Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 64: 64. Card.

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Lenora bid the little kid goodbye and promised to come visit him again, hoping that she wouldn't get too busy and forget. She pushed the bucket into the elevator, pressing the top floor, she left the chemotherapy and radiology wing. When the elevator dinged on another floor, for someone to get in she noticed the floor had a lot of green scrubs in it.

"What happened here?" She asked the lady that walked in.

"Are you new here?" Lenora nodded.

"Yeah well, so I'm I. Apparently there's talk of some top secret thing that happened on the 47th floor." She shrugged.

"Top secret how?" Lenora asked.

"I have no idea, no one does. Infact the entire floor is locked. And apparently all the head nurses are nowhere to be found." She sighed.

Lenora knew that going to the scene of the crime would be impossible, and she wouldn't even want to run into Jamie. So she decided if it really was homicide, the body would end up in the morgue, if it hasn't already. She would go to the morgue.

"What floor is the morgue?" She asked.

"Uh... it's below, -05." Nurse replied.

"There a five floors below?" Lenora asked in disbelief.

"Twelve actually, this is an impressive hospital I must admit." The nurse nodded. When the door opened again she left.

Lenora finally noticed all the buttons that had minus on them, pressing the button for the morgue she went there.

It was surprisingly not quiet as empty as she would have thought. They were doctors or people that looked like doctors walking to and fro. She kept walking, refusing to admit to herself that she was hella confused.

"Hey, take this to room 508." A doctor shoved a plastic bag containing clothes in her hands quickly. Before he could walk away she stopped him.

"What I'm I supposed to do with it?" She asked, still clutching her bucket, afraid to let go of her only prop.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm in such a rush. Just place it in there, the label and tag is already in there. It's the belonging of the deceased." He said.

"It still looks fresh" she commented talking about the blood that coated the clothes.

"Yeah because the death is still fresh, I've got to go. Thank you." He said rushing off.

Lenora pursed her lip and began to look for room 508. If this death is still fresh and the clothes aren't hospital gowns... "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed. 'This must be the dead man's clothes.'

Her steps quickened and she rushed to look for the room, pushing the door open she shut but behind her. Ripping open the ziploc she put on gloves that sat in her pocket and removed her phone to take pictures.

As she pulled the clothes out something fell out and dropped hard on the floor. "A recorder?" She bent down and picked it up.

She gasped when she heard footsteps, shoving the clothes back into the ziploc she fled the room. Deciding to call it a night, it would be impossible to get to the 47th floor this night. And it would be more impossible to get anything out of Jamie. So she just hoped the recorder had something in it.


As Jessie wheeled her cart in the convenience store downstairs, she could hear the angels sing hallelujah when she walked past the candy section. She hadn't been very active the past month and although her manager wasn't here to check and seive everything that entered her mouth she couldn't get herself to indulge in chocolate. So she quickly wheeled past there and ended up in the cereal section. This should be fine right? It's is cereal afterall.

She grabbed two different boxes and went to buy milk again avoiding the sugar. She was terribly hungry when she woke up this morning, it was already past eight and she didn't have the confidence or shamelessness to go ask Jason for food. Besides it seemed he was sleeping in, because she couldn't find him anywhere and his room was locked. So she decided to come down stairs and get fast food, cereal.

Heading to the counter making sure her hoodie and mask where perfectly covering her face she placed her items on the counter.

"That would be 12 dollars miss." The salesman informed her.

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Nodding she put her hand in her pocket to pull out her card, but she couldn't find it. Her eyes widened, she smiled nervously at the guy not that he could see. She searched her large hoodie frantically not finding the card anywhere.

"Is there a problem miss?" He asked.

"I don't know... I can't seem to find my card." She said.

"I'll get it, bill it to my card as well." A voice said from behind her.

"Oh no no you don't have to do that." Jessie said turning around to see the good samaritan.

'He's cute' she thought with a small smile. 'But I can't accept his help, I'm shameless when it comes to Jason, no one else.'

"Please let me, it's just 12 dollars don't worry about it." He insisted.

"Ah... you really don't have to do that, I live in the building I can just go get my card." She said.

"Will you just accept his help already? We've got places to be!" A woman shouted from the line.

Jessie scowled at her, then looked back at the guy. Bowing she thanked him as he paid. Grabbing her bag, she left the store in a hurry. She needed to find that card! That was so embarrassing.

Slamming the bag on the island, she ran upstairs and searched her entire room. Her phone was there, her laptop and everything else. But no card, where was her card!

"Looking for this?" She froze and spun around Jason leaned against her door frame, one hand in the pocket of his plaid trousers and the other holding up the credit card. Wearing a smug smirk on his face.

"Ah... it's my card!" She squealed running to grab it from him, but he stepped back and held it higher. She frowned at him, "what is this? Give it to me."

She tried to jump but she couldn't grab it since he continued to move it in different directions. After a while, Jessie bent over and leaned her hands on her knees panting, he was still grinning, looking effortless with his hand in his pocket.

"You took it didn't you?" She accused him.

"Why do sound so surprised? I already told I was going to last night." He stated matter of factly.

She brows narrowed and lips tensed as she glared at him with sad anger. She opened her mouth to speak but words failed her so she closed it. Glaring at him with contempt, "what do I need to do to get my card back?"

"Your card?" He asked with a small laugh.

"Fine the card, the card." She said.

"Hmmm.... what do I want? What. Do. I. Want?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "That's easy, stay away from Patricia Lee and her crazy family."

Jessie huffed.

"Before you say anything, remember. You were born and raised in luxury, you one of the highest paid actresses. It's safe to say that you can't survive without money, so think about you response carefully." He said.

"Why do you always do this?" She asked.

"Do what? Try to keep you safe?"

"I can't with you anymore, I just can't!" She screamed walking into her room and slamming the door in frustration.

Jason laughed walking to the door, he knocked on it. "Get ready and come down. I'll take you shopping."

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