Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 65: 65. Nightmare.

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Paul groaned when he heard the doorbell ring, he slept in his apartment the night before because he just could not face his mother. He was totally sure she was the one at his door. She hated it when he stayed in his apartment, her last son should always be close to her she would always say.

He wasn't ready to see her outside. As he walked to the door and checked the video cam, he saw Katherine.​​

"Katherine?" He asked in surprise as he opened the door.

She walked past him and started to pace his living room, one hand on her waist and the other under her chin. She appeared disheveled and disturbed as if she was in deep thought.

Paul shut the door slowly, as if cautious of startling the woman before him. "Katherine? Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm not okay!" She snapped, halting any movement and turning to face him. "And I know you're not either, Paul, Steve is dead. Like he's never coming back, and I'm so paranoid right now I couldn't sleep all night. It's either I see his face or Patricia Lee's face, it's so scary." She shuddered.

She did indeed look like she hadn't slept all night. Katherine wasn't a woman that was vain, she didn't normally put as much thought as other women do into her appearance. So long she looked neat and proper she didn't care much for fashion. But today, it looked like her wavy black curls hadn't seen a brush, and she had bags under her eyes. Not to mention she came all the way from her house in her slippers.

Paul squinted to look at her face, at least she washed it.

"Aren't you like a doctor? Shouldn't you be used to death by now?" Paul asked as he walked to kitchen to get a coffee, because he needed one this morning.

"Yeah people I don't know dying sure." She said, hot on his heels.

" Pfft. You didn't know Steve till yesterday" Paul pointed out.

"I-I knew him!" She huffed angrily. "I just... did not like him."

Paul scoffed, "please no one disliked Steve, he was the most charismatic guy in that entire wing." He stated, sadness evident in his statement.

'Because he liked you' she thought ruefully, not that she could tell him that or that it even mattered.

Shaking of the thought she decided to change the subject but her mouth had other plans. "How are you so calm about this?" She asked him. "Steve was your friend."

"You think I'm calm? Hell Katherine I want to kill Patricia with my bare hands, but it's not time. Besides Steve was my friend but protecting you is more important. We can't act irrationally right now." He said.

Her heart jumped after his statement, but she couldn't help feeling guilty for about it.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely avenge Steve's death." He assured her.

The door bell rang again, "who's that?" Katherine asked.

Paul shrugged, walking to the door he turned around quickly. "It's my mom!"

Katherine's eyes widened, and she began to look for places to hide. After running to his room and hiding behind his desk she began to pray.

"Mom, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" Paul asked his mother as she walked into his apartment.

"Must I have a reason to visit my favourite son?" Mrs. Song asked as she looked around, scrutinizing everything.

"Mom, it's 7:30 in the morning. I should be asleep." He stated bluntly.

"This is why your business is facing such a terrible scandal. Jason Kang never sleeps till 7:30 in the morning. Look how the Kang business empire is thriving."

Paul rolled his eyes, so typical for his mother to compare him to Jason. "Well mom, how sure are you about this information? And besides Jason is the eldest Kang son, I'm the last. I was basically born to play." He shrugged.

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His mother glared at him. "Is that the kind of attitude I raised you to have?" She nearly screamed. "Is that the kind of attitude you have towards the hospital?"

"Mom, sit. I'll bring you tea, and for your information Jason goes to work around nine... ish. Besides I'm doing a pretty good job for a lawyer running a hospital." He smiled.

"I still disapprove, you know that right? It's not too late to go to medical school like your brothers." She yelled from the sitting room.

"Mother, I'm 28 what I'm going to do in school? Besides I have an MBA as well, a hospital is still a business afterall." He yelled back as he made her cup.

"Just make sure you don't disappoint your father, he will not hesitate to give the hospital to your eldest brother. You know it was supposed to go to him." His mother cautioned him.

Paul sighed and continued to make her cup. After a short while, he walked into the living room with the cup. The tray almost dropped from his grip when he saw his mother sitting with Katherine opposite her. He managed to safe the tray in time but it still didn't quell his shock.

He looked at Katherine who avoided his gaze but refused to met his mother's eyes, this was a literal nightmare.

"Care to explain?"



Mrs. Song stared at the painting that hung from the wall of her son's living room, he definitely had her taste. But she still could not understand why he decided to get an apartment, granted it was all the rage this days. But he wasn't one to follow trends.

She heard vibrating on the couch and turned to check, pulling out the phone she frowned when she saw the caller. Jessie Marin? Wasn't the actress dead? Her curiosity got the better of her and she answered.

"Hello? Katherine?" The caller said, Mrs. Song eyes widened and she cut the call. 'This is Katherine's phone, which means she must be in this house'.

She stood up and walked into the rooms, heading to the one that Paul used first. She made sure she was quiet so she wouldn't startle Katherine and make her run.

As she entered the room she shut the door opened the wardrobe, checked the bathroom and everywhere. When she couldn't seem to find her she went back into the bathroom and closed the door slightly, looking out a bit.

Katherine saw an opportunity, she would sneak out while Mrs. Song searched the bathroom. Unfortunately, Mrs. Song had the upper hand, she locked the door.

Ad soon as Katherine turned the door knob and the door wouldn't budge she panicked, it was over. Before she could run back Mrs. Song glared at her with her arms folded, leaning on the bathroom door frame.

"You whore, did you really think I wouldn't find you?" She asked walking closer to Katherine.

"I promise it's not what you think?" Katherine said, eyeing her possible escape routes.

"And what do I think? What do you expect any sensible person with eyes to think?"

"Look I promise, I only hid hear because you hate it when I'm around Paul-"

"And yet here you are." She stood in front of Katherine, cornering her.

"Look moth-" Mrs. Song palm stopped her from saying more. Katherine held her ringing cheek but didn't look up.

"Don't you dare call me that. How many times have I told you to stay away from my son! And you've had the guts to not only blatant disobey me but lie to me. What did you say? There's nothing going on between you and my son?" She asked.

Pulling her arm, she moved her away from the door, still holding that arm she dragged Katherine into the living room and ordered her to sit.

"This ends today."

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