Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 352: 352. Never Be The Same.

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In that dark deary room sat four young girls the oldest couldn't be more than twenty, and what was worse the sat there in the most scantily clad lingerie that covered nothiing that they might practically be naked. Jessie couldn't tell if they where scared or cold with the way they shivered, she concluded that it was probably both of them. 

"Even minors? You traffic even minors?" Jessie asked retorically, her answer, answers where sitting right in front of her. "But your auction house was raided!" She screamed in frustration.

"That's right, you really have cost me a lot haven't you?" His voice remained cold and emotionless but his eyes on her reveiled his every emotion to her, turning to her he walked her backwards until she couldn't move any further, caged between the wall and his powerful frame. Leaning downwards Jessie felt overwhelmed by the emotion she noticed in his eyes. "Perhaps I might really be mad to still want you after everything you've done, but somehow I can't bring myself to kill you. You wil probably refuse this but it wouldn't hurt to ask." 

Jessie breathing hitched the moment his forehead touched her and he looked straight into her eyes with those dark ones of his. "You will never leave this place, you will never see Jason or anyone that you love." He began and Jessie bit her lips in anger and frustration at his words but she was shut silent by his imposing yet deep gaze striking straight into her soul. "Why don't you love me, be loyal to me and I swear you would want for nothing, I would make you happy as happy as you would make me. Then no one has to get hurt, not me, not you and not those girls."

Swallowing she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards "and if I don't?"

He smiled again, she hated that smile. "You would make it difficult for yourself and those girls."

"And you?"

"Regardless I'll get what I want, weather you love me or not, I will have you. In my arms, in my bed, screaming my name over and over, day after day." He said matter of factly and even though she knew why she was here, hearing him say it brought tears to her eyes. She was screwed.

"Fuck  you! Fuck this! I don't give two shits what happens to those girls, you won't control me, I won't let you?!" She screamed tears dropping from her eyes as she shoved aganist him, strugglimg aganist his firm grip.

His grip only got tighter as he pulled her into the room and pressed the buzzer on the wall so she could hear what went on behind the sound proof glass. A man dressed in a black suit walked in and she saw the terror in the girls eyes as he walked to them. Pressing down on a button with Jessie still in his grip he gave orders.

"Pick the youngest one." He said and a girl of not more than eighteen was grabbed and pulled aside, shoved out of the room to another one. And immediately light came on at Jessie's side and she turned instinctively only to see the man dragging the little girl. 

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"What are you doing? What is he doing?"


The girl screeched as he bent her over a table pushing her legs apart with his he unzipped his pant and pushed her down, holding her down with his hands gripping her neck tightly. Jessie saw the hopeless broken look in the girl's eyes. She looked lost, distant and tired, she had given up. She didn't even struggle.

"Wait! Stop!! Please, stop!" She scrreamed banging on the glass, turning to Jason she ran to him, grabbing his arms she cried desparetly, fear taking over her rationality she begged. "George please, please tell him to stop I'm begging you please!" She cried desperately, but he said nothing, did nothing. 

"I'll do anything, I swear I'll do anything you want from me, please just let her go, let her go!!" She screamed at the top of her voice. 

"Ofcourse you would do anything" he stated confidently, "now turn around and watch what you caused by daring to punch me, pushing me away, not kissing me back, biting down on my lip. Turn around and watch!" He yelled causing Jessie to crumble to floor in an undignified hip.

And like a signature move he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up, ignoring her scream of pain. Turning her to look at the glass he held her to himself, supporting her weight. Leaning forward to whisper into her ear, "you better keep your eyes open if you do not want to watch this happen to another girl."

And look she did, never in her life had she felt this way before, she couldn't even understand it, she couldn't comprehend it and as if the girl was looking directly at her Jessie couldn't move. It was as if she felt all the girl felt and more. At this point her hatred for the man holding her up was insignificant at the moment. Jessie knew that no matter what happened she would not leave this place with her sanity intact. She would never be okay after this.

It felt like forever but it was finally over, but it seemed to Jessie that it had only begun. The girl was too weak  she had to be carried out of the room but not by the same man. The bastard walked away the moment he got of his sexual high, discarding her like a piece of paper. 

Only after that did George let her go and the moment her feet touched the ground she staggered, pale from terror, weakened by her own overwhelming emotions caused by this terrifying trauma. She caused that, she did that to that girl. If only she had kissed him back, if only she didn't shove at him. That girl wouldn't have had to go through such devastating trauma. If only, if only, if-

"Hey!" George yelled reaching forward to catch her before she hit the floor, her limp body falling into his arms as darkness stole her.

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