Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 62: 62. Ticking Time Bomb.

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"What are you thinking?" Patricia asked her uncle, his pacing was making her unsettled. She wasn't very sure that their plan was going to work, but she also wasn't sure it wasn't. After they deleted all their evidence, and even if the police where able to trace all the cameras that were turned off to her room they would only have circumstantial evidence.

"Who could have purchased the actress? I need to find out her buyer, that will be the start to determining her location." He said.​​

"Isn't that simple? Just go through your records" Patricia shrugged.

"It's not that simple. If I could just go through my records do you think I wouldn't have noticed a famous actress in my accounts?" He asked her the ire in his voice completely evident. "Nice one neice, dragging me into this. I will certainly never forget this and will act accordingly."

Patricia gave his a sweet smile. "You know for someone making a threat, you words are incredibly proper."

"Really? I don't blame you for thinking that way, afterall you're barely upholding or acting like a Lee. Why should I be surprised you think my speech is 'proper' hmm?" He shook his head.

"Are you talking to me about propeity? Mighty coming from the man that just killed someone." She said.

George narrowed his eyes at her, "Don't tell me death makes you squirm. Wow, that's very interesting."

"Death does not make me squirm, I just don't enjoy doing the deed by myself. That's what the hired men are for. Why should I get my hands dirty when I can simply sit and watch." She said.

"Whatever, I've certainly stayed longer than I intended. I will be seeing you very soon Patricia. Goodbye and yes... call father." He said.

Patricia frowned and rolled her eyes. "Do I really have to?" As he opened his mouth to reply her she interrupted him. "I know, I know. I don't have a choice. No need to lecture me, good bye." She said laying down and turning away from him.

Goerge straightened his suit and walked out of her hospital room.


"Are you going to call Jason?" Katherine asked as they drove back from the police station.

"What do you think? I have to, this does not only involve us. Jessie is in trouble as well, although that was no secret." Paul sighed, he was not eager for the call. Goodness knows how Jason would react.

"Do you really have to call him?" Katherine asked softly, turning to look outside the window.

"I mean, there are so many reasons we can refuse to tell him." She said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"First of all, I think Jessie has been through enough already. I don't want to burden her conscience with the fact that we caused the death of a man. If we hadn't done what we di-"

"Katherine." Paul called softly. Parking the car, he turned to face her completely. "Look at me" he said as she tried to avoid his eyes. "It's not your fault."

"Stop saying that, stop protecting me. You said it yourself I... my foolishness killed that man." She said her eyes welling up with unshed tears.

"I... I wasn't thinking when I said that, I didn't mean it." Paul sighed.

"Exactly Paul, you weren't thinking. Meaning you said the truth, when you think you lie, when you're in your right mind you tend to hide the things that can hurt me." She said. "You've been protecting me all my life, and I understood why, I always accepted it because I thought I was innocent I deserved to be protected. But not this time. Paul you don't have to protect me anymore, I am wrong I should face the consequences."

"Hey, don't say that. We have no idea what happened in that room, and we have no way of knowing. You didn't pull the trigger that killed Steve, you didn't do anything wrong. You stood up for a helpless person being bullied and you tried to fight injustice. Don't blame yourself for Steve." He explained.

"How are you so calm? You were close to him, I know you too had a relationship." She said softly.

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"Hey, don't make it seem like we were dating or something" He laughed softly.

She slapped his arm "how are you laughing right now?"

"Hey that hurt!" He exclaimed. "Ah!" He yelled as she hit him again.

"Look, I'm upset. And I promise I'm going to find the culprit and punish them. Steve was my friend and I'm definitely going to avenge his death. And you my dear are not to blame okay?" He said.

"Whatever, are you still going to call Jason?"

"Do you still not want me too? I already told you, it's not your fault and it's not Jessie's either."

"Just because you said it doesn't make it true, and that's not why?"

"Hey... you've really changed, you were never this hard to comfort" He pointed out.

"Yeah, because my problems never involved a dead person, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm afraid Jason might really lock Jessie up if he finds out about this."

Paul nodded, biting his lip. "You are right about that, he's unnaturally concerned for that woman."

"Right. Do you think he's starting to have feelings for her?" Katherine asked.

"I hope not" Paul said firmly.

"Why not? I believe they'd make a nice couple. Each taming the other." Katherine insisted.

Paul shook his head. "Jessie is a ticking time bomb, it's not in any of our interests to be around her."

Katherine scoffed "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look she's basically a refugee. To the world she doesn't exist, if the public does find out about her being alive, she's going to prison. The scandal it's going to cause... it's going to shake the entire country. Not to mention the most powerful people in this country are after her." Paul replied.

Katherine's Jaw dropped in shock and she shook her head. "I really, really don't believe you just said that. How is it any fault of hers, she is basically a victim in all this. And what if she manages to find evident to prove that she didn't murder that driver?"

"It doesn't matter, if she's the victim or the perpetrator. Even if she's cleared of everything the scandal would still be to big and scary."

"So what? Jason should abandon her? We should just abandon her?" Katherine asked.

"I'm not saying we should avoid her, not like it's even possible anymore. Were already involved, your on the Lee's radar now and my hospital was used as a killing ground. Even if we wanted to step back now we can't." He stated.

"So what the hell are you saying" She said, more aggressively than she would have intended.

"All I'm saying is that I've never seen Jason lose his cool before. Ever since Jessie came into his life he has been an emotional mess, always getting angry and the only thing emotions get you in our world is dead or broke." Paul replied.

"Well I'm sorry to say, but I'm happy that Jessie makes him behave the way he does. At least he's not all cold and distant as he usually is. And how would you ever understand? You don't know what love is, you can't understand him." She scolded him.

Paul scoffed "and you do?"

Katherine laughed 'a lot more than you think, dummy'.

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