Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 42: 42. You'll Be Dead.

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Katherine winced when she heard the screaming coming from the VIP ward. The patient in room 1103 had been screaming and insulting everyone, spewing threat left and right since yesterday. She heard the clutter of plates and she shook her head when the nurse came out looking distracted and angry.

Katherine smiled at the nurse that was probably only holding the frustration because of the status of the patient. Goodness knows she wouldn't be so understanding or patient, even if the patient was the president, okay too far, she couldn't blow up at Mr. President. But anybody else.​​

The nurse was just about to close the door when a ceramic plate came flying out off the room hitting her in the head and falling, shattering to pieces as it came in contact with the floor.

Katherine was outraged, who exactly did this person think they were?! Stomping into the room she was definitely going to put this person in their place.

"I thought I said I wanted to be alone!" She screamed.

Katherine tilted her head at the woman sitting on the bed, she couldn't see her face. She was wrapped in bandage from head to toe. Only a bit of her eyes were visible, "look here miss. What right do you think you have to treat someone like that? What exactly do you think you are?" She asked.

The woman scoffed and glared at her "What the hell is this? Who the hell are you?" The woman asked.

"It doesn't matter, don't act like you're God. Just because your richer than someone doesn't give you the right to act like a barbarian! Do you think the people serving you are animals or what?" Katherine asked in shock.

"I could bury you, do you know that. Infact I'm going to bury you... what in heavens gives you such audacity to speak to me like that!" She screamed.

"Hey! Look here, this isn't your company or your father's property, you have no right here. Stop acting like such a bitch!" Katherine yelled back.

The woman's jaw dropped in utter disbelief. What exactly did this woman think she was, talking to her like this.

Katherine walked closer to her. "Look I'm not asking you to apologise because I know that's going to be asking too much. But I hope you realise this is a hospital and the doctors and nurses that just save your life can so easily take it as well. If I were you I wouldn't be too bold." She leaned down to look the woman directly in the eyes.

"Hmmph you're bluffing, you don't know the trouble you'll be in if anything happens to me. This hospital would be done for, buried in lawsuits forever." She spat back.

Katherine smirked and looked at the woman. "But you'll be dead, it doesn't matter what happens after, you'll still be dead." Katherine said slowly. "And besides, we are doctors just as we know how to save lives, we also know how to accidentally fake real medical deaths. No one will suspect anything trust me. I'm saying this for your own good." She put her hand by the woman's ears and looked at the door, searching for witnesses.

"You see, I heard the staff in charge of your care, contemplating killing you. I wouldn't be so terrible if I were you. This people hold your lives in your hands, be nice to them okay." She said before standing straight and walking away. But not before throwing a wink in her way.

She smiled as she shut the door walking over to see her patients, message delivered, mission complete.


Patricia was beyond baffled. Who was that? That woman had the audacity to threaten her. 'Wow Patricia how far you've fallen. First your attacked in your spa and now? A ballsy doctor is threatening you?' She scoffed at herself.

"She must be a cooperate heir as well, right? There's no other reasonable explanation, why would she speak to me like that? I mean.. I'm still Patricia Lee right?" She said to herself.

Deciding to her some sleep she laid down and shut her eyes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes later she couldn't get any shut eye. She kept replaying the threat in her head.

When she finally fell asleep, she saw the black haired woman, the doctor from earlier tap her awake. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Shhhh.... don't worry it'll be painless." She smiled at Patricia wickedly.

What? What are you doing?" Patricia asked panicking.

The woman took out syringe with a clear substance. "What does it look like Patricia?"

"What are you doing?!" Patricia yelled.

"Well Patricia I warned you, you've been a very bad girl." The woman laughed wickedly.

"No, no I've not done anything wrong! I promise, please please." Patricia cried.

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The woman looked surprised, before grinning cynically "tch tch tch. Don't add lying to your crimes Patricia, you've been a really bad girl. What did you think was going to happen? After lying to everyone like that, I know about Jessie Marin. I know you killed that driver not her. I know you lied about her body and you sent her to a whore house. I know it all!" She laughed loudly.

"What? What?! I didn't do anything please. Help me!" She screamed, sobbing she suddenly realized that she was restrained to the bed.

"Admit Patricia, admit it. You killed that driver, you framed Jessie Marin. Admit it!" The woman screamed.

"No! No! I didn't do anything please!"

"Okay then, say that to the devil when you reach hell." She said piercing the IV drip that flowed into her blood.

Suddenly Patricia couldn't breathe and the woman laughed loudly.

"Please! Please! I didn't do anything!" She gasped for air.

"Miss Lee? Miss Lee!" The nurse shook her.

Patricia jerked up with a scream, panting heavily she looked around for the woman, it was only a slightly freaked out nurse she saw. She looked at her hands, they weren't restrained.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?"

"Get me out if here!!!" She screamed.


"Have you heard?" Katherine friend asked her. Kim Sun always had the latest gossip in the hospital and never failed to inform her friend.

"What about?" Katherine asked.

"Patricia Lee is threatening to sue the hospital." Sun said.

"Why? I didn't even realise she was admitted her." Katherine said, totally interested in the hot gossip.

"Well according to her, she said a female doctor threatened to kill her, and accused her of all manner of things." Sun informed her friend.

Katherine eyes widened, oh gosh! She was the female doctor. What was she going to do if they found out it was her? She was so dead.


"She doesn't have a name yet, and apparently the descriptions she gave are very vague." Sun explained.

"So what now?" Katherine asked.

"Well if she can't identify the culprit then there's no case, besides the nurse in charge said she was talking in her sleep."

"What does that mean?" Katherine asked already shaking in her scrubs.

"The doctors are trying to convince her it's was her imagination and a side effect of the medication she on." Sun sighed.

Katherine bit her lip and began to pray that they didn't investigate. Why didn't she wear her face mask? Ugh! She was in big trouble, very big.


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