jason sped out of the paradise building with Celeste still in his car, tied up and annoyed. "I did not have to come along, you already made it out!" 

"Like I could trust you to actually let me go" He spat back. 

"I wouldn't kill me own son, whom I've been grooming all these years to take over from me just like that." She replied matter of factly.

Jason laughed, "like I would want any part of this twisted organization you've created, you're sick."

Celeste suddenly screamed causing the car to come to a screeching halt, "but you already began to head it and beautifully might I add, all of a sudden you are too good?" She scoffed, "don't kid yourself, you are only what I created! And you were beautiful, the perfect successor, after fifteen years you had become exactly what I wanted, a sadistic jerk that cared for no one but himself, and your desire for power was thrilling to watch. But then that bitch had to come and ruin all of my hard work!"

Jason stared at his mother in shock, "what?"

"Don't look too shocked Jason" she stretched her bound arms to push his hair backwards "you were such a soft bastard, always smiling and running after me, worse you cared about others. I was honestly surprised and disappointed in myself, how did I manage to give birth to such a child? I knew what I needed to do then, to mold my successor." She laughed to herself.

"So you faked your death and allowed a sadistic jerk like my father raise me." He finished.

"And it worked, it was perfect until you began to spend more time away from your duties becoming -god help me- a better man." She gagged.

And suddenly the question in Jason's mind was answered. Why would she keep me here? Who around me is a target to her?

"I always wondered why mothers hated their sons girlfriends, stupid conniving bitches that ruin plans they are" She spat mercilessly.

"Where is she?" Jason voice was calm but the rage and emotion beneath was heavier than the car there were in. 

'"By now? Gone."

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