Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 43: 43. Big Trouble.

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"You're already up?" Jessie asked, as Jason descended the stairs. Looking as handsome as ever in his navy blue suit.

"Of course I have work to do." He said, "Why do you ask?"​​

"No reason" She shrugged, "Just thought you would have a hangover this morning."

"Nah... I don't have those, I take painkillers before I start drinking." He said curtly.

"Of course... only you would be so cautious." She shook her head.

"The question we should be asking is what are you doing?" He asked, seeing her in an apron throwing different things into a pot.

"What does it look like I'm cooking" she smiled and winked at him.

Jason looked at the rolex decorating his wrist to make sure he still had time to spare then dropped his suitcase. "You're cooking?"

"Yes. Don't sound so surprised. I've always wanted to learn how to cook, but never really had the time." She said.

"So what are you making? That doesn't seem like what someone would normally eat for breakfast."

"It's hangover soup. I was making it for you." She said slowly.

"For me?" She nodded.

"Last night..." he trailed off. Jessie ears got hotter and she kept pushing her cheeks because she was sure the were turning pink. Her heart picked up a pace and she wasn't sure how to act.

"No yesterday, where were you?" He asked.


"When I came home last night you weren't here, and don't even lie. I know you weren't with Katherine." He stated bluntly.

Jessie blinked, then swallowed hard. That certainly took a drastic change of scenario. He didn't mention the kiss, did he not remember it? She wondered. Deciding to try something she spoke up.

"What do you mean? I was home all day." She said.

"No you weren't."

"Yes I was, you were probably just too drunk to remember anything." She assured.

"I didn't start drinking till I got home."

"Oh yeah? So what happened last night then? How can you explain that?" She asked.

"Last night? No way" He muttered. "Did I make a mistake last night?"

"You really don't remember?" She asked.

Jason sighed then scratched the back of his neck like a school boy, an action that made her smile. 'Ugh... he could be so cute sometimes' she thought.

"I don't remember anything, I was pretty wasted. But tell me, did I do anything wrong?" He asked again.

"It doesn't matter, if you can't remember. Forget it, it's not important." She said.

"Okay then. But you still haven't told me where you were."

Jessie frowned so much for changing the topic, should she tell him what happened last night? No. She can't.

"I told you I was here. You probably didn't notice when you got back." She insisted.

Jason didn't believe her, but he knew if he pushed it she would get defensive and careful. He needed her to think he believed her. Eventually he would find out the truth.

"Alright then. So are you going out today?" He asked.

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"Uh.. I don't think so. I'll just stay home today."

"Fine. I'll see you later then. Take care." He said walking out.

Immediately he was out of the house, Jessie turned of the stove, and ditched the apron and ran upstairs to his room. She still hadn't gotten clothes. So she took a big shirt of his, it fell to her mid thighs. With the sandals from yesterday, a big black coat and her signature mask and cap and headed out after him. It was time to go to the hospital.


Katherine made a mad dash for the elevator. If she stayed in this hospital one more minute she would lose her Job. And probably go to jail. She couldn't be here any longer. The hospital staff had ordered all the female doctors on duty, during the Patricia Lee incident report to her room. If that woman saw her she would be absolute toast. She would make up an excuse some other time but right now, she couldn't be here.

The elevator began to go down, but it opened on a floor inbetween. She was so freaked out at who it could be until she saw the person wearing such a big coat in the summer. The person stared at her for an unnatural length of time, she was waving as well.

Katherine frowned and stepped backwards.

"Katherine it's me." The person said pulling down the nose mask.


"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Remember I'm not really dead." She smiled.

"Of course I know that." Katherine let out a nervous laugh.

"By the way what are you doing here?" Jessie asked.

Katherine narrowed her eyes at Jessie.

"I should be asking you that. Didn't you come here to meet me?" She asked.

Jessie was startled, so this is where Katherine works... Wow small world.

"Of course, of course." She lied. "I did come to see you, of course."

"Huh" Katherine said her tone full of disbelief.

"Why do you look pale? Why are you shaking?" Jessie asked.

"DR. KATHERINE PARK, DR. KATHERINE PARK. REPORT TO THE VIP WARD, ROOM 1103" The voice from the intercom buzzed.

Katherine gasped, leaning on the elevator wall for support she paled.

"Katherine what's wrong?" Jessie asked.

"Ahh... Jessie I'm in big trouble." Katherine cried.

"Why what happened?" She asked.

"Come we can't talk here" Katherine said grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the elevator. They walked a while before they found a closet and she pulled them in.

"Katherine what's going on?"

"I'm in big trouble Jessie, I threatened a patient and now she is making a big scene." Katherine said, biting down on her lip.

"What did you say?"

"I told her that we could very easily end her life in this hospital. Don't look at me like that... she deserved it." Katherine pouted.

"The patient is VIP? How could you?" Jessie shook her head.

"I didn't know who she was at the time, and she threw a ceramic bowl at a nurse." She spat.

"Well then, who is she then?" Jessie asked.

"Patricia Lee."

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