Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 350: 350. Less Than Human

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The room was silent save for the quiet crying coming from the traumatised elder sister who had to watch as her even more traumatised younger sister be sedated in order for her to sleep. Suddenly that silence wasn't silent anymore, not when Jason came through through the door with the force that he did.

He didn't have to ask to know what happened, but even more it annoyed him to hell that he was the last to find out, even Paul was sitting on a couch in his common area when he walked in. Krystal's eyes held both accusation and hate for the man standing before her and before she could control herself she walked up to Jason and as though they moved on her own her and moved towards his cheek but he was quicker, quicker and angrier.

"I would be very careful right now if I were you." He stated in a chilling voice, his eyes sending terrifying burns everywhere he set his gaze and now it laid on Krystal. Every malice she felt evaporated as fear settled in it's place, and before long she broke down into hysterics again. Feeling too helpless and powerless to do anything.

"Stop bullying her, she's just worried about Jessie." Jonathan said sending a similar glare towards Jason, placed his hands protectively on her shoulder and she turned around to cry into his shirt as he embraced her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Jason frowned, "I need you to stop crying, we need to know what happened to Jessie exactly" Paul stated.

Krystal looked up and wiped her eyes, "Karen didn't come back from school the normal time. And when I mentioned it to Jessie almost immediately she got a call from George, he said he had Karen and if she didn't come he would make sure she- she... spent the rest of her life naked and tied to a bed. He gave her an hour to get to him and he gave her the address as well. We called you guys but nobody was responding." Krystal explained as both brothers hung their heads in guilt and shame.

Sending her own glare towards Jason she added "she never stopped calling you, but you wouldn't answer. Was the secret she kept more important than her life? Are you really so selfish and so heartless? She didn't mean to hurt you even if she did, she did it because she was trying to protect you!" Krystal screamed admist the attempts to stop her she said one final thing. "Her life was already difficult, but loving you was the worst thing that ever happened to her!"

The room was silent again and every one watched Jason, especially Paul and Kathrine, who just walked in from sedating Karen. Walking towards Krystal whom Jonathan put behind him protectively, aganist her own will he grabbed glass vase that sat on top the table and as Kathrine opened her mouth to protest he smashed in into the ground causing Krystal to shriek. Walking forward again he picked up another vase, this time ceramic, turning around he smashed it violently aganist the wall. Panting heavily he put his hand into his jacket, removing his phone he threw it at her, but less violently as he did the vases and without another word he left the room.


Jessie struggled in the van where she sat, what the fuck kind of day was this? Did George really do all that just to give her away to his henchmen to do what ever they wanted with her? Fuck this and fuck him. Clamping down her jaw at the bastard that groped her she gave a sadistic smile as he yelped. Groaning loudly as her head was pushed violently at an awkward angle, she raised her head staring daggers at the fool that just slapped her. Licking her lips she winced when she felt the sting of her skin spilt open, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. 

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Grabbing her hair forcefully she was forced to endure his less than appealing face be so close to hers that his breath fanned her face. "You sick bitch, I'm going to have fun with you." The man said, unknown to both of them the van had stopped and before she even had the chance to reply, his head and it's contents were suddenly all over her.

She fell backwards when his lifeless hands loosened their grip on her hair and his heavy body fell on hers as a river of red soaked her clothes. Bile fought it's way up her throat and there was nothing she could do to stop it, she felt horrible but everything she ate and it felt like it was everything she ever ate came out, out on the bleeding corpse of her tormentor. 

But that wasn't the end of the death, the hand that held the gun continued to fire until all the men in the van that brought her were dead, she didn't even know she was screaming until soft hands covered the ones currently pressing into her ears to stop her hysterics.

Jessie swallowed as she looked up at the grim reaper, she would never forget the expression that sat on his face, that sick smile of pleasure. While she was the one that looked like death because she was surrounded, coated even by it there was no mistakening who was the killer by the look in his eyes.

His excuse? "I ordered them to bring you to me, not touch you. The only person allowed to touch you is me, am I clear?"

At first she was lost of what to say but as he carried her out of the van she noticed that he was warning the other men that stood waiting outside.

"Can you walk?" He asked. And though she would rather be anywhere else in the world but his arms she would not lie to herself, "no" her barely audible reply came.

He didn't say anything but kept carrying, didn't even winced or flinch by the amount of blood that dripped off of her as he continued to walk. Jessie had never felt so frightened before, never in her life had she felt this terror she was shaking. Tears fell down her eyes in horror as realisation began to dawn on her.

Was this really going to be the end for her? It was more than possible for George to keep her here forever, he didn't even bother blindfolding her as he brought her here. And with the ruthless way he casually just ended the lives of four men told her that he was less than human. He scared her before but this was a whole other level. 

'Jason please come for me, please!'

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