Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 353: 353. I'm Not About To Give Up.

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Paul was startled no doubt by the loud banging on his door, it was 3:02 am and it was raining cats and dogs. He already concluded that it couldn't be anything good when he grabbed the lamp of it's stand as he headed to the door. Turning off the lights in his apartment he decided it would handicap the intruder. Hesitating for a bit he grabbed the handle and pulled it open ready to attack but a very familiar a very disturbing shriek stop him mid way, before he could inflict any damage. His gaze settled on a very wet, shivering and skinny frame. He would never mistake who it was but he was beyond surprised at the state of the woman who stood with a pool of water surronding her feet. 
"Kat-" his words where cut short by her lips on his. His eyes widened and his hands sat limp beside her for a moment he couldn't do anything, this was not happening, this was a dream he told himself but soon it was over, too soon. She staggered back a few steps and finally he met her eyes. Her glistening, red and tear filled eyes and he knew what he needed to do. He had a million questions but they would have to wait, grabbing her hand he tugged her back to his body and slammed his lips onto hers, his searing kiss heating up her warm body. His hands cupping each side of her face delicately he spun her around without breaking contact and walked her backwards into his apartment. Kicking the door shut behind him he proceeded to take off her wet clothes, plop! Her dripping jacket was the first to go. But she helped him, she kicked off her boots and the moment she was done his hands snaked down her thin frame, down below her ass and with one fluid movement her hoisted her up, Kathrine wrapped her legs around his slender torso their lips began to move aganist each other. 
His tongue plunging into her mouth with such frevency encouraging and nugding her to so same, she adhered and soon her body met with a hard surface and soon his hands where free to roam. Snaking beneath the wet fabric of her sweat shirt he pushed it up and they seperated breifly to get it out of the way. As she sat before him with only the thin fabric of her white t-shirt between them Paul suddenly regretted turning off the lights. But Katherine wasn't leaving any room for thinking, when she pulled him back to her welcoming him with an open kiss.
A soft moan escaped her lips as shivers ran up and down her spine as his warm fingers met with the naked skin on her stomach. She instinctively flinched away when his hands met with her naked sides causing Paul to halt and look up into her hooded eyes. This really was Kathrine in his arms no mistake, she was always ticklish, apparently a sexual high didn't dampen that. And as much as he was enjoying this it was too good to be true, too fast, too intense. If he ventured any further he didn't know how much more self control he could display.
"Katherine, what the hell is going on?" He asked softly, his hands cupping her nape bringing her forehead down to meet his. His eyes looking straight into hers, even with the poor lighting he could see her pain. She was not okay.
Pushing him backwards she reached down to grab the hem of his shirt, "I didn't come here to talk" she whispered aganist his lips pushing up his shirt. 
"Seriously not going to speak to me?" Paul yelled as he ran after Katherine, trying to keep up with the loud thump thump of her heels aganist the gravel. Not once did she turn around, with a forward ever strut she headed straight past the labryinth of cars in the underground parking lot and headed for the black sedan that sat in a corner. Until her strut was interuptted by Paul's strong grip on her wrist, spinning her around.
"Let go!" 

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"No, not until you speak to me, gosh I'm losing my mind, speak to me Katherine. I can deal with anything but silence from you." Paul pleaded.
"I don't have anything else to say Paul, just... let me go and I mean that both literally and totally." She stated bluntly. 
Paul let go of her arm, combing his hair backwards he looked everywhere but her, till he looked at only her. "You know I can't do that, especially not now, not when I know what I'm feeling. I love you, I love you does that mean nothing to you?"
Katherine's eyes narrowed into slits,  and she pushed aganist his chest. "So what?"
Paul face scrunched into confusion and he sighed in frustration, "So what?! Is that all you have to say?'
"What do you want me to say? Your not the only one who has been in love, you've been in love with me for what? Three weeks? I loved you for twenty years, what do you say about that? Like a fool, everyday... everytime" she paused, swallowing she shut her eyes for a moment, blinking open she continued. "I would let you hurt me, with your ignorance and naivety. But I would tell you this right now, I didn't tell you I loved you so you would love me back, I was ending every form of emotional attachment with you" she said.
"I was done being hurt by you" she interrupted. "I am done being hurt by you. I'm ready to live my life as a free woman, because goodness knows I've been hurt enough by you. So I could care less about you love for me. Now if you would excuse me, I just finished a fifteen hour surgery and I need sleep ." She finished snatching her hand out of his and walking away. Leaving a dejected man behind her, but Paul wasn't one to give up.
"Fine, punish me for my stupidity, I was stupid to repress my feelings for you all this while, but I know you don't mean that. I know you still love me." He said as she walked away. "You waited for twenty years, I would wait for you till I die because I am madly in love with you Katherine.. And I'm not about to give up."

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