Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 61: 61. Jackpot.

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Paul held Katherine close as they watched the police do their job. He knew he would have a lot on his plate this coming week. There's no way he would let the press get to know about this, it would cause his thriving business to take a u-turn.

'Song memorial hospital cannot even protect it's staff, how is it supposed to protect and save the lives of it's patients'.​​

He shuddered at the thought of the headlines that would pop up from this incident. As much as he would have loved to advertise and publicize this incident to tell the killer they were being watched. It would be too detrimental for the entire hospital and he didn't know if they would survive the scandal.

The detective stepped out of the room from behind the yellow tape, "we will need to interrogate you both the police station as well since you're our only witnesses." He said.

They both nodded.

"Wait, detective." Paul called him. "Um Detective..." he looked at his name tag "Detective Anderson. Can I have a word with you in private?"

The detective looked sceptical at first but reluctantly agreed.

"I would like to insist that you keep this incident confidential from the press." Paul said to the detective when they were away from public ear.

"I assure you sir, it's already in our job description to keep all our investigations confidential." He affirmed.

"Yeah well you say that, but we all watch the news. I wouldn't want a situation where I would have to sue."

Jamie narrowed his eyes at him. "Are you threatening me?"

"Of course not, I'm only saying you should do you're job properly." Paul replied with a slight shrug.

"I always do my job properly." He insisted.

"Look I'm not here to argue with you, I'm the director and head of the board in this hospital. And I'm sure you realise that I can sue if I suffer loss due to this incident. All I'm saying is that you should do your job properly this time." Paul sighed shrugging.

"This time?"

"Don't act all innocent and moral, it's no secret thanks to the press that you were the detective in charge of Jessie Marin's case." Paul informed him.

"And your point is?"

Paul opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, if he told the truth he would expose Jessie to the police. Even though she didn't kill the driver, if they found out she was alive she'll definitely be arrested. And he couldn't have Jason murder him when he was facing a scandal.

"Never mind, just do your job and keep the results away from the press." He stated firmly.

"We definitely will, that what police do. Find justice and protect the people who only care about profits." Jamie said with a sarcastic smile, walking away before Paul could reply.

Paul furrowed his brow as he watched the exiting detective 'did he just imply that I don't care for Steve?' He wondered. Shaking his head he went to go find Katherine so they could head to the station.


"I can't go in?" Lenora scoffed at the receptionist that refused to let her enter the hospital.

"No ma'am, we're currently working on a situation and can't let visitors in." The woman informed her.

"Look miss, what if I'm sick and need attention?" She asked.

"Then please take a number and wait in line. It's clearly not an emergency." The receptionist informed her.

Lenora frowned, turning around to look at the long line she shook her head. No way she was going to be getting in, even in three hours time. Did sick people decided this was the night?

She walked back out of the hospital, scanning the surroundings, how would she sneak in? Was the situation that bad? That they had to prevent even visitors?

She looked around then saw a staff entrance. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and she went it, the hallway was dark but she could still see where to go since they was light coming for the end of the hallway. Following the light she made sure her phone was recording, she walked into what looked like a locker room.

She opened a locker after too unsuccessful tries, smiling when she saw the contents of the locker. "Jackpot!"

Without wasting any more time she stripped and changed into the green scrubs, stuffing her clothes into her purse. She took her phone and put in her pocket, putting on the mask she walked out.

"Hey! What are you still doing in there? There's a vomit situation in the west wing, room 2900." A plump pretty woman yelled at her. Judging by her purple scrubs, she was probably a nurse.

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"Uh... bathroom break?" She laughed nervously.

"Well chop, chop. We need all the help we can get tonight." The woman replied.

"Why? Did something out of the ordinary happen?" She asked, the reporter in her pushing buttons.

The woman eyebrows narrowed and she frowned. "Stop asking me stupid questions and go do your job."

"Sure, sorry for asking" Lenora blurted as she began to run in what she hoped was the right direction. Since the woman didn't stop her she assumed she was going in the right direction.

She got lost severally but managed to find the room, it was the radiology wing. "Wow this hospital even has a special wing for cancer patients." She marvelled.

Her face fell as she walked across the rooms, seeing all the sick people fighting for their lives. When she found room 2900, she pushed the door open slightly.

"Oh my gosh" she whispered under her breath when she saw the patient. It was a kid, he didn't have any hair on his head, and she assumed it was because of the chemotherapy.

"Are you my new nurse?" He asked.

"No, no. Um... I'm here to clean up." She smiled softly.

"Oh? I'm sorry for making a mess." He said.

She walked up to him and cupped his face. "Aren't you such a sweet thing. It's no problem, that's why people work here to clean up." She said.

"People? Aren't you also part of those people?" He asked.

She laughed softly "you're very inquisitive aren't you."

"I try my best." He shrugged.

"What's your name?"

"Min ho. I'm twelve." He said bluntly.

"Well, Min ho. My name is Lenora, and I'll let you in on a little secret. I don't work here, actually I'm a reporter and I'm here because of a story." She said.

"Really?" He asked wide eyed, she nodded.

"Wow, so you speak on TV?" She nodded again.

"What's your story about?"

"I'm investigating the death of the dead actress Jessie Marin." She said, surprised at her honesty with this strange child.

"Hmmm... I've heard about that. I wish you luck." He said.

"Thank you so much, I'll clean your room now okay?" She said and he nodded.

She grabbed the mop and bucket that had surprisingly been sitting there. "I wonder who brought this?"

"The nurse that was checking my vitals earlier. Something suddenly came up and she had to go." He said.

All they had been talking about this evening is about this strange thing that happened today, turning to Min ho. "Do you know what happened?"

He shook his head, "But it must have been pretty serious, because she never leaves me, especially when I throw up."

"What did she say before she left?"

"That she would come back as soon as she can, but she would send someone here to clean up."

That must have been the purple scrub woman, perhaps were they all on edge because of the homicide? 'Of course Lennie, someone was killed in this hospital' She scolded herself. 'But who? And how? I have to find out.'

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